Chapter 22

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tw//guns, violence, kidnapping, mentions of drug use/addiction

"Morgan! Rossi! Prentiss! I found him!", I yell.

I hold onto Spencer's knee tightly, applying pressure with one hand as I cut through the rope around his wrists with the other. I hear the other agents run through the floor, trying to follow my voice.

"Hey, Spencer", I shake him gently. "Come on, baby, open your eyes. I need you to look at me."

He cracks his left eye open slightly. "Y/n?"

"Yeah, Doc, it's me. I missed you so much", I smile.

"Missed you too", he replies with a dazed smile.

"We're gonna get you out of here. We're going to take you to the hospital, and they'll fix you all up." Spencer's hands cover mine on his knee.

"I'm sorry, Y/n"

"What're you sorry for, Spencer?"

"I sent you away. I should have explained everything to you", he sniffles.

"Hey", I stop him. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to."

Before he was able to answer, Rossi and Emily come in.

"He was shot in the knee. That seems to be his only injury besides some bruises", I tell them.

Emily quickly dials the phone, I assume calling the paramedics down below. About two minutes later, they run into the makeshift room and strap Spencer onto a stretcher.

The paramedics take him into the elevator while Rossi, Emily and I take the stairs back down. We meet Hotch and Morgan in the lobby and update them on the situation.

"I found him hidden behind a desk with his hands tied. They shot him in the knee", I tell them.

"I told you to stay behind. I gave Garcia strict orders not to let you leave", Hotch said, turning to me.

"It's not her fault, sir. She tried to stop me, but I left anyway", I tell him with confidence.

"When we get back to the bureau, I want you to immediately report to my office", he says gruffly.

Instead of responding, I go to the ambulance where Spencer is laying. I kneel down next to the stretcher so I am eye level with him.

"Hey, Doc", I say while running my fingers through his sweaty hair.

"Y/n", he smiles. "Will you come to the hospital with me?"

"I'd go anywhere with you, Spencer", I say. I lean in to kiss him on the cheek, leaving a faint lip print on his face.

The paramedics lift him into the ambulance and I climb in after him. I sit on the side and watch them hook Spencer up to an IV.

He turns his head to me, his eyes full of worry. He chews on his bottom lip for a moment before he speaks up.

"Will you make sure they don't give me any pain medication?", he asks quietly. I nod.

"I won't leave your side, Spencer."

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