The encounter

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Corey's POV
I heard Bird ask "so how do you know so much about Skinwalkers?" I peeled my eyes away from the gorgeous environment before replying "I always found the Indian myths cool, it was like a childhood obsession" he nodded as Achilles asked "Thatch, you good to go?" Thatcher stood as he clipped his canteen back in place and replied "aye, let's get moving" as Bird rose from his crouch and we continued up the path silently. A while later we were about 30 meters down the path from the entrance hiding behind some shrubs making a plan, I asked "anyone got suppressors?" I heard Achilles in reply "aye, I do" as I twisted mine on "Well take the masks at the entrance, on your signal take the left guy" I saw him shift his way around IQ before he lifted his rifle and whispered in comms "I've got mine" as I replied "set" just for a couple rounds from a suppressed rifle rang out and I quickly squeezed the trigger feeling the familiar kick of my rifle as the two masks dropped dead. Thatcher spoke "you two, lead us in" as Achilles and I sidestepped our bushes and began up the trail side by side.
I heard the gravel crack under our feet as we slowly made our way up just for a couple masks to walk out going to check their casualties just for Achilles and I to send rounds into each of them as I double tapped each body with a couple extra rounds making sure they were down. We continued into the caves as I heard talking, I lifted my closed fist as we stopped and fell to a crouch just for Achilles to slowly walk forward peaking around the corner, I looked back and spoke "they're giving a brief, we need to hit them" I nodded before I stood and leaned around the corner as we started firing. I saw the masks try to get to their weapons as I put rounds in their backs as they ran until a loud piercing shot rang out and Achilles shifted his aim firing a hail of suppressed shots at the origin of the sound just for Bull to come over a PA "all mask units, be advised we are under assault. Bring me their heads" as an L85 was heard and the rock infront of my face chipped.
I recoiled as IQ took the corner holding her AUG returning fire as Achilles yelled "Bounding!" And Thatcher crouched leaning around IQ firing with his AR33 as Achilles began running to a pillar of stone in the middle of the room. He leaned around the edge of the pillar firing into the masks from a new area as they fell back deeper into the caves. I warned as we started pushing after them "It's gonna get dark here soon" as Bird lifted his shotgun and started around the corner. I saw a hand grip the ammo tube of his shotgun lifting it as they tackled him just for Thatcher's AR33 to echo as the mask slumped and Bird lifted his shotgun firing as he used the mask's body for cover until Achilles and I came around the corner suppressing the masks as thatcher gripped Bird's straps and pulled him back into cover. We pulled back into cover as I noticed a small crack on the far side of the curve from us, I asked "Think y'all can cover me while I make a move for that crack!?" I got confirmation from all of them as IQ and Thatcher began firing.
I ran across the corridor and pushed myself into the crack as I gripped my MK18 waiting until I saw a flash bang get thrown past me, I heard groans of pain as Bird, Achilles and Thatcher pushed past me firing into the stunned masks. They weren't expecting the ferocity of the attack as they dropped in droves as I got out of my small cubbyhole. I lifted my rifle and jogged with IQ to catch up as they continued to push chasing the now retreating masks. I radioed "just be careful, the masks are running out of places to hide. This cave ends in an opening to a cliff" I heard Bird "got it" as a shotgun blast rang out and a scream of pain. We climbed the steps as I saw Bird rack his shotgun again just for Achilles to say "watch this" as he lifted his MCX and laid down firing several times quickly as a group of masks dropped to the ground infront of him. Thatcher chuckled "show off" as IQ spoke "Achilles, get up" as he did before Bird lifted his shotgun "advancing" as they continued down the tunnel. I asked thatcher "are they always this hungry?"
He replied "you should've seen them at the joint training a year and a half ago. They pushed harder than my SAS team" I just shook my head as the sound of suppressed shots and shotgun blasts were heard followed by the sounds of various weapons returning fire. We jogged catching up to them quickly joining the gunfight, I lifted my Mk18 firing off bursts at any masks I thought I had a reasonable chance of hitting. My sights were constantly shifting to the next target always firing a round, I saw Bull stand holding a PKM as Achilles and I shifted our aim putting rounds in both his shoulders as the masks seemed unnerved at the untouchable Bull getting wounded. Bird and IQ pushed while the rest of us kept their heads down by firing in random spots above them until they reached the stairs and we stopped firing. A couple seconds later I heard the distinct sound of IQ's AUG and Bird's shotgun as I looked at Achilles "you've got one mean girl" he just laughed as IQ radioed "We've secured Bull" and we all pushed out of cover to rally on the two.
