Taste of Rage

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Alik's pov
I burst into Harry's office seeing him talking to the Polish Base commander, he looked up and asked "what is the meaning of this?" As I stated at the polish commander and asked "why the fook are you soldiers harassing civilians under the protection of Team rainbow?" Harry asked "what? Is this true?" As I answered still glaring at the commander "Anna just told me, a group of polish soldiers told them to go home and that this base wasn't a hotel." Harry narrowed his eyes at the commander and spoke "you said there would be no problems with my personnel's presence on this base, were you lying to me?" The commander replied "nie, I'll hold a briefing and make sure my men know that Rainbow is not to be harassed" Harry nodded and replied "it's best you do that" as I warned "fix this, or your soldiers will meet a very pissed off brit" he nodded unnerved as I spun and stormed through the door heading back to Gunther's dorm and saw a group of soldiers which I recognized as the three that were giving Monika looks. I ignored them for a while before I realized they were heading to gunther's dorm.
      I felt my hand moved to my taser as I whistled "oi, dickheads. Bloody 'ell you think you're doin?" They turned and saw me as the lead guy cleared unnerved that he wasn't picking on an aging man replied "move on, this doesn't concern you" I nodded and replied "well given the fact that it's my girlfriend's family you're harassing, it does. Get the fuck out of here" he replied defiantly "you don't have seniority over me" as the PA system crackled to life and the commander of the base was heard "All polish forces report to the auditorium so I can make it expressly clear where Rainbow stands on this base" I smiled a promise of injury as I watched them walk past me. I walked into the dorm and saw Monika looking at me "so you handled it" I nodded as Bird spoke from the counter "Lad always does, never let me down" I looked at him "when'd you get here?" He replied "a couple minutes ago" I sat on Monika's lap causing the rest of the room to laugh as I asked Bird "so when are you making your move?" He looked like a deer in headlight.
       Zara asked "what are you talking about?" I smiled as Bird stuttered trying to find what to say without giving away his secret. Gunther asked "he's got a crush on someone, no?" I nodded as Bird pleaded "Alik, no, please" I heard Monika "leave the kid alone" I chuckled and shrugged as Bird looked relieved "thank you monika" as she spoke "kein Problem(no problem)" as Anna asked "how'd you get something done so fast?" I chuckled as Bird realized "you didn't" I nodded "betcha ass I did" as Reinhard asked "was?(what?)" I replied "I simply strolled into Harry's lovely office and told him if he didn't fix this situation I was going to introduce those three to the wrath of an angry Brit, fuckin brilliant, innit?" Monika poked my side "no threatening friendlies" I replied leaning back and caressing her cheek "my dear, I didn't threaten anyone. I warned them of an inescapable occurrence of events if they continue to fuck with my family" she replied "let me up" as I stood and she got up before I sat back down and Anna asked "your family?" I chuckled and nodded.
       Reinhard spoke "great now there's two shoot em ups in the family" Gunther chuckled and spoke "I think we'll have 3 very soon" I glanced at Monika as she started getting out stuff to make tea. I asked "love, are you making tea?" She nodded and replied "want some? It's jasmine" I replied "if I ever say no to that question there's a gun in the closet I want you to shoot me" she laughed before Bird asked "any idea on the next mission?" I shook my head no and replied "I'm gonna go visit my parents tomorrow, if we get a mission call me and I'll rush back" Monika asked "did you request for leave from Harry?" I asked in return "do I have to?" She nodded as I sighed and spoke "I miss when I had days off, now I'm always away from home." Zara replied "you'd never have met Monika if you stayed at CTSFO" I nodded and replied "that's why I'm glad I joined rainbow" Gunther asked "do you need us to watch shadow for you?" I asked "Mon' you coming with me to my parents?" She replied distractedly "ja, I said I would" as I replied to Gunther "yea, would you be okay watching him?"
      Anna nodded replying "of course, he's always a pleasure" I laughed as Bird asked "the little demon?" As Zara asked "so how goes the hunt for Feral and Bull?" I listened as Bird explained "it's slow, at this point we're just waiting for him to pop up on our radar before we raid him. The other teams will deal with and biohazards or bombs, were just sitting around waiting" Reinhard replied "sounds boring" I answered "it is, this is the part of War the movies never show. Sitting on your ass with your dick in your hand and poison oak on your nuts" Bird shivered "not fun" as we heard the door open and I saw a cup of tea in front of my face, I gripped it and looked at Monika "thank you love" as I heard Tina "hi everyone!" I waved as Monika sat on me and I slowly sipped my coffee complimenting Monika "you've gotten better at making tea" she nodded and replied "I've been practicing" I laughed before speaking "you just keep getting better and better" Corey asked "does anyone know why the poles got called down to a brief?"
