A warning

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Alik's pov
I looked at Harry as he explained our mission "I'm having you act as my close security during this press meeting" I asked plainly "why the fuck are we having a press meeting?" Harry replied "The president of the United States wishes to put a face to the war on terror. We're the Vanguard and he wants the world to know who leads that vanguard" I sighed as Mike asked "How heavily should we be armed?" Harry answered "be ready for an attack" we stood as Harry spoke "meet me at the jet in 15" I looked at Monika as we started running for the dorm. When we arrived I tossed her her vest and helmet before stripping down and pulling on my uniform before I pulled on my balaclava and taking a deep breath before clipping on my helmet and loading my rifle with .300 blackout, a new type of ammo for my rifle. I heard Monika "taking it to the field?" I answered "she runs through it good enough, I'm confident with it" she nodded as I tightened the straps of my chest plate before sliding in my extra magazines into their pouch. I double checked my glock's laser before nodding and sliding it into its holster.
Monika grabbed her 552 before we waited for Corey to get his gear on, once he did and he gave Tina his good luck kiss we were off to Mike and Bird's dorm. Bird had just stepped into the hallway when he asked "why not send Collinn? He's secret service" Mike sighed and spoke "kid, I don't know." As we started down the hall before Monika, Bird and I dropped into Monika's family's room and said bye and when we were expecting to get back. Zara spoke "good luck all of you, come home in one piece" I nudged Bird with my elbow as he flushed red. I chuckled as I heard Gunther "Alik, keep my daughter safe" I looked back and turned halfway back "Sir, If anything I'd have to protect the terrorists from her." She looked at me and chuckled as we walked out and Mike asked "good to go?" We nodded as Bird asked me "was that necessary?" I replied smugly "yes" as Monika asked "why don't you just ask her out?" He replied "I don't know if she's into me" Monika replied "I know my sister, she's into you"
He asked hopefully "really?" As Corey spoke "Christ dude, just go for it. What's gonna go wrong? She says no? What if she says yes?" He looked down as Mike spoke "enough with the therapy session, Bird just go for it. You've got nothing to lose" he looked at Mike and nodded as he held his shotgun in the crooks of his arms almost hugging it. We saw Harry waiting by the door before Mike spoke "diamond formation, bird you're on Harry" bird took his position as I took the front tip of the diamond before I pushed the door open and we started to the jet that had the staircase already down. Once we reached the stairs I stepped to the right and turned while Monika did the same. Bird took the lead up the staircase while Corey stayed close to Harry while Mike patted Monika's shoulder as he walked by her causing her to spin and follow him up the stairs as she passed me she patted my shoulder causing me to spin and follow her up the stairs I joked "nice view" as she looked over her shoulder "you know it" I laughed to myself as we reached the top of the stairs.
We sat down as Harry asked "any reason you all acted like we weren't in a secure military base?" Mike answered "practice how you play, it's easier for us to get the practice in so it's all second nature when we actually get to the target" Harry nodded and spoke "we'll be landing in the United States in around 13 hours" I leaned my seat back as Monika gripped my hand tightly I spoke "I know you're nervous, just try not to break my hand" bird asked "why are you nervous?" She replied "I always get pre mission jitters. I'll be okay in an hour or two" I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. A secret art Mike had taught me, how to steal some sleep at any opportunity. I woke up about 45 minutes later to immense pain in my hand and the plane shaking me like a pinball. I sat up to see Monika gripping my hand with most of her strength as the Pilot was heard "just experiencing some moderate turbulence, we'll be clear of it in about 20 seconds" I sighed as Monika's python like grip tightened.
I hissed as she looked at our hands and loosened her grip mumbling "Es tut mir leid" I replied "it's okay, I don't care that you have superhuman strength" as we hit another patch of turbulence and Monika squeezed my hand again before the ride smoothed out and we were back to feeling pretty stationary. I asked "you okay?" She nodded which didn't convince me before I poked at the base of her neck causing her to lift her shoulder and press her cheek against it as i feigned surprise "oh? Are you ticklish?" She chuckled as I spoke "you're okay" while Corey checked on the rest of us making sure everyone was okay. I gave him a thumbs up when he came over to us before leaning back and closing my eyes before I heard Harry ask "anyone afraid of flying?" Bird joked "I'm afraid of crashing if that counts" Harry exhaled before Mike replied "not that I know of, they all seemed pretty comfortable on our missions" I replied dreadfully "except for those days in Ukraine, that shit sucked. I was so cold" Harry replied "I wasn't aware of the storm coming in or i would've held off the mission"
Monika spoke "that wouldn't have happened, Alik and I would've forced you to let up go" he sighed and replied "forced? I don't think so. Waged hell to get it to happen maybe" as I quickly drifted off to sleep trying to catch up on my nap that was rudely interrupted by the turbulence. When I woke up I looked over to my right and asked "how long was I asleep?" Bird replied "3 hours" I looked at Monika sleeping peacefully as I leaned my seat forward and began to look out the window. It didn't feel like long before Harry spoke "Bird, Alik, have either of you ever been to America?" I replied "just that once on a mission, I haven't been to any of the tourist spots" bird answered "same here" Harry nodded and replied "you're going to see the grand capital of the country, Washington D.C." I heard Corey "it's a nice city, i don't spend much time there but I've been a couple times on vacation" I heard Mike "you know I never understood why Americans take vacations within their own country, then I realized just how big the country is."
