A day off

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Alik's pov
     I looked over at Anna as we sat at the table in their dorm as I asked "how's rein?" She replied "he's slowly becoming himself again, my family is slowly becoming whole again" I nodded as Monika asked "Papa, how're you feeling? Gustave said you were pretty malnourished and dehydrated" he replied tiredly "I don't have much energy but I'm getting weight back, you two get that rat for me" I smiled as Zara handed Bird and I put cups of tea "thank you" she nodded as bird took a sip and spoke surprised "whoa, this is amazing. Fuckin' 'ell" Zara smiled "Mama taught me how to make it" Reinhard spoke "you three were on the news this morning" I nodded as Monika asked "oh really? What were they showing?" Anna spoke "you guys sliding onto the roof and disappearing into the building" I chuckled as I remembered Bird's comment. Zara asked "what's funny?" I answered "little bird here was very excited about breaking our way into the building" Monika laughed as Zara, Anna, Reinhard and Gunther looked confused and Bird slumped. Monika explained "his exact words before shooting the window out was 'vandalism? Fuck yea'" Zara commented "how cute"
       Bird flushed red as I laughed before Gunther spoke "you tease bird like he's family, are you related by any chance?" We both shook our heads no as I spoke resting my hand on birds shoulder "I've been mentoring this little shit since he joined the police. We joined CTSFO together, he's like a little brother" bird nodded as Monika teased "oh how sweet" I looked over "don't make me bring up that topic we were talking about earlier" she looked nervous before Anna asked "what topic?" I just laughed evilly as Monika spoke "you'll sleep on the couch" I heard Bird "women always think that's a punishment, it's like camping with a really angry bear nearby" I saw Gunther point at Anna as Reinhard just laughed. I heard a knock at the door and listened as Anna yelled "come in!" And the sound of boots on hardwood slowly grew in volume until I felt a rough hand clasp my shoulder and saw Monika get tackled in a tight hug. I spoke after taking another drink of my tea "nice of you to join us" as Tina released Monika. Corey replied "we had to clean up our side of the room, a certain someone thought she owned a shirt she didn't" as Tina cried "I said I'm sorry"
     I heard Anna "don't worry dear, it happens to all of us" Tina nodded as Monika stood and sat on my leg while corey took Monika's seat and Tina sat on him. Zara spoke "you know we have extra chairs right?" As Monika replied "hush little one, he's just more comfortable" I tightly wrapped my arms around her midsection and spoke "you DO love me" Gunther asked "so when's your next mission?" Monika shrugged as she shimmied getting comfortable "whenever we get a lead on feral or Bull" Anna asked "who's Bull?" Reinhard replied sourly "Feral's second in command, dudes a dick" I laughed as Corey spoke "his voice is fuckin annoying" Monika leaned back before whispering "what's poking me?" I played innocent "I don't know what you're talking about she shifted herself once more and replied "I think you do" as I spoke hurriedly "okay, okay, you got me. It turns out having a hot woman sit on your lap is a turn on" she chuckled as Bird asked "so Anyone have any plans?" Tina replied "Corey's gonna teach me some new hand to hand techniques" as Gunther and Anna spoke "we're having a date and going to the movie theater" Zara replied "Reinhard and I are going to go shopping"
      Bird asked "mind if I join you? I don't have anything to do" Reinhard shrugged as Zara replied happily "nein, not at all" as Bird smiled before asking "Monika, Alik? What's your plan for the day?" I replied "I don't know about Monika but I'm just gonna relax around the dorm. We've been in too much action lately" Monika replied yawning "that sounds great, I think I'm gonna join you" as Anna spoke "well I don't mean to be rude but I need you all out of here. We have to get ready to go to the movies" I patted Monika's thigh "come on, let's get out of your parents hair. Thanks for the tea, see you later" Monika waved as Bird, Zara and Reinhard stood "we'll be here when you get back, bye have fun" I chuckled as Corey groaned "we just got here, you're already kicking us out?" Anna nodded as Tina excitedly spoke "let's go! I wanna learn these moves!" as Monika and I left the room.
       She whispered "wanna have some fun?" While giving me a 'come get me' look as I grinned and we took off racing to the room. Once we arrived I slammed the door shut and quickly locked it before turning and kissing Monika as we tore off our clothes. We collapsed into bed and started the deed, 15 minutes later when I finished we laid in bed breathing heavily as Monika smiled "that was fun" I nodded "I wouldn't be against doing it more" she laughed as she climbed out of bed "don't think it'll be that easy" I watched the view enjoying every second of it as I pulled on my underwear and pants before laying sitting in bed "wanna watch a movie?" She nodded as she picked up two bras "which one should I wear?" As she switched which one she had on and I spoke "the green one, makes your eyes sparkle" she smiled before putting it on as I pulled up Netflix and spoke "pick what you wanna watch" she took the remote and started shifting through the movies until she got to Godzilla: King of the Monsters and collapsed back into bed.