Everyone stared at me while I innocently drank my tea before Monika answered "Alik threatened to go insane on the three poles that were checking me out since they started harassing my parents. The commander trying to avoid a fight between rainbow and his soldiers is making it very clear not to mess with us" Corey looked at me before looking at Tina as the room settled to silence. I commented "well that's a conversation killer" getting a small chuckle from Monika and Zara as Gunther asked "did you ever get that taser to work?" I nodded and replied "your idea worked like a charm" he smiled and replied "I'm glad to have been of assistance" as Anna asked "so how was training?" I answered "pretty good, I got my weapon handling better and my target acquisition improved" she nodded and replied "that's good correct?" I nodded as Bird explained "it means he can hit more targets faster, it helps in the field since we take on a lot of targets and it gives them a lot of windows to kill us if we're slow" Tina commented "and that's bad, very bad" as Gunther laughed "ja, we got it"
I chuckled before I heard Monika "so what's your next invention?" I replied "I think I'm gonna create a neutralization compound so the masks' gas is neutralized and just colored dust" she patted my leg as Zara asked "how long do you think it'll take you to create?" I shrugged and replied "depends on how easily it is for me to get my hands on different elements and the lab" Corey looked excited as he rambled "this could be a game changer" as Tina rushed out "yougottagetonthis" I stared at her as Bird spoke "will you lot relax? It's an idea, we don't even know if it's possible. Give the man a chance before you go losing your mind over an idea" they settled down as I whispered to Monika "I'm gonna go talk to Harry, I'll be back. Do play nice" she laughed as she stood and I started to the door before I heard Anna "leaving already?" I replied "I'll be back soon Ma'am. Just gotta get permission from the boss man to go home for a bit" she nodded and replied "I want you here for dinner" i saluted before turning and walking out the door.
      I made my ways through the halls watching as poles slowly made their way to their posts after the commander held his brief before I turned and started down a side hall that leads to Harry's office. I paused as I heard footsteps behind me before I looked back and saw the three soldiers looking pissed as I sighed and turned "what now?" The lead spoke "you got us toilet duty for a week, I'll kick your ass" I chuckled and replied "very well" as I gripped my taser and waited. The soldier looked unnerved at my confidence before rushing forward, I pulled my taser and watched him collapse as my taser delivered its electric payload. His friends rushed forward as I pulled my glock and fired a round infront of their feet causing them to trip as they tried to avoid getting hit, I walked forward and holstered my pistol "consider those warning shots, do not test my nerves again or you will not see home again" they nodded frantically as I turned and started walking back to Harry's office. When I arrived I knocked and walked in "hey boss, do you care if I go back to England for the day?"
     He asked in return "why do you want to go back?" I replied "I want to visit my parents, I haven't seen them in a while" Harry asked "when can I expect you back?" I replied "tomorrow night most likely, maybe Thursday morning" he nodded before replying "I assume Monika will be accompanying you?" I nodded as he pulled out a paper and spoke "permission granted, I'll organize a flight for you. Expect the information by 20:00 tonight" I shook his hand and replied "thank you, I'll talk to you later" he nodded before pausing "why did I here gunshots down the hallway?" I replied simply "misfires sir" he replied suspiciously "sure, have a good day. Make sure no more 'missfires' occur" I started my way back to Gunther's dorm walking past the shell shocked soldiers, they scrambled to get out of my way as I walked past them before I warned "don't forget my promise, do not mess with my family" they nodded as I continued on my way. More soldiers appeared in the hallways before clearing out of my way as if I were an anger god before I saw the dorm room and started moving quickly.
I walked in and saw the family all sitting in different spots around the table before Monika asked "are we good?" I nodded and replied "we leave tomorrow morning" Anna asked "excited to see your parents?" I nodded slowly before replying "I guess, it's been a long time and the last time I saw them we didn't end on the best terms" Gunther ask "if you're willing to talk about it, what was the problem?" I replied simply "me dad thinks I could be doing better things than being a cop, I disagreed and we got in a big fight. It's been 17 years since I talked with him, I talk with my mother occasionally" bird asks "think your dad's come around?" I shrugged and spoke "we're going because I want to see my mother and I want her to meet Monika" Zara asked changing the topic to a more joyous one "so what's for dinner?" Anna replied "I'm making Käsespätzle, sausages und schnitzels" I spoke confusedly "I have no clue what any of that means" Bird replied "me neither mate" as Reinhard replied happily "it's very good, you'll like it" I shrugged and spoke "always down to experiment" as Monika replied "that's called being an inventor love"

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