The test

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Alik's pov
     I looked over as Mike ordered "Set your highest comfortable weight on the dead lift bar and do as many reps as you can" I added 325lbs and started doing my reps until I did 15 before I dropped the bar and looked at Mike breathing heavily as he spoke cheerfully "Onto the pull ups" I sighed and walked over to the bench and gripped the handles pulling myself up, I kept going until I reached 52 and my arms finally gave out. I looked at Mike and asked "can I get a break? My arms are jelly" he nodded and spoke "1 minute" I sat down and breathed heavily. A minute later Mike spoke "Let's keep going" I stood and heard Gustave "we're moving to push up, do the most you can in 2 minutes" I assumed the position as Mike barked the order "Begin" I started doing the repetitive motions: down, up, breathe, exhale, ignore the pain as I continued until I started the descent into the down position of the push up before my arm went limp and I dropped face first into the mat, I heard Mike "Are you done?" I shook my head no
He spoke "then get up" I started pushing myself up again before I got to the halfway mark and my arms gave out again, Mike yelled as he got on his knees slapping the mat "Give me one more, that's all you need to give me! One more" I asked myself as I laid on the ground panting "are you seriously quitting? How far have you fallen?" I gritted my teeth so hard I thought they'd turn to dust in my mouth as I forced my arms to lift my corpse off the ground, my arms screamed in defiance while obeying my command and lifting me. I dropped back to the mat and rolled over as my arms laid limpy next to me as Mike stood over me "well done lad, you got to 64 before dropping" I wheezed as Gustave suggested "why don't we move on to the 2 mile run? Give his arms chance to recoup" I nodded an gave a weak thumbs up as Mike spoke "To the track it is" I slowly climbed to my feet and followed the group through the halls and out to the quarter mile track, I looked around as I breathed in the freezing air feeling the sting in my lungs.
I asked "2 miles right?" As Gustave nodded "Gotta finish it in under 15 minutes" I bounced from foot to foot before I started jogging around the track mentally singing a song as I continued to jog. I looked over as I saw a Man in multicam talking to Gustave and Mike while a wolf sat next to him looking around. I asked myself "I wonder who that is" as I continued running slowly counting as I crossed the line and counted the laps, once I did i 8 I came to a stop infront of Gustave, Mike and the Unknown and his dog before asking "what was my time?" Gustave replied "10 minutes 28 seconds" I sighed and muttered "I could've done better" Mike spoke "ah Mate, where are my manners? This is Jace, Callsign Wendigo and his Wolf Dog Kilo" I stretched my hand towards him as Kilo growled until Jace spoke sternly "Kilo, enough" she stopped growling as he shook my hand "Sorry about her, she's pretty protective" I nodded and answered "She's smarter than most. People can be pretty unpredictable" he chuckled as Mike spoke "now it's onto the bench presses before your live fire clear"
I nodded and lifted my hand to him motioning him to lead the way. I followed him back into the gym as I laid on the bench and gripped the bar before I started doing the reps. Eventually my arms started hurting too much for me to feel comfortable as i racked the bar and sat up, Mike spoke "45, now get ready to go shoot" I nodded as I stood and my right hand rested on my MCX's pistol grip. I followed the pair through the halls as I slowly mapped out the layout of the building before we arrived at a door and Gustave opened it holding it for us as we walked through it and into an open courtyard. I looked around before Mike started walking towards a building in the middle of the courtyard. I shrugged and followed him as I looked around at the cherry blossom trees, I smirked as I saw the gorgeous pink flowers hanging daintily in the British wind on an unusually sunny days. I mused "the gods must be pleased" as Mike asked "do you believe in multiple gods?" I chuckled and spoke "I guess you could say that"
Once we walked in I was handed a single fully loaded magazine for my MCX which I loaded and chambered a round before I looked up at Six spoke "You're going to breach and clear this building of the 15 cutouts. Be advised there are non combatants on premises" I nodded as I bounced my rifle in my hand before I heard Mike bark "Begin!" I pushed through the doorframe and shifted my aim to the right and then my left seeing the cardboard cut out as my eyes quickly scanned the hands seeing a pistol causing me to put 2 rounds into his chest before I continued deeper into the building and into the hallway where I saw two cardboard cutouts one infront of the other, one had a a gun the other didn't. I sighed "a fucking hostage, of course" as I shouldered my rifle and sent a round into the head of the cut out that held the gun. I pushed past the two and to the first door and pied it as I came around the corner until I saw a cut out in the furthest corner.
