Chapter 28

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We landed and immediately went to the police station. I was thankful that it was only minutes away, because a car packed full of FBI agents is very stuffy. The case was pretty common; a spree of murders all taking place between eleven PM and five AM, the victims all prostitutes.

"I'd think the unsub would get tired of killing the same type of victims every time", I say to the others.

"This unsub most likely believes he is cleansing the Earth of evil, and killing sex workers is a great way to do that in his eyes", Morgan says.

Hotch lays out pictures of the victims' bodies on the table and I am slightly shocked by the amount of blood I see.

"Each victim was killed with a different MO, so it's very likely that our unsub has multiple personalities", Hotch tells us. "Reid, I want you to stay and search hospital records, Y/l/n and Prentiss, I want you to go to the first crime scene, Morgan and I will go to the second and Rossi and JJ will go to the third. We'll meet back here at three to discuss the profile."

The drive to the crime scene is much less awkward now that it is only Emily and I in the car. We have comfortable conversation, trying to keep it light given the nature of the case.

"So I take it things are going well between you and Reid?", she asks.

"They really are", I smile. "I've never been in love like this before. I thought people like him only existed in my wildest dreams, and sometimes I have to pinch myself to remind myself that he's real."

"Don't let him go. There is-was someone that I felt that way about, but I took too long. Now, they've found someone else and I have to be happy for them, no matter how much it hurts." I can hear the pain in her voice and I know she is talking about JJ.

"Maybe it's not too late. Whoever they are, maybe you still have a chance with them", I say, giving her a knowing look. Emily shakes her head, like she is trying to physically revoke the thought from her head.

"You and Reid would have cute kids", she says. A surprised laugh bubbles up from my throat.

"I am definitely not ready for kids. We talked about it a while ago, and we decided that maybe one day we'll have kids, but we agreed that it wasn't a make-or-break deal."

"What about marriage? Is that in the plan?", she asks.

I don't answer her with words, only a grin that splits my face in two.

"Really?", she exclaims.

"He's the love of my life, and I don't want to let time pass us by."

Our conversation ends when we arrive at the scene. Two officers are already there, standing around a mostly-faded blood splatter on the brick wall of the building.

"Hey there, ladies", the one officer says. "Are you lost?"

A shiver of disgust runs up my spine when the man says the same words Spencer said to me when we first met, except Spencer's voice did not have the same predatory tone as this officer's.

"We're from the FBI and we're going to need you to step aside", Emily tells them, flashing her badge.

"Hey, let us help. We know a lot about this case", the other officer said.

"That won't be necessary, we have access to all the information you have", I say. I squat down beside Emily and examine the scene where the body once laid.

"This isn't a very secluded area. At night, it's dark because of the lack of street lights but during the day, it's in open view", she says.

"The unsub didn't make any effort to hide the body. In his eyes, he's not doing anything wrong", I reply.

We stand and I take out my notebook and quickly jot down our observations.

"Say, when you're finished with this case, why don't we take you out for a few drinks?", the taller man asked.

"No, thanks", Emily replies for the both of us.

"Come on, sweetheart, we can show you a good time", he pleads.

I shut my notebook angrily and walk over to the two men.

"What part of no aren't you understanding? We are here to do a job, and if you won't leave us alone, I won't hesitate to notify your commanding officer that you were harassing two federal agents on the job. Do I make myself clear?"

The men nod meekly and return to their car, not wanting to get in our way again.

"How serious are you about Spencer?", Emily asks with a smirk.

"I can talk to Spencer about you joining us", I reply with a wink.

I reread my notes to make sure I have every detail I need before walking around the car to get in the passenger seat. I call Hotch and notify him we are on our way back to the station.

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