Chapter 25

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As I exit the parking lot of the FBI building, I receive a call from the hospital saying that Spencer is ready to be discharged. The drive to the hospital is much quicker than the drive from my apartment, so it only takes fifteen minutes to arrive.

I meet Spencer in the lobby, his wheelchair is being pushed by a blonde nurse who is also holding a set of crutches. Spencer scans the discharge instructions in his lap, and he doesn't realize I am there until I call his name.

"Hi", he grins.

"How're you feeling, Doc?", I ask.

"It hurts, but I'll live", he jokes.

The nurse brings Spencer out to my car and helps him in. It wasn't an easy task to get him to sit comfortably, but it was much easier to get him out.

For a genius, he had trouble using the crutches at first, but after I demonstrated how to use the, he was able to maneuver through his apartment. He sat on the couch and waited while I made him a meal that wasn't a soggy hospital sandwich. I make a box of mac and cheese, and when it's finished, I scoop two bowls and eat with Spencer on the couch.

He eats his meal in record time, and while he waits for me to finish, he traces patterns on my bare thigh.

"Y'n?", he asks shyly after I put my bowl down.

"Yeah, baby?"

"Can you help me shower? I feel gross", he says.

I brush his hair out of his face and smile down at him.

"Of course, but you have to keep your hands to yourself. I don't want to explain to the doctor that you hurt your knee again fucking your girlfriend in the shower", I tease.

"You're no fun", he pouts cutely.

I help him off the couch and walk him gingerly to the bathroom and undress him. I tie a plastic bag round the wrappings on his knee as the tub fills with water. He lowers himself into the water leaving his one leg out of the water. Spencer moans softly at the feel of the hot water on his clammy skin.

"What soap do you want?", I ask him.

"Can you use yours?", he blushes.

I reach over to the shower caddy to grab my bottle of shampoo that I left from the last time and squeeze some into my palm. I lather the soap in my hands and scrub his scalp, my nails scratching slightly.

"Fuck, I love you", he moans.

"Shh, baby", I shush. "Keep making noises like that and I won't be able to help myself." He looks up at me, faux-innocence on his face.

"Really?" I pull on his hair, not hard enough to actually hurt but enough to get his attention.

"You're such a boy. Let me take care of you for once without it involving your dick", I laugh.

I finish washing him off, purposely ignoring his half-hard cock bobbing in the water. I pull him out of the water and wrap him in the fluffiest towel I could find. I take another, smaller towel and ruffle his hair. Before I got a chance to get him his crutches, he pulls me into a kiss.

He grips my hips for balance and I wrap my arms around his neck, partially to deepen the kiss and partially to keep him steady. His tongue slides against the seam of my lips and I allow him access into my mouth. We have a slight battle for dominance, but he uses his size aghast me and gets me to submit to him.

"I want to fuck you so bad right now, Y/n", he mumbles against my lips. I bring my hands from his shoulders to his chest and push him off slightly.

"Not a chance, Doc. I'm in charge of taking care of you." I allow him to steady himself on the bathroom counter before reaching over to get his crutches. He drapes his towel over his shoulders and slots the crutches under his armpits.

"Does that mean we're gonna do a slutty nurse roleplay?", he asks with a smirk. I open his bedroom door and hold it so it won't close back on him.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Doc. I don't think you'll be laughing when your bratty ass hasn't come in a month." His face quickly falls and becomes extremely apologetic.

"Sorry, miss", he says quietly.

"It's okay, baby."

I help him sit on the bed, then I go to his closet and he instructs me on what to pick out. I return from the closet with an old CalTech sweatshirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. He dresses slowly, probably trying to entice me to touch him, but I maintained eye contact with him as he pulled on his pants.

I sit down next to him and cuddle into his side. He lays his head on my shoulder and puts his hands in my lap and fiddles with the ties on my shorts.

"I could get used to this", he says into my hair.

"Get used to what? Me taking care of you?" He nods.

"For the rest of my life", he says.

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