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Alik's pov
I was walking back into the base with Monika after our date just for Siu and Blackout to appear infront of us, Monika's and I's conversations died as Siu spoke "I hope you two enjoyed you date but Harry wants you at the interrogation. It just started" I looked down as my bandages started to itch before Monika grabbed my hand and replied "we'll be there" as we started walking towards the interrogation rooms and I muttered "I wish we could change out of these clothes, I don't wanna get my suit dirty" she nodded and replied "Ja, I'll be very upset if my dress gets dirty" I asked "I'm planning on going to visit my parents soon, wanna come?" She gave me an odd look and asked "is there any reason you want me there?" I replied truthfully "I'd feel a lot more comfortable facing my parents if I had the person I trust most with me" she replied with finality "Ja, I'll go" I asked slightly shocked "you don't want to know about my parents? Nothing?" She shrugged and replied "I'll learn about them from them. Besides I'm there to support my boyfriend"
I looked over and asked "so we're together now?" She gave me a look of minor horror as she asked "do you not want to be?" As I laughed putting my arm around her "of course I do, don't go thinking otherwise. I like the sound of that 'I'm Monika's Boyfriend" she chuckled at my antics before we stopped outside the room and I straightened my suit before pulling the door open walking into the observation room where Jace, Corey, Harry, Mike and Lera were standing. I held the door for Monika as Harry spoke "I apologize for the rude interruption of your date night but I thought you'd want to be here for this. We're about to send Taina in" I shivered and muttered "spook bitch" as Monika laughed behind her hand as Taina emerged from the shadows causing me to sidestep getting out of her way as she moved past whilst I stood next to Corey "think this'll get us anything worth anything?" He replied "I think we'll get something, will it be useful for your teams hunt? I don't know" Jace spoke "just trust, Taina has a way of making anyone break" I shivered as Monika took my hand, Corey noticed "finally together eh?" I nodded as Monika replied "took him a while to confess"
I shook my head as Jace replied "Zumindest hat er es getan, so viel kann man fragen(atleast he did it, the most you can ask)" as Monika nodded and replied "Ich bin nur froh, dass er es getan hat. Der einzige Nachteil ist, dass ich es meiner Mutter und meiner Schwester sagen muss(I'm glad he did it, only downside is now I have to tell my mother and sister)" as the door opened and Taina walked in, I looked over at Harry and asked "where's bird? How do I know he's safe?" Harry replied "he's on base, he's starting work here as a CQB instructor for the new recruits" I smiled and spoke "thank you Harry" he waved me off as we watched the interrogation. I saw Taina growing increasingly frustrated before I looked at Harry and asked "how far can we go in interrogations?" He replied "CIA" as I started pulling off my suit until I was in my white dress shirt and pants "Let me go talk to him" Harry gave me a look as I nodded and he recalled taina.
I pulled the knife off of Jace's shoulder and walked into the room. The mask proud he defeated Taina spoke "you aren't going to break me" I sat on the table next to him "that's where you're wrong, you see the human body has 206 bones. I'm going to break each and every one of them unless you answer my questions" he laughed before replying "you're lying" as I lifted a metal folding chair and crashed the backrest onto his forearm feeling it give way as he yelled in pain and I grabbed his left hand feeling the wedding ring, I smiled "you're married, a wonderful thing the bond between two people. It's really beautiful that you're willing to die for your family but we know who they are. We're going to put them in jail for a long time for harboring a terrorist, unless you cooperate" he looked unnerved as I motioned to the window and Jace brought in pictures of the mans family and I spoke "just in case you thought we were lying" he stared at the pictures in horror before he looked at me "you wouldn't dare" and I asked "are you a betting man?"
He looked at the picture of his family before I asked "are you willing to bet the lives of your family to protect an organization that will never protect you? I've seen what the masks do to their own" he sighed and replied "I need a map" I stood and lifted the knife pointing it at the mask "you lie to us, I will know and your family with be the first ones we arrest" he nodded as Harry and Corey walked in holding a map of Britain and a map of Europe while I handed Jace his knife again. I was about to walk out when I heard "I need a map of the United States too" I walked out and sighed as I pressed my back against the wall "christ" only for taina to appear infront of me "how'd you get him to break? I beat him for minutes and he never cracked" I replied simply "sometimes you have to approach it from a different angle. His wedding ring told me his weakness" she huffed before speaking "you did good, for a fresh blood" I chuckled as I walked back into the observation room and sat next to Monika.
