imagine #25

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Ok!!! Yayyyy!! I got a request from johnnybender!! So yeah! It's been a while, well, 3 day actually lol. But yeah!! here's a pic of Johnny:

 But yeah!! here's a pic of Johnny:

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Okay, so I don't have any just Johnny, its so Tommy Howell lol

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Okay, so I don't have any just Johnny, its so Tommy Howell lol. but 2 gang pics should suffice lol. Ps Bob sucks.

Danny's povvvv***

I was in science and the teacher was assigning partners. As always, me and Johnny got paired with each other. Me and Johnny have known each other for quite some time, we met in the playground when we were four. So we've n known each other for twelve years. That's a long time.

Me and Johnny were sitting next to each other. Then he nudged me with his elbow.
"You wanna meet me at the vacant lot after school? We can brainstorm ideas for the project,'' he asked.

"Sure Johnny."

At the vacant lot johnny's povvvv***

I was sitting there with Danny and we were laughing and talking; not really getting the project done, but whatever we have a week to do it. I was staring into her beautiful eyes. They were full of laughter and excitement. I loved it when she laughed. It was the most soft and sweetest thing. She was also the most gorgeous girl in Tulsa. I just love her, more than a friend, but I don't know how to tell her..

Danny povv**

I was laughing at something Johnny said and I was having such a good time. Johnny is the best listener and friend; then I remembered the project!! "Johnny, shouldn't we get started on the project?"

" Oh! Yeah, we should.. " he said, slightly blushing. "Ok, I'll read first," then I got my human science book out of my bag and began reading. "The average human head weighs eight pounds and..." ( I got that from Jerry McGuire lmbo idek)

Johnny povvv***

Danny's sweet voice was reading the paragraph from her science book; but I wasn't paying any attention. I was too preoccupied with being transfixed with her
Beautiful face. Then, I couldn't wait any longer. I had to tell her how I feel.


" yes Johnny? "

Then I got really nervous, and thought I shouldnt, what if this ruins our friendship? What if she doesn't like me? You know what? I'm gonna go for it. What's the worst that can happen?

"I love you, and I've loved you forever, and I just think you're so beautiful and smart and funny and you're my shining star and I am in love with you Danny, and always have been. Ever since we met in that playground twelve years ago.. I've loved you. And I hope you feel the same way Danny," it felt amazing to finally tell her how I feel. Then, she stood up, and said to me: "Johnny, I love you too." I was the happiest man alive.

Ok!!!! Great!! Hope you liked it! I didn't know how to end it lol. But I hope it's okay. Stay golddddd!!!!


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