Going home

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Alik's pov
I woke up to my alarm as Monika groaned before rolling over and burying her head under her pillow, I sat up and shook her "come on, we gotta get ready" she groaned before I shook her again as I spoke "if you don't get up I'll go without you" she sat up and sighed before mumbling in German. I chuckled before sliding out of bed and changing into civilian clothes before I grabbed my glock holster sliding my belt through the loop and clipping the holster in place before sliding my pistol and 3 mags into their clips before I grabbed my bag as Monika changed into her signature jeans before pulling on an AC-DC shirt and a leather jacket I asked "good to go?" She nodded before asking "should I bring my gun?" I replied "it's up to you, I'm bringing mine just in case" she answered by clipping her holster onto her hip and sliding her P12 into her holster, she gave me a look of challenge as I laughed "come on danger, let's go" she took my hand as we started walking out to the airstrip where we saw a Blackhawk waiting with Marius leaning against it.
I walked forward and asked "you our ride?" He nodded and replied "ja, just because I like you." I rolled my eyes and laughed "oh how lucky am I?" As Monika appeared next to me "hallo Marius, how's your break?" He smiled "atleast now I'm just flying, no more ground missions for me" I patted his shoulder as I climbed into the helicopter "stay safe, Rainbow would be a much different place if we didn't have our pranking duo" he laughed as I helped Monika into the chopper before he climbed in and closed his door pulling on his helmet before I looked at Monika "take a nap, I know you're tired. I'll wake you up when we get to the airport" she nodded before yawning as she stretched and used my leg as a pillow. I slowly combed my fingers through her hair as the chopper began to lift off, I looked at my phone and saw it was 05:24, I mumbled to myself "earlier than I thought" as I watched the expanses of our new home base slowly turn to a small model as we lifted. I texted corey "when you get up can you bring Shadow to Anna and Gunther's for me?"
I continued to absentmindedly comb Monika's hair for a couple hours before I felt my phone vibrate and Corey had replied "yea, I'll bring him over. Do I need to bring his bowls too?" I answered "yes, please" he texted back "no problem, have fun at your parents" I looked at the message for a couple seconds before I replying "I'll try" as I checked my watch, it read 07:29 clearly but I had hoped it read 05:00 again so I could avoid the uncomfortable situation that was to come. I felt Monika shift as she slowly sat up and yawned before I chuckled as a line of drool slid down her cheek, I wiped it away before she leaned over laying against me as I watched France pass below us while we headed to Britain. Eventually the familiar skyline of London appeared beneath us as I looked over my old stomping grounds missing the simplicity of my old job but loving the challenge of the new one. I saw buildings I had raided, corners I'd had long nights waiting on before I joined CTSFO, I saw my entire career play out infront of me.
The helicopter began to descend as we came down next to an SUV, once we touched down Marius tossed me some keys before giving a thumbs up and lifting off again. I heard Monika "so where are we going?" I answered "Birmingham, the place I grew up." She nodded before sliding in and plugging her phone charger into the aux port, she picked her favorite song as I pulled onto the rode heading back to where I grew up. I saw wide open fields with a few deer out in them as Monika excitedly spoke "look, deer! They're so cute" I just laughed as we continued driving before the familiar streets and building appeared, I saw apartment buildings I'd spend time at when I'd hang out with my friends. I saw the park where I slipped into the sink hole, my mind replayed everything before I shifted my eyes to my parents apartment building as I pulled against the curb and put it in park taking a deep breath before Monika asked "are you okay?" I nodded as she replied "you really are a terrible liar" I looked over and spoke "just nervous, I haven't talked to them in a couple years"
She replied soothingly "I'll be there, we can always leave early." I nodded slowly "I know, I just hope it goes well" she smiled and replied "it will" as I asked "how do you know?" She answered "just a feeling, come on" I slid out of the truck before looking at the building that seemed to oppress any hopes of a good day as Monika gripped my hand and we started walking inside. We headed up the stairs before we reached the third floor and I saw the same door, each crack and scratch reminded me of my childhood as I knocked. We heard footsteps and my mother's jovial tone "coming!" On the other side as she opened it and froze as I said "hello mom, been a while" before I knew it she had rushed forward and engulfed me in a tight hug before gripping both sides of my face "how many times have I told you to call home more often?" I laughed and replied "too many" as she looked around me and saw Monika standing awkwardly she asked "bring a friend?" I nodded "this is Monika, my girlfriend"
