♥︎𝘪 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘹

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bang. That's all. Another bang. They where firing, one bullet after the next, and despite the danger, we where all in utter bliss. But then came a louder bang, and my world exploded into black. monochrome shapes, white shadows. noises. they're talking. french. Lafayette.

I see my friends joking, laughing as I'm pushed along. I watch as pigments fly across the sky, well- the black inky abyss.

I was a rebel. I was excited. I was going to live my life. I was going to have my love. I was John Laurens. I was something. but now I'm nothing. nothing.

|time - skip|
I sit with my head against the wall, listening to my love and his wife argue. they always argue. my love is leaving, I'm following. I always follow him. but this time it's different. across the river for New Jersey. he has his gun. I wish he listened to his wife. i watch the man standing opposite my love for a while, he looks like he's having an internal battle. "Theodosia.. Theodosia... Theo- I'm so sorry Theo..." is all he's mumbling. Theodosia. i remember Theodosia. dead. like me. left to aimlessly wander and follow her love for all eternity. to hurt when they move on. to cry. the man aims. my love raises his arm
[i] look him in the eye aim no higher. summon all the courage you require. then count..
to be honest, i felt a little happy. I finally get to be with my love. but I wanted to stop it. I needed to stop it. My head hurts remembering it. i didn't succeed, but I'm not scared. not terrified. i have my love. he is mine.
We're gone. A file that's been corrupted. deleted. forgotten.
One blink and we disappear, surrounded by bright lights laughter. Hercules and Lafayette.
and we're gone again. like dust. wiped away. no more laughter. just screaming. red fire aluminates my surroundings. me love. tears. no more Lafayette. no more Herc. soft lips against mine. We utter but one word. a simple word. but full of meaning. full of emotion.
"Goodbye my love."

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