imagine #4

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This is for Greaser1315 and JohnnyCadesGirl!
Hope you guys like it!!

This is for Greaser1315 and JohnnyCadesGirl!Hope you guys like it!!

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Skylar's POV:

I was walking to the D.X. Station to meet up with Soda after his shift. He's taking me out tonight. I'm currently dating the hottest guy in Tulsa! I love him so much, he's the sweetest thing! Just sooooo romantic!! I think he likes me a lot!

When I approached the D.X., I peered in the window. Soda was talking and laughing with  Presley Cook from my school! I just ran to my friend Gaby's house crying. He said he was taking ME out!!! I am infuriated!!!! She'll be able to calm me down.

At Gaby's house*

"He's probably just being friendly. " Gaby reassured.

" maybe.... He just doesn't like me that much.... Maybe he doesn't think I'm pretty enough.... Maybe he-" Gaby cut me off.

" Stop with this nonsense! He loves you more than anything!! Really! "

" Really? "

" yeah, is someone jealous? "

" no, " I said; then blew my nose hard into a  tissue. Then I looked into a mirror. My mascara was all over my face in black smudges.

" go confront him about this! He'll understand.
I'm telling you He wants to be with you and he loves you. "

" can you come with me Gaby? "

"Sure I can , that's what friends are for."

At dx*

Me and Gaby barged in the D.X.. I stood a little behind Gaby. " SODAPOP PATRICK CURTIS!!!

" Oh....... Um... I'm sorry.....uh.... Skylar, I'm so so sorry.... I love you! "

Me and Gaby were side by side arms crossed giving Soda a death stare. " you better be, I'll leave you two alone. " Gaby said and winked at me and started for the exit.

"Hey, Gaby?"

" yeah? " she stopped and turned around .

" thanks''

" no problem, any time. " then she was off.

I turned to Soda. " I'm so so sorry, I was just being nice Skylar, really,'' Soda pleaded.

" I believe you, " I said. His desperation put a smile on me face.

" I love you Skylar, " Soda cooed.

" love you too, "

" you still up for dinner, " Soda asked.

I giggled. " of course, " I replied. And then we were off to a lovely dinner.

Hope you liked it JohnnyCadesGirl! Thanks for the idea!!

And to Greaser1315, I added you in there too! Hope you liked it!!


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