Chapter 8

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In Spencer's defense, he never said when he'd be back, but I was disappointed when I didn't hear from him until the next day. We have similar jobs, I know how taxing the work can be. I was at my desk when my phone rang.

"Y/l/n", I answer.

"Dr. Reid's office, returning your call", Spencer says over the line. I laugh, excited to hear his voice.

"Are you back home?", I ask.

"I am. I'm upstairs, actually, so if you want to pay me a visit..." I gasp in mock-offence.

"That's extremely inappropriate, Dr. Reid. Talk about an abuse of power." Spencer's cute laugh filled the speakers of my phone.

"Come over tonight if you really want to see an abuse of power", he says, trying to be seductive.

"Ew, that makes you sound like a creep", I cringe.

"You know what I meant", he laughs.

"I know", I say. "We still have to finish what you started."

"What I started? I'm the one who still has yet to finish. I've been on edge for three days, it's torture! I can't stop picturing you laying under me, begging me to make you come", he said quietly.

"I didn't beg you for anything. At most, I asked you, but I certainly didn't beg."

"Well, we're going to have to change that, won't we?", he teased.

Just as I was about to reply, a third voice chimed in on the line.

"Hey, munchkins", a bubbly voice says.

"Uh, G-Garcia! W-what's up?", he asks nervously.

"Just wanted to let you two know that this is an inappropriate use of work phones."

"Were you spying on us?!", Spencer exclaims.

"Not at first. Hotch wanted to know who you were on the phone with for so long. Congratulations, by the way."

"Garcia", he whines. "Please don't tell anyone."

"Don't worry, sugar, your dirty secrets are safe with me", she giggles before hanging up.

"I am so sorry, Y/n", he starts.

"Hey, you don't have to apologize. It's just as much my fault", I reassure.

"Oh no, I'm not apologizing for the phone call. I'm apologizing for how sore you'll be tomorrow." I can hear the smirk in his voice and I want nothing more than to kiss it off of him.

"Shut up, Spencer."

"Make me", he says.

"Goodbye", I laugh before hanging up.

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