imagine #18

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This is for HorseboyCurtis! I hope you like it!!

Here's a pic of our favorite greaser! Feel free to screenshot lol!

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Here's a pic of our favorite greaser! Feel free to screenshot lol!

Pony's pov*

I was in the library, and then, I swear I saw an angel! She was the most gorgeous thing! I had to go and talk to her! " excuse me miss? Did it hurt when you fell from heaven, " I asked. " umm, uh, hi? "

" sorry, I'm Ponyboy, you? "

" Emri, " then I shook her hand. " nice to meet you Ponyboy, I gotta go, see you around? "

" yeah, "

The next day, in the library*

I couldn't stop thinking about Emri! How could one forget her? She is so beautiful! Then, I saw her at a table, looking over her math book, she looked so confused. So, I took the liberty of helping her.

" hi! You need any help? "

" Yes please! Thank you! "

" sure, so, which one are you stuck on, " I asked. I took a seat next to her. " number  eleven, " she said, I was looking into her blue eyes, they glimmered, wow she was beautiful. " Hello? "

" yes, um, instead of multiplying, you have to divide 1,536 by 72. "

" ohhhh! "

Emri's pov*

" I got it! That makes so much sense now! Thanks! "

" you're welcome, you wanna come to my house later after school? "

" I would love to! " oh my goodness! I'm going to go to Ponyboy Curtis' house! I can tell that he likes me, and I like him too! I should tell him!

At ponys house!*

" Guys this is my new friend, Emri, be nice! "

" ok, ok horseman! We'll ease up a bit, " said one, then he gave me a wink. There were  seven boys. Pony introduced them as: dally, darry, soda, steve, two-bit, and johnny. They all said their hellos. " hey pony? Can I talk to you for a sec, I'm private? "

" sure, " then we headed to ponys room and closed the door. " I love you, so much Emri, I think you are so pretty! And smart, and funny, and I just, I love you! "

"Oh my gosh, pony, I love you too!!!'" Then he hugged me and asked me: " dingo, Friday at 6:30? "

"I'd love that.''

Ok, I hope you liked it ! I went a little off Request.  StAy gold!


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