imagine #7

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This is for soccer_queen4! Hope you like it!!

This is for soccer_queen4! Hope you like it!!

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Olivia's pov*

I was walking up the steps to the Curtis house to see my boyfriend Darry. He is the sweetest guy ever! He takes such good care of me. I love him so much. When I approached the door, I was going to knock but then the door opened before I could. " Hi Olivia! It's so good to see you my love, come on in, I got a surprise for you, " Darry said. " really? What is it, " I hate surprises. Then he takes something from behind his back,it was a little circular red box.
He handed it to me. " open it up, " he said, so I did. It was a gold sand dollar necklace! It was stunning. " oh my gosh! Darrel Shayne Curtis!!! This is beautiful!! But how did you-"

" it was my mom's, I thought you should have it. There's a note too, " he said. Darrel is soooo sweet!! Oh my gosh it's gorgeous!!

" darry, it's gorgeous! Help me put it on-"

"Read the note first!!"

" ok, I'll read the note, '' so I look in the box and there's a little note that said:

Dear Olivia,

You are my everything. I can't wait to marry you one day. I love everything about you. I love your smile, it lights up a room, l love how you are always so positive and kind, I love the way you look when you yawn, its the cutest thing. You will never understand how lucky I am to have you in my life. I love you more than life it's self. You're the love of my life. I love you Olivia.


    I had tears in my eyes. He is just...just..... There aren't even words to describe how I'm feeling right now. I looked up at him" Darrel, I love you too, " I cooed. " let's get this on" he picked up the necklace, I held my hair up, and he clipped it on." I love you Olivia." That was the best surprise ever!!

Hope you liked it soccer_queen4! Because Darry really loves you!


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