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Kye's POV
I walked through the halls with Zofia as I asked "So Amelia is coming to visit?" She nodded replying "tak, she should be here in a couple hours" I smiled "good, I've missed her. She's been asking me for more food" I saw Alik and Monika walking down the hallway towards us as they noticed Zofia and I, I gave a small wave as I asked "how're you two on this fine morning?" Alik shrugged and replied "tired, our mission was dragged on for 2 days" as Monika answered matching his exhaustion "Ja, we should've been back on Monday" I shook my head as Zofia asked "how'd it go? Did we lose anyone?" I listened as Alik replied clearly happy at the fact "No, we managed to save everyone. It was bloody brilliant" I smiled as Monika asked "Are we still on for that match tonight?" I nodded and asked "Alik, are you joining us?" He shook his head no and replied "sadly not, I'm not good enough" I watched as Monika looked sad at the news before Zofia suggested "why don't you watch with our daughter? Give us a little extra support?" Monika looked at him hopefully as he looked over at me and I gave him a small nod.
He replied "of course, I'd be happy to. Do I get a cheerleading uniform or can I just sit and drink my tea watching the game?" I shrugged and spoke "that's up to Mon" as Monika yelled "I know what I want you to wear!" He looked at me in horror as he tried running before Monika turned and ran after him before she jumped and wrapped her legs and arms around him like a backpack tackling him to the ground. I looked at Zofia and spoke "they're so in love" suddenly I heard a voice behind me "Ja, they are. It makes me happy seeing my little girl so happy" Zofia and I turned seeing the happy face of Monika's mother, Anna, Zofia replied "tak, they certainly do bring out the best in one another" as we looked and saw them laughing as Alik slowly stood, I spoke "They're definitely going to be together, no way they aren't" as they made their way back and Monika excitedly asked "Mama, guess what Alik's wearing to our Lightsaber match?" Anna replied matching her excitement "was?(what?)" as Alik sighed "she's making me dress up like..."
He got cut off by an excited Monika "he's dressing up in sith robes!" He sighed as his head dropped before he looked up with a smile, I nodded to him before I heard Zofia "I'd love to talk but we have to go pick up our daughter" alik waved as Anna ordered "drive safe" i saluted and replied "yes ma'am" and we walked off. We quickly made our way to the garage and into our car before I pulled out onto the highway, I gripped the stirring wheel and shifter as I drove through the British countryside. I asked "does Alik seem quieter than normal?" She replied by asking "he talks?" I chuckled and replied "fair enough, still he seems caught in his mind" she nodded speaking "we can try to figure him out later for now, let go see our daughter. I've missed her so much, o mój Boże" I fixed my eagles feathers as I sighed "we gotta get her some cookies, fuck I forgot" Zofia replied "we can do it at the cafeteria, or better yet just cook them at the room" I answered "I don't think we have the stuff"
      Zofia was quiet, she was thinking I'd been married to her long enough to know that much until she spoke "ask Alik, he likes to cook. He makes cookies all the time, never leaves on a mission without a bag of them" I looked over with an eyebrow raised "how do you know that?" She replied "since Monika's started talking to us I've learned a lot about him, we have a little get together at their room every Friday" I asked "why haven't I ever been invited?" She replied with a small laugh "you've been invited every time, I ask if you want to come with and you're heading to sleep" I replied defending my sleep schedule "hey, 20:00 is late at night." Zofia replied blandly "nie, you're just old." I hissed at the jab as I replied "tla(no), I just sleep at a decent time. That doesn't make me old, I'm just responsible"  she nodded and spoke "believe whatever you want dear but they do ask about you" I smiled knowing that they wanted me there before I suggested "Amelia is with us for a week so why don't we bring her to the next one, it's this Friday right?"
