Waking up

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Alik's pov
I jolted up with a start as I looked around feeling my eye hissing at the sting before I heard Monika "you almost broke your promise" I replied holding my head "not by choice, fuckin 'ell" as she replied "we got him, feral is here" I looked at her with my good eye "really?" She nodded before speaking "let's go, Taina is about to start the interrogation" I stood and Monika started making her way down the hallway to the first interrogation room. I walked into the observation I heard Corey "nice of you to wake up sleeping beauty" I asked "have we got anything?" As I looked at feral seeing him in his uniform and Harry replied "no, he's only said he'll talk to you" I looked over before pulling my pistol checking that one was in the chamber before I walked out and into the room with Taina and Feral. "cav, I'll take it from here" as I sat down infront of feral and stared at him while he spoke "hello Achilles, nice to see you again" I asked "what do you want?" He replied easily "I just want you to see who you are"
I asked "a mask?" He chuckled before speaking "I can only hope, you're a murderer Alik. You kill so easily, you're ruthless, you're as bad as me" I replied growing annoyed "no, you see there's a difference between us. You kill for power, I kill to protect" he asked "how are you protecting people when you keep creating Masks? Everyone you kill causing one of their family members to come to us. This isn't a problem you can solve with bullets" I stood and put my pistol to his hand and spoke "where's Reinhard?" He laughed before replying "that ruins the fun, doesn't it?" I fired feeling the recoil as Feral replied gritting his teeth "yes, let your anger go! Show me how ruthless you can be!" As I cracked him with my pistol and yelled "where. Is. REINHARD!?" Feral laughed "it's too late.... he's one of us now" I kicked his flank as I spoke sternly "where is he?" Feral replied "New Mexico, he's leading an assault in New Mexico" I put my gun to his stomach and spoke "you better not be fookin lying to me" he laughed before asking "what are you going to do?" I smiled evilly as I replied "How's your son? I hear he's doing great in his art class in karlsruhe"
Feral asked "how'd you know about that?" I shot into his kneecap "I know a lot about you, I know your 38, I know you were denied for a job in the government, I know you're mad your house was taken for tax evasion. I know who you are" he replied trying to regain control of the questions "I'll kill you" as I asked "Did you know your sister just had a baby?" He replied angrily "you don't know what you've started" as I looked at him "I know if you don't give me the true answer your family is going to start having a lot more problems" he replied "he's on his way here" I used my pistol and flipped his jacket oven seeing a tracker. I laughed "you sly devil, so you needed to get captured." As I pulled out the tracker and turned to the observation box showing it as I spoke "Six, we have to get defenses ready" he replied "I'll get ready to greet our guest" as I spun on the wounded feral "I've got the perfect hole for you" as I grabbed his chair and started dragging him through the complex while Corey, Jace and Monika followed me.
     I heard Jace "You're not putting him in there are you?" I nodded as Corey spoke "I'm gonna go help set up the defense, stay safe" as he started running to his dorm and Monika spoke "where are we getting put?" I replied "once we put this fucker in his hole, we're bringing your sister and mother to the med bay and setting up a defense" as I pulled open the massive doors to our maximum security solitary confinement cell and threw feral into it as I spoke "be a good rat and sit here" while I heard Harry on the PA "All able body operators, gear up and prepare to repel a Mask assault" I heard Monika "you don't think Reinhard switched sides.... right?" I froze for a second before I replied "no...., no I don't. And if he did, we'll pull him back" as we walked into our dorm and Monika yelled "Aufstehen! Lass uns gehen! Schnapp dir deine Sachen!(get up! Let's go! Grab your things!)" scaring Anna and Zara while I pulled out my gear and Anna asked "what's happening?" While Monika replied "mama, the masks are going to assault our base. I need you and Zara to stay close to us, okay?" She asked "what about Reinhard?"
