imagine #26

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Ok!!! This is for shipitorripit!!!!! A fellow pony fan, go request on her book!! I did!! Ok, here's a pic:

Okay, here's pony:

Ok, this is Jason Waud, but he looks like pony? Jk, ok! Here's the real pony:

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Ok, this is Jason Waud, but he looks like pony? Jk, ok! Here's the real pony:

Ok, this is Jason Waud, but he looks like pony? Jk, ok! Here's the real pony:

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heres one more I promise!!:

Yup!! as always, Feel free to screenshot!!!!!

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Yup!! as always, Feel free to screenshot!!!!!

Hannah's povvvvvv**

I was in the hall about to exit the school, when all of a sudden four socs surround me. " hey hon, why don't you come with uss, " one slurred. "No.." He went to grab me and I hit him and then he grabbed my wrist. "Someone helpp!!!" I called out but the soc out his hand over my mouth. Then when I though all hope was lost Ponyboy Curtis came to my rescue. He punched the soc in the stomach. Then he grabbed my hand and sprinted with me to God knows where; the socs chasing after us. Finally, he abruptly turned a corner and we were in the library. We hid behind a bookshelf.

"Hi," pony said . "Hi, youre Ponyboy Curtis right?"

" Yes, that's me. " he said as he reached over to the bookshelf and grabbed The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. " oh! I love that book!! He's a wonderful author. "
(really, I love that book!!!)

"Oh, yeah, he is... Have you read The Call of The Wild by Jack London?"

" Yeah!! I've also read White Fang by him! "

"Me too! Gosh, it's like we have everything in common," he said. I was looking at his perfect face and hair; he was truly handsome. I wonder why he's still single. (Because he doesn't use his head lol)

Ponys pov because I totally forgot!!***

I was staring at her gorgeous face. She was truly  beautiful. She seemed so smart too. I consider being smart very attractive. I think I'm going in love.  Anyway!! We continued talking about books when she asked me: " so.. Are you single? "

"Ummmm...." I could feel my face heating up. But I answered truthfully . " yes, I am. "

"Oh, me too..." Then there was silence . Then I asked: "Hannah, would you like to go out with me sometime?"

" I'd love that Ponyboy Curtis. "

Okay!! I didn't know how to end it lol. But yeah!! I hope you liked it!!!


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