imagine #11

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This is for Greaser1315! Hope you like it!!

This is for Greaser1315! Hope you like it!!

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There's the collage!!

Gabys pov*

" Gaby, " Johnny asked me. " yes johny? "
" I was wondering if you would want to go on a walk with me? " I was a little taken back by his confident he sounded. It wasn't the usual Johnny. But I liked it. " sure, just let me get ready first, " I said. " you look perfect already, why do you need to get ready, " he asked. " I just want to put on my necklace and change my top, thats all, " then I went to my room. And I went to grab a necklace, but I can't decide between my heart, anchor, or arrow necklace.
So I just chose the heart, changed my top, and went out to the waiting Johnny in the living room. " I'm johnny, I'm ready. " " I love that color on you Gaby, you look so p-pretty. "
" thanks" I said blushing. " let's go! "

Then we were out the door, hand in hand, talking and taking a normal, but special walk. Then we stopped by a tree.

" Gaby, I love you so much, you are the best girlfriend ever, and I have the most goofy smile on my face whenever I see you, you are the most beautiful thing that's come to earth, you are the love of my life and I hope I can have the honor of marrying you one day, I am so luck to call you mine, I love you. " I had tears in my eyes, I never thought he could be so poetic. He is the best boyfriend. " I love you Johnny, " and then I hugged him tightly. That was an amazing day.

Ok! hope you liked it Greaser1315! Because Johnny really loves you!! Xoxo!


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