New arrivals

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Alik's pov
     I looked over at Mike as the sounds of a helicopter echoed through the base, "anything I should know about the operators?" He nodded and replied "Maverick, he's a quiet lad. Good on the field, does his job and does it right. Lion can be an ass, religious too. Amaru and Goyo are dependable, Zero is the best I've worked with. He's smart, he might be able to help you become in tune with your surroundings" I nodded slowly before asking "any warnings?" He replied simply "don't ask vigil about the mask" I shifted my MCX before replying "that I can do" I saw the US Marine Corps Chinook appear in view as I asked "do you play with those often?" He nodded and spoke "I used to, back when I was in the Middle East" I spoke "never told me you worked in the Middle East" he replied "you should've read my file" I laughed and nodded as the chinook began to descend towards us as Mike spoke "easy with the rifle, these are friendlies" I replied looking around at the soldiers "they're not the ones I'm worried about" he asked "worried about the soldiers turning on us?"
      I replied "just a few of them, the masks have a habit of working their way into places they shouldn't" he nodded as the chinook touched down and the rear ramp started to lower, we walked forward as I kept my eyes on the Soldiers running around the field. I heard a joyful call in a heavy accent "Mike!" Mike replied sounding happy "jalal! Nice to see you again mate" as they shook hands before Jalal looked at me "who's this?" Mike clapped his hand on my shoulder "Jalal, this is Alik. He's an officer from Britain, he's a good operator" jalal extended his hand to me as I shook it and he spoke "nice to meet you, I hope Mike isn't lying to me" I smiled and replied "i hope so too, nice to meet you" as Mike yelled "alright you muppets, fall out! We're bring you to the Team Rainbow Wing!" The 25 team rainbow operators quickly scrambled off the chinook before lining up infront of Mike and I. As Mike looked at me "pull rear guard, if any masks are here our group is a target" I nodded as replied "I'm on it" as Mike turned and the group started following him.
      Many of the operators looked me over as they walked past before I fell in behind them every now and again turning around and scanning the airfield for anything suspicious before I turned and jogged catching up to the group. I heard one of the guys at the back ask "So what do you do here?" I looked at him and replied "I put masks in the ground" he smiled "Collinn McKinley, call me Warden" I replied "Alik Gardner, call me Achilles" he spoke "nice to meet you, I hope you live up to your callsign" I replied "we held off the masks when they tried to make our organization go tits up, I think that counts" he replied chuckling softly "I believe we'll get along" I heard a German accent behind me as I spun to check behind us "so I was told by a little bird you're dating Monika" I turned and asked "let me guess, Jace told you?" He asked surprised "how'd you know?" I replied "lucky guess" he laughed before replying "I'm Elias Kötz, call me Blitz" I heard Collinn ask shocked "you got with Monika? Fuck" I laughed.
I stood back as Mike started assigning rooms, I noticed he left His and Bird's room just to them as I watched the operators peel off. I heard Monika behind me "making friends?" I looked over my shoulder at her "I suppose you could say that, how's your day been?" She replied "not bad, I was wondering where you and Mike were. No one knew where you were" I replied "I was training with Mike, Harry asked us to set up the new pack" she nodded before freezing speaking in rushed German "Warten Sie, Sie haben mit Mike trainiert?(wait, you were training with Mike?)" I looked at her and spoke "dear, I don't speak German. Not yet anyway" she asked in English "when did you start training with Mike?" I replied after thinking "about 6 hours ago, I asked at breakfast" she nodded before asking "so who have you met?" I replied listing them off "Jalal, Collinn and Elias" she chuckled and replied "Elias is like a big brother to everyone in the GSG-9. Even me when I was all antisocial he looked out for me" I nodded and spoke "he seemed like a good guy, when'd you wake up?"
