Kitties 〖kingbury〗

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Sorry I know this is gonna be really short but like :p I've got smut to write so h e r e. I got lazyyy
Req by : @junipersr

req by :  @junipersr
ship :  kingbury
type : fluff
warnings : none 😌 iz pure (i got lazY)

Sam anxiously stepped inside the room, "king" George had asked him to come too. He frowned in anticipation, wondering what the heckity heck his boyfriend wanted. George wasn't here yet, Sam wasn't surprised, he was always late and Sam was always early

He didn't have to wait long, however. George came running in only five minutes later. Entering with a loud "SAMMY!!"
"hi George."
"How you doin sammyyyyyy!"
"eh. What'd you want anyway."
The kings eyes suddenly lit up as he left for a second. sams face showed nothing but confusion when he came running back
"I got a kitty!!"
George pulled out small calico cat and then a black one "correction : two kitties. Do you wanna help me name them?" Sam g a s p e d, and immediately picked up the kitties. "Georgie theyre adORABLE!" He pet the little calico gently, kissing his forehead "I love they are babies,,"
"Do you want one I have a white one too" George then pulled out a white kitty. "I do not know what to name them can you help?" The famous Georgie pout. "Of course silly! The calico will be addy, the black one is charcoal and the white one is angel,"
Sam slumped onto the couch holding both Addy and Charcoal, Georgie soon following with Angel. Sam smiled, satisfied with their little family

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