I kissed the top of her head and spoke "my girls got taste" we laid in bed watching the movie until Corey and Tina walked in at the halfway point and asked two very different questions. Corey asked "how far in is this?" As Tina asked "why are you shirtless?" I answered Corey first "about an hour in, as to why I'm shirtless. It's more comfortable that way, ain't that right Corey?" He nodded as we fell silent watching the movie. Monika spoke "we never had these kinds of movies growing up, always some Russian propaganda" I replied "well you've got em now, and they're bloody brilliant" she chuckled before we returned to watching the movie. Right as the Air Force was going to help Godzilla and rodan attacked I heard Monika "You would think the US military would have something to deal with that" I chuckled and replied "the yanks have a great military, but I don't think their military is good enough to deal with giant ancient monsters" Corey answered "we do, it's called a nuke. Works like a charm in any target" I asked "and if they feed off radiation?" He replied simply "use bigger bomb" I just chuckled and replied "bloody yanks"
Monika patted my chest "play nice" as I rolled my eyes before returning to the scene as Godzilla and King Ghidorah were about to battle as I smiled while Corey yelled "kick his ass Godzilla!" We watched the scene shouting our support like it was a college football game. I heard Monika weakly go "yay Godzilla" as I looked over at her incredulously as she spoke "I'm trying to get into this but you guys are just more entertaining" I chuckled as Corey yelled "Fuck yea!" As the supercharged Godzilla appeared on screen. I heard Tina "let's go!" As they battled and I did my best mortal kombat impression "Round 2, fight!" As they met each other in the first grapple. We continued to fangirl until the movie ended and we were left asking "why aren't more movies just monsters fighting?" As Corey replied "I don't know!" Tina asked "wanna go get some food?" I sat up and asked "food?" As Monika replied "ja, she said food" I jumped up "count me in" Monika stood "ja, ja I'll go too" and Corey started to the door. I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a shirt.
I felt Monika grip my hand as we started through the hallways until we got to the mess hall and I grabbed some food that looked good deciding to experiment as we sat down and I noticed several of the men around the canteen were eyeing Monika as I pulled her into my side. They glared at me as she burrowed into my hug before I saw Corey trace my view as I glared at them before he chuckled "got some competition" I looked at him before replying "no.... no I don't" he gave me a look as Tina asked "what are you two talking about?" I motioned to the group of men and spoke "they've got the hots for mon" monika asked "was?" I directed her view to the group of polish soldiers giving her looks of hunger as her face shifted to one of disgust before leaning into me as Corey nodded and spoke "I see" I replied "no one can take her from me as long as I keep her happy" she whacked me "we'll fix it if the train derails, you don't give up on things you care about" I nodded and replied "well good thing I'm stubborn"
Corey replied "Sometimes too stubborn" I nodded as we ate until I heard Mike next to me "anyone else notice the dirty looks were getting?" Tina replied "not us, them" as she motioned at Monika and I. Mike asked "what'd you do to piss them off?" I replied "apparently dating Monika is enough" he asked "they jealous?" As Monika nodded. Mike called over "oi, what's the problem?" They seemed shocked at the question before one spoke "there isn't one" I chuckled and replied "better wipe the look off your face then" he stood glaring at me as he walked over flexing his hand I stood and heard Monika "Alik, nein" as I gripped my taser and spoke calmly "sit down, before you get hurt" he asked "what are you going to do to me, suka(bitch)" I replied simply "this" as I lifted my taser and fired. My taser hit him and his muscles contracted causing him to fall forward stiffly. I crouched next to him and looked at the rest of the table before asking "any more problems?" As they shook their heads no and I replied jovially "fuckin great" before I turned and walked back to our table.
       I sat down as I rearmed my taser before I heard Monika "you shouldn't have done that" I replied simply "I'm a police officer, I will use my tools to end debates without damage" she sighed as Mike spoke "that was fun" while Corey replied "this place is fucking ridiculous" Tina asked "do you think this will solve that problem?" I shrugged. I saw the soldier slowly start to sit up as he rotated his arms before he looked over at me and sighed standing slowly moving back to his table sitting down as his friends started to check on him. I heard Monika "you don't think I'd leave you for him right?" I chuckled and replied "nein, I don't believe you'd do that" she smiled before leaning into me as Mike stood "mate, give me your trays I'll throw away the rubbish" I looked at him and asked "what do you want?" He replied "shut up mate, just give it 'ere" I handed him the trays and spoke "thanks mate" as he started walking away before he stopped at the table with the group of soldiers and talking to them before they nodded and Mike kept walking past them. I heard Tina ask "what do you think he said?" I listened as Corey spoke "probably making sure it's clear for them to stay away from us"

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