      She spoke "2 hours ago, looking for you for about an hour" I asked confusedly "why didn't you just ask Harry where we were?" She froze "I didn't think of that" I chuckled as Mike spoke "come on Alik, let's get back to the drill" I nodded as Monika asked "can I watch?" Mike nodded as I let my MCX hang loosely at my side and Monika replied "let me grab some water, I'll be right back" I watched her disappear into our dorm as Mike asked "does she know what we've been training?" I shook my head no as he laughed "time to impress" I heard the door open and saw Monika walk out holding her water bottle as Mike asked faking annoying "are we good to go now?" Monika seemed unnerved at his tone as she meekly nodded before we started walking out to the range. I heard some footsteps behind us and spun lifting my rifle aiming at them only to see Elias looking nervously at my rifles barrel as he spoke "friend, ja?" I lowered my rifle and replied "sorry mate, I'm a bit on edge" he smiled and replied "Es ist okay, mach dir keine Sorgen(it's okay, don't worry about it)"
     Monika translated "he said don't worry about it" as Elias asked her "so you come out of your shell?" She nodded and replied "ja, Alik helped" he smiled at me before Mike spoke "let's go you tit, on the line" I lifted my rifle into a low ready as I stepped onto the line and heard Mike "time to beat is 2 seconds" as I nodded mentally visualizing the transition from one target to another like Mike taught me. I heard the loud beep of the timer and lifted my rifle firing and shifting to the next target as soon and I knew a round had hit it. I went through 11 rounds hitting 5 targets in 1.97 seconds, I heard Mike say "clear" as I shifted my rifle to safety and looked at him as he spoke slightly impressed "5 in 1.97" I swore as Monika asked "is that good?" Mike nodded and replied "almost as fast as Wamai, he's 3 seconds faster than when we started" I turned and looked at Mike "again" he asked "are you sure? I don't know how much better you can do" I replied frustration leaking into my voice "again"
     He sighed before speaking "shooter to the line" I shifted my rifle to semi and took the low ready stance as I heard the beep and lifted my rifle firing as fast and accurately as I could before I heard the beep and heard Mike "1.89" I pulled my magazine out and dropped it in my mag bag before pulling another off my plate carrier and sliding it in "again" Mike spoke "this is the last time, make it count" I nodded and replied "this is all I'll need" as I chambered a round and got ready. I heard Monika in a cliche american commentators voice "can he beat his high score? Will he succeed? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z" I chuckled as Mike asked "shooter ready?" I nodded as I took my stance and waited until I heard the beep, immediately I lifted my rifle and dumped rounds into the targets getting my rifle to the next target as soon as I was sure I had fired one round that would hit the target I cleared my rifle to safety and heard Mike "1.87" I turned and pulled the magazine from my rifle before pulling the bolt handle back and catching my next round as it was ejected.
      I heard Elias "that was very impressive, how'd you get that fast?" I looked at Mike and replied "I had an experienced mentor" as Monika gave me a hug "you did it!" I chuckled and patted her back "yes I did, did you enjoy the show?" She nodded happily as Mike spoke "we'll work on firing from uncomfortable positions tomorrow, be here at the same time" I nodded and replied "I'll be here" as he replied his face shifted to a soft smile "go have fun. You did good today" I returned the smile and answered "thank you for the extra help mate, it means a lot" as Monika started pulling my arm "come on, Mama wants to talk to you" my brows scrunched together as I asked "what does she want to talk to me about?" Monika shrugged as I heard Elias "easier just to go" I nodded and replied "I've learned that the hard way" his laughed boomed across the range before Monika started tugging me towards the base. I started following her as we moved and Elias asked "so how'd you get recruited?"
       I looked down as a chill shot across my skin before I asked "did you hear about the attack on the Olympic Games?" he replied sadly "ja, it looked horrible" I replied softly "I was there" Elias realized what had happened as he asked "you lost friends there, didn't you?" I answered mournfully "I lost 8 friends that day, I lost another 2 months later by my own decision" Monika spoke angrily "it's not your fault, do NOT blame yourself" I heard Elias ask "how was it your fault?" I answered "a mask named Feral has an obsession with me, he captured my friend and Monika's sister..." Elias muttered "Zara" as I continued "I had to choose who survived, I chose Zara" he nodded slowly before replying "hopefully you can see the good you've done, not the damage" as we reached Monika's family's room. Monika knocked a tune as Gunther called from the inside "come in Mon!" She opened the door as Elias and I followed her in. Anna asked "you brought a friend" I smiled as I waved and Elias spoke "hallo ma'am"  Anna shook his hand "nice to see you again Elias" he nodded as I sat at the table and asked "how are you doing Reinhard?"
He replied "not too badly, I'm starting to get back to myself and get the propaganda out of my head" I smiled as I joked "good, I need an answer to if Bigfoot exists" the family chuckled as Monika sat on my and Elias sat down in the empty chair. I heard Anna ask "so Alik where were you this morning?" I heard Monika warn "Mama" as I replied simply "training" she asked "I thought you were coming over for breakfast?" I replied sadly "Mike wanted to get started early this morning, we don't know when we'll get another mission so he wanted to weaponize every minute we could. I didn't get a chance to tell you or Monika since it was 5am" she nodded grumpily before Gunther spoke "Anna stop questioning the man, I'm sure he wanted to be here but training takes precedence" she huffed as Zara laughed and whispered to Monika who giggled behind her hand as Anna zeroed in on them. "What do you find so funny?" As Monika replied "nothing mama" as Anna just stared at her as I watched the typically confident Monika slowly start squirming under her mother's gaze before Gunther spoke "Honey, enough. Leave the kids alone" as she sighed before I asked "did something happen?" Gunther replied "some of the soldiers came around and told us to go back to Germany, that this wasn't a hotel and civilians shouldn't be here" I stood and replied "I'll handle it" as I stood and stormed down to Harry's new office.

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