     I spoke "He might be leading the assault" Zara asked "was?(what?)" as I heard Monika "Feral said Reinhard was leading the raid, he might've turned" as Anna replied defiantly "my baby would never do that" and I spoke "we don't have time for this, let's go" as I radioed "Achilles and IQ moving Anna and Zara to the medbay. We'll set up a casualty collection point there" Harry replied "I'm moving all non-combatants to your location" as Rodion spoke "I've got eyes, 80... maybe 100 masks. They just came out of the forest." While I quickly moved through the halls keeping Anna and Zara behind me before we reached the Medbay. I pushed the door open and saw Doc and Wendigo aiming at us, I spoke "blue, blue." As they relaxed and I aimed out the door while IQ, Anna and Zara moved past me. I heard Harry on comms "Shooter's discretion, fire at will" as a storm gunfire started to fly. I looked at Doc and asked "what do you need from us?" He replied "I need that door blocked and to set up some cover so we can hold this med bay. I nodded as IQ, Wendigo and I started flipping metal desks stationing them for cover.
     I turned and started moving desks and hospital bed to block the door before I called "Wendigo, I need you over here" he walked over and asked "what can I do to help" I asked "do you have anything we can use to get these wheels off the bed?" He pulled off his bag and grabbed his crowbar as he and I started to pull off the wheels. I fell over as an explosion shook the building, I radioed "What's going on out there?" Pulse replied "the masks brought trucks, they've got mk19s" I groaned as Harry came over comms "CTSFO is mobilizing teams to come assist, F-16s are scrambling from Aviano" I sighed before I looked at Doc and asked "Think were making it through this?" He nodded and replied "got to stay positive" I chuckled before I heard Anna, Zara, IQ and Gunther talking, I looked over and saw the depression on their faces until I radioed "Rodion, do you have eyes on Reinhard?" He replied "last I saw he was on the east wing"
     I stood and started walking off as Wendigo asked "Achilles, where are you going?" I looked over my shoulder as I paused and replied "I'm going to keep my promise" before I walked through the door and started heading to the east wing. I heard IQ on comms "Achilles, what the fuck?" I didn't reply as I heard Harry "what happened?" And Doc replied "he just walked off, he said he was keeping a promise" it was quiet until Rodion replied "he's going to try to bring Reinhard back" as the building shook from another set of explosions, the comms were filled with people calling out targets while I slowly walked through the base until I heard gunshots and saw one of the analysts drop bleeding from the wounds on her back. I heard Reinhard "where is he?" As I turned the corner firing into the two masks accompanying him before I tackled Reinhard tearing off his mask as I pinned his arms and asked "what did they do to you?" He replied hatefully "they showed me the truth! You never came for me!" I replied as the pain set into my voice "I never knew where you were"
       He yelled "bullshit!" As I pulled him up and I replied "I'll prove it to you" as I cuffed him and we made our way to the TOC, I gunned down any masks I saw before we walked in and everyone leveled their guns at us I spoke "relax, I've got him under control" Reinhard stared at everyone with hatred as I spoke "Harry, where's the mission reports" he motioned to a file cabinet looking unsure as he asked "why?" I replied simply "I'm going to disillusion Reinhard" as I pulled out my teams mission reports and I pointed out the part that talked about what we learned "see this shit!? We were searching for you! Every fucking time we got a hint to where you could be we fucking hit it!" As I yanked him up and yelled "don't you get it?! The masks lied to you" he shook his head no "nein.... they wouldn't.... YOU LEFT ME THERE!" I replied angrily "I DON'T EVEN KNOW SlWHERE THERE IS! I can't leave you someplace I didn't know you were, we've tried finding you" I grabbed him and dragged him to the hallway speaking "make sure this is locked down" while the gunfight continued outside. I heard Finka "Smoke is down, we need him extracted"
     I answered "give me 2 minutes and I'll be there" as I marched through the hallways with Reinhard before I walked into the Medbay and shoved him forward "keep him secure, I'm going to help with the defense" as I turned before IQ turned me and pulled down my half mask giving me a kiss before speaking softly "give them hell" I smiled and replied "darling, I always do" before I pulled up my half mask and started making my way up to the roof where we had focused our defense. I helped Smoke to the stairs before I replaced him and yelled "where am I needed?!" Finka replied "West wing! Valkyrie is having a hard time, the masks keep hitting their positions with the MK19" I gave a nod before I crouch walked against the wall until I reached Valkyrie's position and yelled "have no fear the Brit is here!" As Rodion yelled over "stop talking, start shooting! They're getting reinforcements!" I nodded and popped over cover firing a long burst into the bus the masks were using to transport what looked like a huge bomb.