She asked "would you really arrest his family over that?" I looked over "no, but he doesn't know that" she sighed in relief before saying "come on, let's get back to the room. I wanna get into more comfortable clothes" I nodded pulling on the rest of my suit before we walked through the hallway heading back to the dorm. When we walked in I saw Anna, Bird and Zara sitting at the table I heard Anna while shadow laid on the table "enjoy your date?" As Monika and I froze before I asked "how did you...?" She replied "oh please dear, I know young love when I see it. You two both get dressed up, leave for hours and then come back smelling of good food. It's obvious" as Zara asked "so what's you do? Tell us everything Mon" I tried to sneak by as Bird stopped me "no, no, sit down sarge. I wanna hear this" I sighed as Anna ordered "sit" and I dropped in the chair like a disgruntled toddler, with my arms crossed. I sat quietly while they talked until I heard Bird "I didn't know you had a romantic side" I replied "I didn't want you to, but alas here we are"
Monika spoke "Ja, wir haben ein paar Stunden in einem sehr schönen Restaurant gegessen und geredet. Ich wäre fast in einen Kneipenkampf geraten, aber alles in allem war es großartig(yea, we spent a couple hours at a very nice restaurant eating and talking. Almost got into a bar fight but all things considered it was great)" I looked at bird and asked "did you understand a word of that?" He replied with a nod "I got yes and restaurant" I rolled my eyes and nodded "that's on me, I set the bat too low" he laughed as Anna replied "Ihr Vater hat das Gleiche getan, mich in dieses nette kleine Restaurant gebracht und wir hatten eine großartige Debatte darüber, wie gut seine Erfindung funktionieren würde(your father did the same thing, brought me to this nice little restaurant and we had a great debate about how well his invention would do)" I heard laughing as I asked "English please" and Zara spoke "Es tut mir Leid(I'm sorry), I keep forgetting you don't speak German" I shook my head as Anna spoke "Monika was just telling us about what happened on the date" I asked "all good things?"
Bird looked fully invested in the conversation as Monika nodded "well we're dating now so" I shrugged and replied "who knows, I could've done so bad it was endearing" as Zara replied "I wish my ex did that, all he did was knock me up and leave" I shook my head sadly as Bird spoke "well that's fucked" and Anna replied in her motherly tone "we told you he wasn't a good choice" and Zara sighed "I know mama" before bird asked "so did you do anything fun?" As Monika replied "we drove around singing to American country songs" I got a weird look from Bird as I shrugged "she likes yank music, don't ask me why" he nodded as Zara spoke "none of us know, one day she just started listening to it" I chuckled as Monika's cheeks flushed pink. I teased "aww look at that, she's turning pink. That's cute"as Anna asked "that's all you did?" I nodded as Monika replied "I told him I wanted a simple date, I'm not as extra as you or Reinhard. I like the simple things" Anna replied "I never said it was a bad thing honey, just kinda surprised that's all you did after being out for 4 hours"
I checked my watch as Shadow rubbed against my hand "holy shite it's been 4 hours" and Bird asked "got any tea?" I nodded "top cupboard, left side" he walked over and opened it seeing the many boxes of different tea bags before looking at me "does Monika drink tea?" I heard her reply "I prefer coffee, Alik is starting to get me hooked on it" I jokingly rested my head on her shoulder and spoke "there's hope for you left my dear" as she pushed me and laughed. I saw Zara looking at the scene with longing before I asked "why don't you talk to some of the guys on base? Maybe you'll find someone new" as Bird called from behind me "I can introduce you to a couple of people if you want" she nodded and replied "ja... ja I'd like that" as Anna asked "so do you have a lead on my husband or son?" I sighed as Monika replied "mama, we're just as antsy as you about it but you have to be patient. If you rush hostage rescue you have a chance of killing the hostage, just wait and let us do our jobs"
Anna nodded as Bird spoke "that's always the tough part of our jobs" I nodded and replied "the wait kills you, Christ I could go for a smoke" as I looked at my pack of cigarettes as I opened them before sighing and closing the pack tossing them on the table while Monika and Anna smiled at me. Zara spoke "I'm glad you're trying to quit like you said you would" I answered "I'm a man of my word" as Bird finished the sentence "without it I am nothing" as I asked looking over the back of the chair "still remember that?" He nodded and replied "yes sergeant, no way I could forget it" I smiled as Anna asked "how's training?" Monika answered "it's tough, the standards got raised since we found out the Masks are using sentinel corps gear." Zara asked "what's sentinel corps?" I replied "it's a private military company, they have military grade gear and sell their services to private businesses. It's effectively legal mercenary work" she nodded as Bird spoke "they're really well trained too, almost as good as us" I nodded as Anna asked "could they have my family?" I listened as Monika spoke "probably not, we've just found their gear on masks. I don't think they're involved much past supplying the masks. Whether that's knowingly or unknowingly we've yet to find out" I put our my hunch "I think they're unknowingly supplying them, they make a lot of money from their contracts. Why risk it all by supplying a terrorist force?" As Bird replied "we've seen people throw away much more before" and I answered "I don't know, this just doesn't seem like it fits the picture" Zara asked "what if you don't have the full picture?" I replied with a shrug as Monika spoke "then we can't let it stay blank" the talk continued for another hour and a half before bird left to his instructors bunk room while Zara and Anna got into their bed and Monika and I finished cleaning up before getting ready to go to sleep ourselves.

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