Corey nodded and replied "most people outside of the United States don't get it, it's a fuckin huge country. There's a lot to see" I nodded slowly before I felt Monika move, I looked down at her just for her to roll on her side with her back to me. I chuckled as I felt my arm get pulled across her chest into a tight hug. I looked out the window and lost track of time until we were coming in to land, I blinked away my shock before shaking Monika getting her moving. Harry sighed and spoke "well there goes my peaceful hours" I chuckled before he spoke "the Secret service have provided us with up armored SUVs. You'll know them when you see them" Corey asked "how long of a ride to the press conference?" Harry replied "about 15 minutes" I sighed and replied "a lot of time for an ambush" Harry spoke in reply "then let's hope there isn't an ambush" as we felt the shock go through the frame of the plane and Mike stood "let's get evil. Achilles, lead us out" I gripped my rifle and slid past Monika taking point as we headed to the door.
The staircase lowered and I walked down scanning the airfield before giving a thumbs up to Thatcher who lead Harry down the staircase. I walked over to the SUV pulling the back seat door open before sidestepping as Thatcher and Harry climbed in. IQ walked around to the passenger door while I climbed in after Harry, bird climbed into the boot while Rodion took the driver's seat. I looked out the tinted windows before we started driving, the drive was short and tense, all of us expected an ambush however one never came. When we reached the press conference, thatcher spoke "Bird, do not leave Harry's side. We're splitting to our pairs. IQ, I want you on the eastern side, Rodion were on the west. Keep your eyes open" we all climbed out as Rodion popped the boot for Bird to climb out. I closed the book door and followed IQ to the far side of the press conference. Most of the news agencies parted around us as we made our way through and all I could think was if there's a mask in here, all it takes is someone to clack off a vest and we're done.
I stood next to IQ and talked while Harry gave his speech, I wasn't paying much attention to it as I scoured the crowd for any suspicious activity only for me to tune back in as Harry finished with "if you threaten the people of our nations, if you try to cripple our governments or wound us emotionally. These fine operators I command, these brave men and women that swore to defend the things you try to destroy, will find you and there is no where you can hide" I chuckled and whispered out of the corner of my mouth "look at the reporters, they're shell shocked" she chuckled and replied "it's one of the few times Harry is being threatening. He doesn't look like much of a threat but man does he pack a punch with words" I shook my head watching in amusement as the reporters scrambled to get their questions answered. Bird stepped infront of Harry cocking his shotgun speaking sternly "The Commander will answer your questions but do not advance beyond the white line. And for the love of god, be civil about it" as he stepped back and returned his shotgun to a low ready.
They began asking questions as Harry picked people from the crouch with their pens raised before I heard IQ "this is the part I hate, they always ask questions to twist answers" I rested my rifle hand on her shoulder "my dear, they're journalists. Two faced is in the name" she shook her head chuckling as Thatcher radioed "be ready to leave soon, it's almost over" I replied "affirm, we'll get the car prepped" as I looked at IQ as she spoke "time to secure our exit" I gave her the OK hand gesture and followed her back to the car. She got everything started while I pulled security, I radioed "car is ready for package" as I looked over at the stage and saw Bird whisper to Harry before Harry said that was all he could answer at this time and began making his way over to Thatcher and Rodion. I pulled the backseat door open as the trio approached while IQ popped the boot, Harry, Thatcher and I climbed into the backseat, IQ took the passenger seat again and Bird got stuck in the boot once more before we were off to the airport to head back to base. I had to ask "Boss, think this was worth it?" He nodded speaking "of course, I doubt you were listening but those words are gonna sink into people's mind and remind them why we have to keep fighting" I looked out the window and spoke "I hope you're right"

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