Mom looked at me and asked "you managed to get a woman that beautiful to fall for you?" I replied with a nod "I have no idea how but it did it" as my father appeared around the corner "Liz, who's at the-" he froze when he saw me before asking "Alik?" I nodded "hey old man, been a while" as Mom pulled Monika inside and closed the door "Do you drink tea?" Monika nodded and replied "Alik got me into it, he makes pretty good tea" as they began to talk about me. My old man walked over and extended his hand "I see you've kept on this path" I nodded and replied "I'm working at Team Rainbow now" he asked "we've been watching the news every night since that attack on the olympics" I replied "that was a bad day for my team" he looked at me alarmed and asked "you were there?" I nodded and answered "my team was on security for the games, command sent us in half assed to try not to unduly alarm the public. A bunch of bollocks" as my father asked "did you lose anyone?" I nodded sadly "8 men, I lost 8"
He gave me a hug before asking "so what are you doing now?" I replied "I work with Monika at Team Rainbow, trying to hunt down the orchestrator of the attack that killed me team" he glanced at my hip and asked "is that a gun?" I replied "it's me service pistol" as he asked "does what's her name have one?" I answered "Monika, and yes, were both armed" as he spoke "put em in the counter, I don't want any firearms at me table" I nodded as we walked into the kitchen as I saw Mom and Monika talking about me looking through a scrap book. I spoke "mon, give me your pistol. Dad doesn't want any guns at the table" she tossed it to me as I placed both of ours on the table before my father introduced himself "I'm Tom, alik's father" she replied shaking his hand "I'm Monika, alik's girlfriend. He's told me a lot about you both" Mom asked pointedly "good things I hope?" Monika answered "most of the stuff is about his childhood, he warned me about you two being 'ball busters' was the term he used" I chuckled as my father replied "he ruined the game"
I laughed before sitting down as Mom asked "did anything bad happen to you while you're on the job?" I shrugged and replied "just a few things nothing serious" as Dad asked "what happened?" I replied numbly "I had to bludgeon 3 people to death" both of my parents looked at me in shock before Dad asked Monika "is he kidding?" I watched her reply "Nein, he was covered in blood and was being carried by 2 of our friends after he emerged still holding the hammer" Mom spoke "this is exactly why I didn't want you becoming a cop" I replied simply "too bad it isn't up to you, you're not the one who lives with it." She huffed as my dad sided with me for once, "Liz, he's been a cop since he was 18. We aren't changing his mind now, all we can do is support him. Besides he's got Monika, your names Monika right?" Monika nodded trying not to laugh as Dad continued "besides he's got Monika to pull him out of his fuck ups" I hissed at the subtle jab "ouch" while my mom defended "it's just worrying to hear is all"
The kettle began to whistle as I stood saying "I'll get it" and my parents continued to show Monika all my embarrassing childhood photos, I wasn't paying attention until I heard my dad behind me "you know we worry about you" I replied "you always have" as he sighed and spoke "you're our only kid, we wanted you to be better than us. You are, just not in the way we thought" I replied by asking "so if you wanted me to be better than you, why try to make me be like you?" He looked down and spoke "we wanted to have the ability to help guide you to answers, we couldn't do that when you became a cop. We have no experience as officers" I nodded before speaking "do you know why I avoided coming home as long as I did?" He shook his head no as I heard the laughs from the dining room and I answered "I always thought you two were disappointed I was a cop, I didn't want to come home until I did something I thought you'd be proud of" he looked down before asking "so why'd you come home, did you do that feat?"
I answered "Monika, she convinced me to come visit. She wanted to meet you guys and after spending time with hers I had hope I'd have my family again" he nodded before speaking "I was never disappointed in you, I was worried I'd never see my son alive again" I finished the tea before following him into the dining room where Monika spoke "you never told me you would play dinosaur" I replied clearly embarrassed "I didn't want you to know" dad asked "so Monika, why are you with my boy. You're a gorgeous woman couldn't you do better than this dopey little kid?" She replied simply "no, because no one else gets me" Dad smiled and replied "good answer" as Mom leaned over and whispered "you picked a good one, just like your father" I replied laughing "did you just compliment yourself while complimenting me?" She nodded before chuckling as I shook my head. Dad sipped his tea before looking at me "you've gotten better at making tea" I replied looking at Monika "I had to, a certain someone is really picky with how she likes her tea" Monika raised her hand "guilty as charged" I laughed before looking around at my family, glad I listened to Monika.

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