First contact

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Alik's POV
I leaned against the wall next to Jeremy, our teams sniper, as he scanned the crowd and I asked "Got anything?" He replied "no" as I offered "want a cookie?" He asked in return "are they your homemade chocolate chip?" I spoke as I pulled the bag out of my back pocket "Yeah, I baked em yesterday after our shift" he didn't speak as his gloved hand appeared in my vision and he pulled down his shemagh. I chuckled as I placed one in his hand before I returned my eyes to the roof access door as we watched the games, I turned and lifted my binoculars scanning the crowd as I heard Kyle on the comms "Achilles, got anything?" I thumbed my radio "Nothing, just a ton of tourists enjoying the summer games" he replied "SAS gave us the tip for this. I doubt they'd give us bad information" I heard Ajax on the comms "Sometimes they get bad intel, maybe they passed it on not knowing it's bad?" Kyle replied "no matter, it's a tip with reasonable backing. " I continued scanning the crowd as I heard Jeremy next to me "there's too many people, I can't track anyone."
      I sighed and replied "where's the rest of the team?" Before thumbing my radio "Hunter, where's your element? I've only got 4 people in my sector" he replied "we're on the East end of the Grounds, boss we're spread too thin. There's too much going on for 12 people" I replied "I fuckin know, we gotta make due. The captain doesn't want to freak everyone out by a mass deployment of the teams, bunch o' bullshit" phase joined in on the conversation "then why are we here? Don't you think having the CTSFO out would freak people out?" I answered "they want us here to make any potential terrorist think twice" I heard jeremy next to me "Can I have another cookie?" I rolled my eyes and handed him another cookie before I heard Kyle "hey boss, we've got a group of men looking suspicious. They're dressed similarly to one another and they keep pointing and talking amongst themselves, they're on the south west corner near the food court" Jeremy and I shifted our view so we were looking at the food court as I spotted the group "Grey Jackets, white inlays. Grey pants boots. It matches the description we got from our friends at the SAS"
I radioed "Baseplate, we've got a confirmation on the description. It looks like we'll be getting busy today" I heard the task unit commander reply "wait, do not fire until you see a weapon" I rolled my eyes and radioed "My team, begin moving to flanking positions. They make a move I want to stop it before it takes too many lives" I got a reply of affirmation from the team as we watched them until one of the stands erupted and collapsed into the crater as screams pierced the competitive tension and I radioed command "Baseplate we have a confirmed detonation, my team is moving to intercept" I looked at Jeremy as he spoke "I've got confirmed visual on weapons, L85s. Permission to fire" I replied as my binoculars landed on the group of terrorists as they leveled their rifles "shooter's discretion" as soon as the words left my mouth Jeremy had fired dropping one as the rest of my team rushed forward in an attempt to get one in custody. I saw Bird tackle one as the team dropped the other 2, I was about to congratulate the team as another set of stands erupted.
     I sighed and gave out orders "Bird, Fox, get the detainee back to command. The rest of you move clear and secure the grounds" I looked at Jeremy as he finished packing up his rifle "I'm good to go, on your six" I nodded as I lifted my MCX and pulled open the door heading down the staircase as quickly as I could while still being safe until I reached the bottom floor. I gripped the foot handle and looked at Jeremy as he lifted his 516 and nodded, I twisted the handle and pushed out into the street while tourists ran past me screaming. I radioed "do not fire unless you see a weapon" I got "check" from Hunter as we pushed into the games ground. We reached where Ajax and Apollo were crouched waiting for us as I asked "any update on the situation?" He shook his head "No sir, unknown number of hostiles, civilians are everywhere. We need to move" I spoke "Form a wall, 10 meters between each other. We're going to clear this area of terrorists before moving to the next and rallying on the rest of the team" they nodded as I radioed "Hunter, have you rallied with Hera?" He replied "Affirm, both of our elements are working on clearing. We've got a fuckin massive amount of terrorists here"
     I replied "my team is starting to clear, we'll work our way over to you" we spread out and started walking into the area as I saw a man in a biohazard suit come up the stairs, I lifted my rifle at him as I yelled "freeze!" Only for him to click something as yellow orange smoke started emitting from the device. I yelled "Gas!" As I fired sending a couple rounds into his chest before gripping my gas mask and pulling it on getting used to the sensation as I checked my masks seal before I radioed "All units be advised, we have a confirmed Gas Attack. Do not come in unless you have biohazard equipment" I gave a hand signal to the rest of the team before we advanced walking forward as more gas was deployed, I watched in horror as tourists and civilians dropped choking as they reached out to us. We couldn't help them, it was too late for them but we'd make the terrorists pay.
