Chapter 12

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We barely make it out the door in time for the party. Between Spencer trying to decide what tie to wear in his inability to keep his hands to himself, we were lucky we got there before midnight.

After I put him in his place, he decided on his favorite baby blue shirt but I asked him to forgo the tie. Instead, he had the top two buttons open and his sleeves rolled up, showing off his forearms. He even decided to slick back his hair and if I weren't so adamant on being on time, I would've fucked him in the car.

Spencer holds onto my hand tightly as we walk up the driveway to Agent Rossi's house. Instead of going through the front door, Spencer leads me through a gate that leads to a well-lit patio in the backyard.

"If it isn't the doctor and the missus", Rossi greets.

"I'm not the missus yet", I laugh. Spencer looked over at me when I said yet, clearly surprised.

"You must be Agent Y/l/n", he says. He extends his hand which I shake in acceptance.

"Just Y/n is fine, and you're Agent Rossi. I've heard a lot about you."

"All good things, I hope", he says as he brings us over to the firepit where the rest of the team is seated.

"He gave me a full review of your second book on the ride over. You're kind of repetitive", I laugh.

Rossi takes his seat and Spencer introduces me to the team. I already know Agent Morgan and I recognize the blonde with the glasses as Garcia from the phone. I meet Emily Prentiss and Jennifer Jareau, two very beautiful women and highly respected agents.

I sit between Spencer and Agent Hotchner on the cushioned patio furniture. We quickly fall into comfortable conversation about work and our personal lives. I learn JJ recently had a baby and that Spencer is the godfather. I was surprised that they were so close, seeing as he never mentioned the woman before.

Hotch talks about his son and how much he misses him. He doesn't get to spend as much time with him now that he and his wife divorced. I feel sorry for him, but I know it's out of his control.

I lean my head against Spencer's shoulder as I listen to the group talk. The conversation moves from regular workplace talk to something much more exciting. It seems that Garcia, Emily and JJ like their wine, as they're already giggly after only an hour of being there.

Spencer turns to me and frowns. "You have something behind your ear", he says. I reach up to check, but he bats my hand away. He brushes my hair behind my ear and pulls out a silk flower, which he then hands to me. I laugh and kiss his cheek, thanking him for the flower.

Rossi gets up to pour more whiskey for himself and Hotch. Near the outdoor bar is a speaker, so I call over to Rossi, requesting he put on some music.

The music filled the backyard and made the more tipsy people get up and dance. Garcia pulls Morgan out of his seat and they dance together while Emily is already grinding on JJ. I turn and look at Spencer with pleading eyes.

"Will you dance with me, Doc?", I ask sweetly. He smiles at me but shakes his head.

"You know I don't dance, Y/n." I pout and he pats my cheek.

"I'll dance with you", a deep voice says from behind me. I turn around to see Hotch standing in front of me, hand extended to help me up. Without a second glance at Spencer, I take his hand. He brings me into the grass, far enough away from the tiki torches that I wouldn't light my hair on fire if I were to fall.

He twirls me around and I only stumble slightly before he pulls me back to his chest. I giggle as I dance with a man that I've known for just over an hour.

"You're a good dancer", he says over the music. I trip over my own feet and catch myself with a hand to his chest. "On second thought, maybe I should hold onto you a little tighter."

He puts his arm around my middle, his hand splaying across my back. He was far from the top of my ass, but apparently it was too close for Spencer's taste.

"Can I cut in?" He doesn't wait for Hotch's response before snatching me away from him. Spencer put his arms around my waist and stood awkwardly far away from me, so I hooked my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "What was that about?", he asks.

"What was what about?", I ask, playing dumb. I wasn't purposely trying to make him jealous, but I had to admit, it was hot seeing him like this.

"You were dancing with him like he's the one that makes you forget your own name." I smirk up at him.

"Technically, we've only been together once, and you didn't even fuck me. Actually, I haven't even seen your dick. Are you afraid of me, Doc?" I knew teasing him would get me in trouble, but trouble was exactly what I wanted.

The song came to an end and everyone returned to their seats. This time, Spencer held me close to his body, leaving about a foot of space between Hotch and I. I glance over to find Hotch already looking at the two of us with a knowing smile.

Spencer traces the word mine into my thigh with the tip of his finger, goosebumps popping up underneath the denim of my jeans. 

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