      She nodded before replying "that's if you're willing to risk her picking up another swear word, we'd have to go to her school again and talk to them about her cussing out a classmate again" I chuckled remembering the adventure before I replied "I'd risk it, besides you can't hold that against her. That's fuckin funny" Zofia responded "that's besides the point, I can't have her cussing every god damn second" I pointed out "love, we swear every got damn second. Like she lives with two people who are constantly swearing of course she picks something up" Zofia sighed and replied "I'm not saying she's in the wrong, I'm just making sure it's a risk you wanna take" I shrugged and replied "so what? We talk to the teacher for 10 minutes again about getting Amelia to stop swearing, I think she'd like to hang out with the adults" Zofia nodded and smiled "then we bring her with us, I'll message Monika and ask if it's okay" I kept driving towards London. I looked around at the Olympic grounds still recovering from the terrorist attack as we drove by and I spoke "Maker's will, that's a lot of damage"
Zofia looked out the window speaking in polish "cholera, to szaleństwo(fucking hell, that's insane)" I replied "the masks are using bigger toys now, that worries me" she nodded as we saw the airport come into view causing her to yell "there it is!" as I jumped speaking "Christ, don't do that! Scared the shit outta me!" She laughed replied "Przepraszam(sorry)" I grumbled back "don't fucking lie to me" as I pulled into the parking lot and climbed out of the car looking at Zofia excitedly before I yelled "bet I can make it to the door before you!" And took off running as she yelled "you bastard!" While chasing me. Once I reached the door I turned and blew a raspberry at her before I turned and opened the door laughing until I heard the sound of Amelia's excited voice yelling "Papa!" As I dropped to my knee and opened my arms as she crashed into me and I tightly wrapped my arms around her "hello my little warrior, how've you been?" She replied happily "awesome! We got to make Christmas tree ornaments in school!" I asked "really? That's awesome!" I heard Zofia "hello baby"
       Amelia yelled "mama!" As she worked out of my grip and into her mother's arms as I walked over to her father and talked with him "does she have everything she needs?" He nodded and spoke "she wants some cookies but I didn't have time, she hasn't eaten in a couple hours either. You might have to get her some melatonin to help her sleep she's been hard to put to bed lately" I nodded and replied "sounds good, I'll take care of her. Stay safe Feliks" he nodded and replied "you as well" as I slung the hello kitty bag over my shoulder and started heading back to my family. I saw Amelia get picked up by Zofia as I spoke "let's get back home, come on munchkin. Lead us out" she pointed out the door as I chuckled and followed them. I heard Zofia ask "does she need anything?" I answered "just some food and possibly some melatonin. Feliks told me she'd been hard to get to sleep lately" Amelia answered for herself "I wanted to be here with you, I couldn't sleep I was too excited!" I smiled and ruffled her hair as she asked "can I get a new backpack?"
     I looked at the hello kitty bag and asked "not cool enough anymore?" She nodded as Zofia asked "what do you want?" She asked "Can I get a Wonder Woman one?" I nodded and replied "of course princess, I'll bring you to get one before we have to bring you back to your dads" she smiled and spoke excitedly "thanks papa, I love you" I replied "love you too munchkin" as Zofia spoke "do you wanna meet one of Aunt Monika's new friends?" Amelia asked "Aunt Monika has a new friend?" I nodded and spoke "he's a good guy, a bit quiet but he can teach you how to make cookies" she asked "cookies?!" As Zofia nodded and replied "he makes really good cookies" as Amelia sighed and spoke "I'm hungry" I looked at Zofia and asked "do you wanna stop on the way back or cook when we get back?" She answered quickly "just stop on the way back, it'll be easier" as Amelia got put in her booster seat and yelled "McDonald's!" As I shrugged and replied "McDonald's it is, want anything babe?" Zofia answered "just some fries, I'm not that hungry"
I nodded as we drove until the McDonald's came into view and I got us food I handed Amelia her happy meal and Zofia her French fries before I pulled out and into the highway again heading back to the base I've called hold for the last 5 months. I heard Amelia call "Dziękuję Ci!(thank you!)" I replied smiling "nie ma problemu, munchkin(no problem munchkin)" I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw her tearing through her happy meal looking for the toy as I saw Zofia waving it at me, I widened my eyes at her for a second before I felt my face shift to an evil smile. I heard Amelia sadly "Mama, they didn't give me a toy" as Zofia looked back "really baby? I got one" Amelia looked up sadly as Zofia reached back and handed Amelia her toy "here you go baby, don't go getting the car too dirty. Papa and I will have to clean it then" she saluted as I spoke "a nice salute little soldier" she smiled and giggled as Zofia spoke "we've got to get our extra bed out and set up" I replied simply "dudanilvtsa(agreed)" as we continued to drive.
        When we reached the base I helped Amelia out of her booster seat before I asked "excited to see all of Mommy and I's friends again?" She nodded as I set her on the ground and took her hand before walking through the base. I saw Corey, Jace and Alik walking talking to each other until I called "Hey boys!" They all stopped and turned noticing the small child as Jace asked "she's back already?" I nodded as Alik looked at the two operators that had been here longer and asked "why the bloody 'ell is there a kid on our base?" As I explained "this is my step daughter, Amelia, Zofia's kid from her first marriage. She comes and visits us for a week every 2 months" he nodded numbly before walking forward and extending his closed fist "nice to meet you kid" as Amelia gave him a fist bump and he pretended that it hurt "Jesus, lass, you've got an arm on you. Gotta be careful you might hurt this old boy" she giggled before I spoke "Amelia, this is Alik. Aunt Monika's new friend" she yelled excitedly "the one with the cookies?!" As Corey walked up and rested his hand on Alik's shoulder "yes ma'am, he makes delicious cookies" as Jace suggested "why don't you have Alik make you some?" She yelled at him with stars in her eyes "would you?!" He nodded "Aye lass, come with me" as he looked at me and asked "is it alright if I bring her to my dorm and make cookies?" I nodded and asked "isn't Monika there?" He nodded as I replied "well swing by in a bit, that alright?" He nodded as he and Amelia walked off and Corey watched the two interact "his soft side is coming through"

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