Chapter 10

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I wake with a jump, drawing the attention of my coworkers around me.

"Are you okay?", Alex asks. I nod at the brunette and give her a reassuring smile, hoping that was enough to stop any further questions.

I excuse myself to the bathroom. I walk into the small stall and look at myself in the mirror. My slightly smudged makeup was nothing compared to the black tears that streamed down my face in my dream. I touch up my appearance and just as I am about to leave the bathroom, I get the idea to send a picture to Spencer.

I tousle my hair, giving it an effortlessly sexy look and take a picture. I send the picture along with a message that said Thinking of you.

From Spencer:

I'm thinking of you too, pretty girl.

I smile at the message but I am quickly brought away from my thoughts by a banging on the door. I am informed that we will be landing momentarily so I take my seat again and fasten my seat belt.

As soon as we land, we all pack into the SUV. Somehow, I got stuck being the driver, so I drove the team to the hotel we were staying at for the night. We were lucky, as we each got our own rooms. Immediately after I walk through the door of my room, I throw my bags down on the bed and dial Spencer's number.

"Spencer Reid", he answers sleepily. I check the time and I didn't realize it was so late when I called him.

"Hey, Doc", I reply.

"Y/n", he says, the smile evident in his voice.

"Sorry if I woke you up." I sit down on the bed next to my bag, the mattress creaking underneath me.

"No, you didn't wake me up", he lies.

"Spence, really, I can go if you want-"

"No!", he cuts me off. "I want to talk to you."

I move the phone away from me and hit the Facetime button. He answers and his face fills the screen, illuminated by the dim lighting.

"Hey, pretty girl", he says softly.

"Hi", I giggle.

Did I just fucking giggle?

"I had a dream about you on the plane."

"Yeah", he asks. "What kind of dream?" My silence gave him his answer. "Really? You have a wet dream about me in front of your coworkers?"

I nod shyly. "I couldn't help it.

"You know, only about four percent of dreams are sexual in nature, so you must've had a lot on your mind before you went to sleep", he smirks. "Do you want to tell me about it?"

I roll my eyes playfully.

"Not anymore. You can wait until I get home to hear about it." Spencer gives me his best puppy eyes and sticks out his bottom lip.

"Pretty please?"

"Now look who's begging", I laugh. Spencer groans dramatically and flops back on his bed.

"Can't I have a little hint?", he pleads. I hum, considering it for a monet.

"Fine", I say. "You handcuffed me and were forcing me to come. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Spencer's mouth gapes open and his eyes were full of shock and arousal.

"Would you really let me do that to you?", he asks breathlessly.

"Maybe." I lean forwards towards the camera so he could see down my shirt. "If I was a really bad girl for you, Daddy", I whisper.

Spencer's brain short circuits. He stares at his phone screen for a while, blinking dumbly at me.

"D-daddy?", he stutters.

"Yeah, Daddy. Do you like when I call you that?", I ask, already knowing the answer. Instead of replying, he clears his throat and sits up straighter on the bed.

"Unless you want me to jerk off on Facetime, you should probably hang up before I can't control myself anymore", he breaths. I laugh wickedly, feeling satisfied in my teasing.

"Have a good night, Daddy. Think of me when you come", I smirk. He moans quietly as I hang up the phone.

I grin to myself as I change out of my work clothes and into my pyjamas. After I'm changed, I dig through my bag, looking for my earbuds. Instead, I find a small bullet vibrator that I thought I lost months ago.

I lay on my back with my head propped up on the pillow behind me. I pull my shirt up slightly and lay the toy on it.

To Spencer:

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youre not the only one who gets to have fun tonight ;) sleep well daddy

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