I saw Achilles crouch infront of him as he asked "how're you on this fine day?" Bull replied "you won't get anything out of me" I just laughed as Bird adopted Achilles' patronizing character "that's adorable" Bull gave him a look of uninterest as Thatcher spoke "you'll have a fun time with us, I hear we're a 5 star terrorist cracker" as Thatcher told us "get him up" as Achilles and bird pulled him up before tearing off his jacket and mask. We stripped him to his white undershirt and pants, Achilles double checked everything for any tracking devices as Thatcher spoke "I'll keep him under control finish clearing" as I looked at the rest of the team seeing them already moving into the last chamber. I lifted my rifle as we continued deeper before I heard screams, I heard Achilles "I'll go check that out finish securing the caves" I watched him peel off as I felt increasingly uncomfortable with the situation. I shifted my aim seeing nothing before I heard shouts and gunfire from the area Achilles had entered. I spoke "I'm gonna go support Achilles, We'll link up back at Thatcher and Bull when we finish up"
Alik's POV
I walked slowly deeper into this off shoot of the main tunnel as I heard more gunshots and screams, my nerves were shot by this point as I saw a mask run deeper into the caves. He saw me but didn't try to shoot me, his eyes had shown with fear as he disappeared around the corner. A couple seconds later I had resolved to follow him, to find out what had him that freaked out. I got to the corner of the tunnel he went down before I heard shouts, gunfire and what sounded like flesh being cleaved off of something. I turned the corner and leveled my rifle only to see a Wolf standing on its hind legs with a dead mask in its mouth, it's paws were covered in blood as I stared at it in shock. It noticed me and stared at me before it changed into a small Native American woman in traditional clothing as her eyes flashed a bright green and the mask's corpse dropped to the ground. I watched her turn and jump off the cliff ledge as my curiosity got the best of me and I rushed to the edge watching a Hawk fly away.
I heard Rodion behind me "what happened here?" I turned and looked at him as I tried to comprehend what I had seen before he asked "Achilles, what happened?" I replied suddenly feeling queasy "you won't believe me" he challenged "try me" as I replied rambling "I think I just saw a Skinwalker" he looked at me like I'm insane as I recounted "I turned the corner and saw a Wolf on its back legs with a mask in it's mouth and then it changed to a small native woman and she jumped off the cliff and then a hawk flew away" he spoke "was your body cam on?" I nodded and coughed as I choked on my own vomit, the scene kept replaying in my mind as Rodion spoke "just take it easy, I can see you're shaken up" I nodded slowly before looking at the carnage behind me "what the fuck was that?" He replied "we'll see when we get back to base" I blinked away my shock before I gripped both of his shoulders and spoke "no one, I mean No one hears about this" he nodded and replied "I promise"
We walked back to the team as Thatcher noticed my condition and joked "Christ mate, you look like you just ran into a Skinwalker" Bull looked at me and spoke "so you saw it too" I asked "you knew about it?" He replied laughing "why do you think we were leaving? That things decimated my men all week" Bird asked "what thing?" As Bull motioned to me and spoke "let him tell you, you trust him" as they all looked at me and I took a deep breath before replying the same thing I told Rodion. Thatcher looked at me "you're insane" as I looked at him and snapped "I know what I fookin saw! You weren't there!" Thatcher stood and paced "I can't believe this fookin shite, you fookin believe this?" As IQ played mediator "calm down, when we get back to base we can review the body cam footage" thatcher sighed as Bird pulled up Bull and we started working our way out of the cave system. I asked Bull "how many did you lose to it?" He replied "I'm down 36, that fuckin thing. Bullets don't scratch it" as I heard Rodion "so that was what all that gunfire was about"
I heard Thatcher radio "Watcher, we're egressing now. Bull is in custody, have the body cam footage of Achilles ready" Harry replied confusedly "watcher confirms all but why do we need Achilles' body cam?" I replied "we need to confirm something" as we started down the path back to where we had left our ride. I looked around nervously as Bull did the same thing, it was obvious we were freaked out as I looked at my rifle and sighed, trying to calm my shock nerves. My sense were in high alert I could almost hear the deserts sand move under the weight of a snake. I kept my eyes scanning the sky just in case I saw the Hawk again, it was a quiet walk as we reached the armored SWAT car. I climbed in and leaned against IQ as she traced the veins in my arm with her finger tip, everywhere her finger trailed tickled as my hairs were moved until I heard Bull ask "Answer me this, what color were it's eyes?" I replied "they flashed green when it looked at me" he nodded and replied "i thought so" as Bird asked tiredly "are you going to cooperate?" Bull replied with a shrug "I haven't decided yet" as we fell quiet and Rodion began the long drive out of the desert back to the airport where Jäger was waiting for us.

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