Once more

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I'm drunk so I'm posting tonight instead of tomorrow so I make sure it's out

Alik's pov
      I put the car in park before everyone started to disembark from their vehicles as I turned and watched the entrance holding my MCX tightly as Rodion stood next to me "think they're following us?" I replied keeping my eyes on the entrance "no, but I don't want to be caught off guard again" he nodded as most of the analysts, CIA case officers and operators loaded our belongings onto the C-17 while the 10 of us that were security back at Hereford remained on guard. Once everyone got on board and everything was packed away I heard IQ on comms "We're all good, get on board" I slowly walked backward until I reached the rear ramp. I turned and walked up following the rest of the team up before I sat next to IQ as the ramp started closing and I finally let my guard down before Harry spoke into comms "In light of recent events, if any of you would like to leave for your R&R early I will green light it. Thatcher, is your team staying for our deal?" Thatcher looked at each of us as we nodded before he replied "aye, we're here for this"
      Harry nodded as I pulled off my helmet and looked at it, I saw the netting had been broken, pieces had been chipped out from the debris of the blasts before I looked over at Reinhard. He looked tired but he was getting back to himself, I looked at Monika as she leaned on me sleeping soundly before I heard Jace "you handled yourself well" I looked at him and replied "I've got a debt to pay to them, they don't have the price" he nodded as Mason asked "what did they do to make you hate them that much?" I looked over as Bird spoke bitterly "they gassed our fucking team, the rats" ozone nodded slowly before Nøkk warned "just be careful not to become your hatred" I chuckled as Corey spoke "so what? They become psychos, what's it matter? Atleast they're our psychos" Mike replied "enough, leave the lads alone. They're here to get payback, we know that. They've been through more pain in this line of work than most soldiers" I spoke "can we not have a therapy session? Besides Harry and Doc both cleared us for combat, it should end right there"
       Blackout spoke "Why the fuck are you all doubting them? Is it because they're police?" As Mason replied "I'm just making sure they don't go down the wrong path" as Blackout snipped "how the fuck do you know what the right path is?" As Mason replied "I don't but-" as Blackout cut him off "exactly. Now shut the fuck up, you keep jabbering but say nothing meaningful" as Mason stood "do we have a problem?" And blackout replied "not gonna call your daddy? Surprising" until Harry yelled "enough! Both of you stop bickering like children before I return you to your units with dishonorable discharges!" Mason spoke "Harry, you wouldn't. You couldn't fuck me over like that" as Harry replied "stop questioning my operators, you're not any higher of a rank than them. You aren't in charge here, I'm aware some of your commanders tiptoe around you due to your father but that will not fly here." Mason sat down with a huff as Harry asked with a sharp edge "do I hear any more questions about my decision to keep Achilles and Bird on the field?" Everyone remained silent as he spoke once more "good, if you have any problem with them on the field I want to hear about it. Do not start problems with other operators or you will be discharged"
I looked at monika and saw her still sound asleep as Tina asked "she's a heavy sleeper, right?" I nodded and replied "apparently she's impossible to wake up, what the fuck" she chuckled as I leaned back and closed my eyes, I shifted my rifle to safety before I drifted off to sleep. I woke up when Gunther shook me, I blinked away the tiredness in my eyes before I nudged Monika, she didn't wake up until I started shaking her violently. She looked at me and asked "why are you shaking me?" I replied exasperatedly "you wouldn't wake up, I needed you to wake up. We're almost at the new base" she nodded tiredly as I looked around at the operators all starting to wake themselves up, I chuckled as Monika slumped against me before I shook her waking her up again "I need you to stay awake" she nodded as I saw Kye trying to figure out how to move Amelia without waking her. I looked down and saw Monika's head bouncing as sleep threatened to take he again before I sighed and jumper cabled her.
      When the plane touched down and we started unloading Harry spoke "everyone returning home, keep your stuff on the plane, it will bring you to the airports of your home." Most of the operators except for my team kept their stuff on the plane as Monika, Mike, Corey, Bird and myself grabbed our belonging and gear before stepping off the ramp watching it raise. I asked Harry "would you actually have discharged them?" He nodded and replied "I cannot have my operators doubting each other" I watched the C-17 start to taxi back to the runway before I heard a polish voice behind me "Are you rainbow?" As Harry and the rest of us turned and Harry replied "yes, that's us" the man spoke "I was told there would be more of you" Harry spoke "this Saturday I will have 25 operators returning from R&R. These are my analysts, CIA case officers and my best team" I looked at thatcher and leaned over "see that? We're the best" he replied through gritted teeth "shut the fook up mate" I chuckled softly as Monika leaned against me struggling to stay awake as the man spoke "I'll bring you to the wing of the base the commander has cleared out for you"