      It got to the point where there was so much gas I couldn't see 10 meters infront of me, I heard Sharp next to me "Hey boss, I think it's safe to say everyone still here is enemy" I didn't reply as we continued deeper into the situation stepping over corpses as a couple people appeared infront of us in full hazmat gear wearing a white mask, we quickly lifted our rifles and sent rounds down range just as the first mask noticed us. Hunter came over comms "There's too much gas," he started coughing as he yelled "I can't breathe!" I heard Baseplate "Be advised, reinforcements are inbound from Hereford" I answered "they better have Hazmat gear, I can barely see anything." As Ajax asked "Achilles, can we double time it to Hunter's last known? I wanna make sure my brother's okay" I nodded "Apollo, go with him. Sharp, on me" as we continued forward searching for any survivors as more masks appeared. Sharp beat me to the punch and shot first dropping two masks in a burst, I followed his lead and started sending 2 rounds into each before I stood and pressed on.
I saw a mask clawing at his throat as the gas got in his suit I looked on with disdain before I heard Ajax "Boss, they uh.... they're gone. They didn't get their masks on in time. All of them" I cursed under my breath before Baseplate replied "we'll take care of their bodies, for now focus on retaking the area" I heard sharp "These bastards need to be put down" I chuckled as we continued into the depths of where the attack originated from before I heard a chopper and asked "Base, are we expecting any friendlies?" He replied "reinforcements are inserting via Helicopter" we watched the gas get thrown away by the rotor wash before 5 soldiers slid down the rope into the now exposed area as Sharp and I jogged forward, I lifted my left hand and spoke "blue, blue" as they pointed their guns at me. I saw two operators in the signature gas mask of the SAS, two more in large clear glass gas masks, one had a large scar running across her face and the last one was a bald man wearing sunglasses under his gas mask.
       I walked forward "I'm the commanding officer, Achilles CTSFO" to which the man the same height as me answered "Thatcher, SAS. Where do you need us?" I replied looking over his team "My teams taken mass Casualties. We need to clear out the area of mask presence" thatcher turned to his team "you heard the man, Smoke, Finka take the north end. Lion and Pulse you've got the east end. Achilles I'll run with you" I nodded and started heading west "welcome to my own underprepared hell" thatcher asked "you weren't prepared for this?" I replied sourly "no, I wasn't prepared for chemical warfare in downtown London. I was expecting a gunfight, not war crimes" as a mask came stumbling past holding a gas grenade, I lifted my rifle and sent a round into his head dropping him as thatcher asked "is this what they've been using to gas the place?" I nodded as Sharp replied "they must've preplaced them before the games. I didn't see them throwing many, just one of two" thatcher slid it into a secure biohazard baggy before speaking "Hopefully our CBRN team can figure out what this is" I sighed as I thought about the familiarity of the voice "Wait, Thatcher is your name Mike by any chance?"
      He was on guard as he nodded "how'd you know that?" I smiled under my gas mask "It's me Alik, we did joint training together last year" thatcher spoke "we'll have to catch up after this is over" I nodded as a large group of Silhouettes passed us in the orange light as the sun hit the gas. I lifted my MCX and pushed after them seeing them climb into the back of a van as the door slammed shut, I shifted my eyes to the plate and quickly worked to memorize it. I radioed "Baseplate be advised, Black van is egressing from AO. Sending you the tags" as one of Thatcher's operators came over the radio "North side is secure. No sign of Mask activity" I looked over as Ajax came on comms "Achilles, all of our casualties have been localized. The Gas is dissipating" I looked at Sharp as I spoke "Go rally on Ajax and Apollo. I'm gonna accompany Thatcher to his operators" he nodded as he started disappearing into the smoke as I followed Thatcher through the ground stepping over corpses as I sighed "so much death, so much paperwork. Fuck me"
      Thatcher asked "so this is what you've been up to in the last year?" I replied "no, typically we're raiding small time drug dealers and weapon smugglers but now I guess we're waging war without support" thatcher asked "what was your support for this op?" I chuckled and replied simply "what fuckin' support? We got orders to watch the Games and intervene if anything looked suspicious without unduly alarming the public. They stopped us before we could intervene and now look at this, it's a fucking slaughter" he sighed before speaking "I'm sorry this happened" I replied angrily "it never should've" as Baseplate came over the radio "Be advised, CBRN has set up a decontamination point outside the Olympic Grounds" I looked around and saw the gas had dissipated much more than I had noticed before hand. I looked at Thatcher and spoke "I guess this is the end, stay safe on your missions. I can't wait for mg shift to be over" thatcher spoke in realization "oh yeah, i forgot you're not part of the military" I replied with an unseen smirk "yep, I'm just an officer" thatcher replied "We've got a couple cops at my Team, I'll talk to my boss about getting you an invitation" I shrugged and replied "if it happens it happens, if not I get to keep doing a job I love" he nodded as we found his team and started walking over to where the remnants of my team were with our lost. Once we'd all rallied we walked over to the decontamination area and started the process, I shivered at the contact with the cold solution before I walked through and looked over at Sharp, Ajax and Apollo as we continued to our Armored Truck and back to Command.

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