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Prompt : 2, page two of prompts.
"You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat
Requested by : @greyisswag
Ship : mullette
Disclaimer: some of you might've seen that one shot. T h a t oneshot. I've unpublished now but be aware, me and mullette don't have the best relationship when it comes to writing smut. I will try my best :)
disclaimer 2: laf will be trans in this because i wanna write stuff like this :| also ;; power bottom laf is best laf

Herc whimpered as he struggled to get away from the hand around his neck, twisting and turning under Lafayette as he cooed and pressed kisses to his cheek. He felt his throat closing up, his neck feeling raw as he stopped struggling. God, he loved this. He let out a long and slow exhale as the hand finally left his throat, and laf admired the mark he left. Hercules slowly slipping his tongue out, laf liked it when he did that, delighting in the kiss it resulted in. Not like it was a rare occurrence, they kissed a lot, but when they were intimate the kisses were extremely different and heated.

Their tongues danced for a while, about two minutes before laf pulled away and left herc a needy mess. "Awh... Already so needy pumpkin?" Laf cooed, squeezing hercs cheeks in his hands and kissing his nose. Hercules only whimpered in response, nuzzling against lafs hand. Laf let out another 'aw' as he grinded slightly, letting his hands slip up to his neck again, rubbing it gently before tightening his grip, letting a giggle escape his lips as Hercules's face quickly turns red and he starts trying to squeak out small moans. "You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat  baby~ squeezing you so tightly.. watching your pretty little diCC twitch and harden even more for me. Mm daddy wants to ride you so bad.. is that okay?"

Herc immediately nodded, tears pricking the corner of his eyes as laf finally released his grip allowing him to breathe. Hercs pants were the first thing pulled off, followed by his shirt. Laf paused quickly to flick his tongue over his nips. Laf kneeled down, taking hercs dikc in his mouth, letting all his spit drip down it. He wasn't gonna allow himself to ask for prep, he was definitely ready to ride his baby. He wanted to get hercs dick wet enough to ride. "Hng~ laffy... Hurry I'm gonna c-cum.."

With that, laf pulled away, a long string of saliva still connecting him to hercs diiick.  Herc let out a few soft moans, staring at laf with a little bit of druel dripping out of his mouth as he watched him get changed. The shirt and binder were the first to go, thrown carelessly across the room as smooth round breasts spilled out, and then it was the shorts and ~ panties ~,  also thrown carelessly across the room. Laf leaned down, kissing hercs forehead, dangling his tits in his face [besties help I'm like literally writing this in school 😟]. Herc didn't seem to mind, happily getting little licks on the soft flesh. laf moaned softly, grinding against hercs c0ck.

"okay,' daddies gonna ride you now, okay?" Laf asks, waiting for hercs nod. When he did, laf kneeled with his legs either side him, pulling himself up a bit and slowly sinking down. Hercules couldn't help but thrust up into him, whimpering as the warmth covered his dick. Laf hummed and shushed him, "there's no need to be so needy little one~" he grins, bouncing up and down after a minute of getting used to. He forgot how big herc was.

"Mmf.. you're so big. You're doing great baby~ just let daddy ride you, Cheri." Laf kissed hercs cheek, grabbing his hands and placing them on his breasts. "Yeah that's it.. play with daddies tits while he uses your huge c0ck~!"

It didn't take long for hercs to cum and for laf to squirt everywhere. He stayed on hercs softening dick for a bit, trying to catch his breath. He pulled off it once he got his breath back, rolling over and wrapping his arms around hercs chest.

"That felt so good laffy..."
"I know honey, I know.."

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