Chapter 14

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I smile to myself as I walk up to the bar. I bend down to scoop some ice from the icebox, and when I stand, I feel a large presence behind me.

"Some show you put on", Hotch says.

"I learned a few tricks in my college days", I laugh.

He puts his hands on my hips as he tries to get past me, his front rubbing up against my ass despite the open space behind him.

I look up to see Spencer walking quicker than usual towards the bar. He leans over the counter towards me and makes a come hither motion with his fingers.

"Closer", he says.

"What do you-" He cuts me off.

"I'm going to talk and you're going to listen, do I make myself clear?", I nod. "You have been nothing but a bratty little tease all fucking night. I'm not sure if I haven't given you enough attention or if you really are this much of a slut, but either way you need to knock it off."

I haven't known Spencer for a long time, but I have certainly never seen him nearly as angry as he is right now.

"It was a dare, Spencer. It was just from fun", l tell him.

"I'm not just talking about your little dance. I mean, why are you trying to fuck my boss?" I am taken aback.

"Where did you get that idea?" Spencer scoffs. He runs a hand through his hair and licks his lips, obviously trying to draw my attention there.

"Jesus, Y/n, do you think I'm blind? He practically groped you while you were dancing and I just saw you two over here now. I think you've forgotten who you belong to."

Ah, there it is. If Spencer wanted to punish me, I'll play right along.

"Last time I checked, I don't belong to anyone. Do you see a collar around my neck?", I retort.

"Should you really need a collar to be reminded that you're mine?"

I lean closer to him, so our noses are only centimeters apart. I drag my finger over the prints I left on his neck.

"You know, with all these marks, you look more like mine than I do yours."

He grips my wrist tightly and slams my hand down onto the counter, making a loud slapping noise.

"We're leaving"

"What!? I'm not ready to leave-"

"If you make me repeat myself one more time, you won't have any orgasms until next month, understood?" I nod my head.

I stand slightly behind Spencer as he says his goodbyes to his friends. They all tell us to have a fun night, clearly reading the energy between us.

Spencer practically drags me to the car and opens the door so I could climb in. Once I had my seatbelt on, he walks around to the driver's side and gets in.

He puts his hand on my thigh, but it's not rough and possessive. Instead, it is warm and comforting.

"You know I'm not actually mad, right?", he asks quietly, as if he said it too loud, the scene would be ruined.

"I know. We're just playing."

"Do you still want me to punish you when we get home? If not, I can put on a movie and we can watch that together instead."

Always such a gentleman.

"I want it", I whisper.

"What do you want?", he counters.

"I want you to punish me, Daddy."

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