      We followed the man before Harry handed out dorms, Gunther, Anna and Zara got their own. Reinhard was allowed to live with them but under the precaution he stays with them and is monitored, Monika and I walked into our dorm we'd be sharing with Tina and Corey as Bird and Thatcher got the last room before the analysts started getting rooms. I sat on the bottom bunk before I pulled out Shadow's food and water bowls before releasing him from his carrier prison. He bolted around the room exploring the new territory as Monika climbed into bed behind me quickly falling asleep as I stood and started unpacking our things. Corey asked "hey Alik" I replied distractedly "hmm?" As he asked "did you think we were surviving that?" I paused as I hung up my plate carrier "yea, yea I did." He asked "why?" I looked over my shoulder and replied "I wasn't going to let those bastards kill me. Not without making them earn it" he nodded and replied "I saw you on that roof, you looked pissed"
      I responded "I was, I was pissed they dare try to attack my team. They already took one from me, they weren't takin' another" Tina asked "what was happening out there? All we heard was Harry ask what was happening and Meghan yell that you were busy" Corey replied "they had just launched another assault and Harry wanted us to stop fighting to tell him what was happening. We weren't having it and basically said fuck it were just going to fight. We can answer Harry later" she nodded as I started hanging up Monika's gear as I asked "Corey, how much ammo did you have?" He replied with a chuckle "probably 4 mags still" I sighed as he asked "and you?" I replied with a significant helping of salt "I was out, then Jace let me borrow his shotgun" Tina asked "you ran out of ammo?" I nodded and replied "I had the side that had the heaviest assault force on it. Almost all of my rounds hit a target" she blinked in her shock before Corey spoke "I didn't know you had that many enemies on you" I replied jokingly "good, I didn't want you fucks stealing my kills"
       I slowly unpacked our clothes as I heard Monika snoring causing me to chuckle "and she's in a coma, she must be tired" I heard Tina "she was worrying about both of you" I answered "with good reason, I don't know how we survived" Corey replied "the masks ragged shooting and my balls, my big balls" I saw Tina pat his shoulder "sure thing babe" as I asked "so who had money on the sentinel armor being flammable?" Corey replied "we got lucky we had the cyclops there, I didn't think it would work" as Tina asked "they had sentinel armor?" I nodded and spoke "I think they're either buying it under fake names or raiding sentinel corps depots and stealing it. Either way they've got their hands on it and we found out it's flammable" she nodded slowly as I finished putting my clothes in the dresser before I got to Monika's and started unpacking hers as Shadow climbed up on Corey's shoulder and he spoke "Brother, I think your cat likes me" I glanced over "he does that with everyone, don't feel too special" Corey sighed and spoke "don't ruin this for me, I've always wanted a cat parrot, a carrot if you will"
     I heard Tina giggle before I spoke "call my cat a carrot one more time and I'll start putting carrots in your gear" he sounded horrified "you wouldn't" I asked "do you want to test me?" While Tina chanted excitedly "do it, do it, do it" until Corey asked "who's side are you on?" And she replied "I don't have a side, good luck" he sighed as I got to Monika's underwear and sighed quickly moving through the uncomfortable situation knowing I'd have to get it done. I heard Tina ask "what? Still uncomfortable touching a girl's underwear?" While I replied "I don't know, it's just weird" she asked "how's that?" I replied "she has so much lingerie, like does she wear this shit on mission? If she does how doesn't she complain more, that shit doesn't look comfortable" as Corey replied "it's a lot more comfortable than you'd think" I stared at him before asking "how do you-?" He replied tiredly "I lost a dare, don't question it." I replied simply "I'm definitely gonna question it, who's did you wear?" As Tina raised her hand "mine" I shook my head chuckling.
      I quickly put away her bras before thinking 'her bras are smaller than I though they'd be, only Cs' as I started putting away her pants. I heard Corey "you look like a husband" I glanced over as Shadow jumped up on the dresser as I replied "someone's got to put it away, and if you look at my dearest girlfriend she's in a coma so" we looked at Monika as she snores away happily on my bed. He replied "fair, fair. Still" I listened at Tina spoke "we've got to unpack as well, no point putting it off anymore" she was up and bouncing around organizing their belongings as Corey pulled them out. I finished putting away our clothes before pulling out pictures and other small comfort items we owned, mostly Monika's before I sat on the edge of the bed watching Corey try to keep up with the ever energetic Tina. I paid back getting comfortable as Monika latched onto me in her sleep, I laughed quietly as she burrowed into my arm before I felt the familiar scent of jasmine tea, Monika's new favorite. I heard Corey cry "Tina, can you slow down for 2 seconds? I'm too old for this" as I looked over and saw Tina freeze "alright, catch up then slowpoke" as Corey tried making progress but Tina only furthered her lead with her child like energy.

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