I saw the cutout had something that looked like a gun as I squinted seeing it was a newspaper rolled up, I leaned to the right and saw an Ak in the hands of one of the cutouts as I sent 2 rounds into his head. I stayed leaned to the right as I came around the corner seeing a cutout of a man with a knife pop up infront of me causing me to crack it with my rifle and fire a round into its head, I spoke to myself "7 left" as I spun around and crouched as I checked the corner behind me. Once I saw it was empty I stood and stepped into the hallway slowly walking down it until I came to the entrance of the second room. I pulled out a flash bang and tossed it into the room before I came in and looked to the back wall where I saw the outline of a person before I saw an AK and fired, I shifted my aim to the right and saw another cut out this time unarmed causing me to spin around seeing nothing. I muttered "5 more" as I walked back to the hallway.
    I headed to the third room as a cut out popped up directly infront of me causing me to shove against it using my rifle before I leveled it and sent 2 rounds into the target before I pushed on "4 left" once I came to the doorframe I saw the barrel of a rifle causing me to send 4 rounds into the doorframe before I pushed into the room shooting the last of my magazine into the two targets in the rear before my gun cleared empty and I looked to my right seeing the last target as I spun swinging my rifle like a bat feeling the jolt as it hit the cardboard and I heard Six "Well done, impressive resourcefulness" I looked up and spoke "I could've done better"  he laughed and replied "you'll have time to improve as much as you wish." Mike spoke "come with me lad" I walked out and saw him waiting for me "You did good, but I want to know why did you fire 4 times into the doorframe?" I looked at him and replied simply "I saw a gun, it's training. You see a gun you execute"
      Mike sounded confused "I thought you were police" I nodded and spoke "I'm the anti-terrorist arm of the police, if we're being called to a scene it's escalated to the point where they need to be taken out" he nodded as he motioned me to follow him "I want you to meet someone" I shrugged and wordlessly followed him before I pulled down my half mask figuring it wasn't that important to keep my identity secret. We walked for a bit until we arrived at a lounge i hadn't seen yet and a man much younger than me, probably half my age stood "'ello Mike" Mike replied "hey Mark, I want you to meet someone" Mike pulled me forward and spoke "Alik, meet Mark. Mark, this is Alik. Mark's our resident tech wiz, he's a legitimate genius." I shook his hand with a nod as Mike looked at Mark "Alik's gonna be your new best mate, he's got degrees in chemistry and engineering." Mark gave a thumbs up as Mike explained "his callsigns Mute, he doesn't talk much" I joked "we'll get along then" Mark's shoulders racked with silent laughs as Mike sighed "I don't know why I try with you cunts"
      I chuckled as I turned and started heading back to the dorm Mike called "where the fuck are you going?" I looked back "to go smoke" as I continued walking. I walked out to the same spot Adrianno had brought me the night before and pulled out a cigarette and my lighter "christ, I need a smoke" as I lit my lighter and held it to my cigarette breathing in the smoke before exhaling. I heard the door behind me as Monika stepped out, now dressed in tight black jeans, a blue undershirt and an unzipped grey sweat jacket. I lifted my hand holding my cigarette before I went back to smoking "why do you smoke?" I looked over at her and replied "it helps me stay calm" she nodded and spoke "you know it's bad for you, right?" I replied "I've been a cop since I was 24. I could've died on any day of the week. Smoking is the least of my worries, cancer will kill me years from now. A bullet from a terrorist will drop me in a second." She nodded and spoke "I've never smoked before" I looked over and asked "really?" She nodded as I spoke "I had a feeling you hadn't, you're too straight laced"
      She looked at me and asked "how do you figure?" I answered simply "just your demeanor, you always give off the feeling that you're uninterested in anything that doesn't make you better." She nodded slowly and answered "I guess you're right" I asked "so to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" She replied "I wanted to know how your test went" I shrugged and replied "I think I did good, I have no idea how they're scoring it but I think I could do better" she asked "and if you can't?" I was quiet for a bit until she asked "Alik?" I shook my head and replied "sorry, if I can't do better I'll keep trying until I can" she nodded as I pulled up a chair and sat down. I asked "was shadow a pain while I was gone?" She sighed and replied "he knocked over his water bowl, I put down towels after I got him to stop playing in it" I muttered after taking a drag "fuckin' cunt. I don't get what his deal is, he doesn't like water in his water bowl. It's a water bowl that's what it's for, water" she chuckled and spoke as I stomped out my cigarette "well he likes it after it gets dumped" I shrugged and spoke "I'll probably put him in the bath" as I stood and opened the door "you coming with?" She nodded and we started heading back to the dorm while I prayed to every god I could think of that the little furry cunt hadn't launched his food everywhere.

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