     I yelled into comms "Bomb! On the bus!" As we shifted our aim to the bus in the hopes we could get it dealt with before it detonated and took out half the compound. I heard Wendigo on comms through the mess of overlapping calls "What's happening out there?" As one of us got a lucky shot and hit the explosives causing the bomb to detonate as a helicopter hovered over us and CTSFO operators fast roped onto the rope. The team leader came over to me and yelled "where are we needed?!" I yelled back "we need more men on the east wing and in the Medbay, announce when you're about to enter. Our comm channel is 67.3!" He nodded and started sending his team to their positions as I fell back as a round ricocheted from the metal plate infront of me and hit my NVG mount. I saw Valkyrie crouch infront of me and yelled over the gunfight asking "Are you okay?" I nodded yelling "feels like I got punched in the face, am I bleeding?!" She shook her head no as I got pulled up and we kept firing. I looked across the courtyard and saw a team of masks running from the east wing causing me to yell "East wing! Clear out! It's gonna blow!" As I saw the members running for the main part of the building before the wing detonated.
      I watched it turn to rubble as Jackal, Gridlock and Pulse fell the 30 meters with the rubble before I swore "fuck" as I started prosecuting the masks with extreme hatred. Just then I heard Valkyrie, "We need to pull back! They're starting to flank us!" As I yelled back "Go! I'll cover!" As I moved past her and took position a couple meters from Rodion as he yelled "hell of a day huh? First we raid a mask Fort now they raid us!" I laughed before firing into a mask as she finished loading an RPG causing her to fire taking a couple of her friends with her as she fired into the ground at her feet. I yelled "woohoo! 4 for 1!" As Rodion looked over the edge and yelled "time to go!" As we turned and started running. The floor erupted and started to collapse slowly as we ran I noticed the sections that were collapsing were starting to catch up to us as I pushed Rodion forward before tripping as the floor gave out below me.
     luckily we were almost at the main building so the piece I landed on was just at a 45 degree angle, I clawed at the concrete as I tried to stop sliding before I saw Rodion come sliding over the edge grabbing me as Valkyrie held his ankles and bird held her. I heard rounds impact next to me as I pulled my pistol returning fire while they pulled me up before the F-16s streaked overhead dropping J-dams on the mask force while quickly decided to disengage at the arrival of air support. Once they got me back into solid roof I rolled over watching the F-16s do more bomb strikes and gun runs on the masks as they retreated, I heard Thatcher "Masks have been repelled. We've got casualties, jackal, Gridlock and Pulse are MIA. Smoke, Finka, Blackbeard, Caveira, Raven and Ozone are WIA. We lost 3, Maestro, Dokkaebi and Fuze are KIA" I heard Harry reply "Find our MIA, I'll get everything ready. We're leaving in 2 hours, I need a group of 10 on guard" I volunteered as did 9 others as Harry replied "Achilles, Rodion, Wendigo, Blackout, Ying, Valkyrie, Thatcher, Sledge, Capitao and Mozzie. You've got security" I didn't reply instead talking my position Thatcher assigned to me and started scanning the woods. I heard IQ behind me "here's some water, I got you an MRE too" I smiled "danke, have you guys gotten through to Reinhard yet?" She replied "we're working on it, Doc's got an idea he thinks will work" I replied with a nod "take care of yourself, I'll see you when we extract" she laughed "I'd give you a kiss but you're covered in dust" I replied "I almost had a building fall on me, forgive me miss" as she walked in and Rodion replied "You've got a good one" I nodded aiming at the woods "let's focus, the masks could still be here" as we started doing our security sweeps.

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