Game night

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Alik's pov
I sat at the table with Monika, Anna and Amelia while they talked and I read the news, Anna asked "Alik, why aren't you joining in on this huge star wars battle they've got going on?" I shrugged and replied "it's just not my thing, I've never been that much into Star Wars" Monika asked "why not?" I answered stroking Shadow's fur "I didn't get to watch it much as a kid, I was always off shooting or playing outside with my friends. Movies and TV never really got my attention" Amelia asked shocked "but I love tv, I watch it all the time" I nodded and replied as I put shadow on her lap "good, sometimes watching TV can be a good thing. Have fun while you're a kid" she saluted as Anna asked "so what are you doing while their match?" I replied simply "the same thing you're doing, watching" Amelia excitedly spoke "I'm watching too!" I nodded with a small laugh "indeed you are, why don't you wear my helmet? Show mommy and daddy you're a soldier now, you said you wanted to be one right?" She nodded as I stood taking a sip of my tea before I walked over to where I keep my gear.
I pulled out my helmet and stared at it for a second before I walked over and set it on amelia's head, it was way too big for her but I crouched and tightened the straps so it sat on her head correctly before I stood and saluted "welcome to CTSFO ma'am" she smiled a big goofy smile, her front tooth was missing as she replied in a bad British accent "my pleasure sir" I pulled the helmet off her head and put it on the table before I walked over to the oven as it dinged and got my oven mitt on pulling out the platter of cookies, freshly baked as i put them on the counter and used a spatula to pull them off the platter and put them on a plate. I placed the plate in front of Amelia on the table as I sat down, I warned "careful, they're still hot" as Monika started breathing with her mouth open before swallowing looking like she was about to cry, "the warning was a bit late, now I'm breathing like a retarded dragon" I chuckled and explained "I didn't think I'd have to tell a 41 year old to be careful about something that just came out of an oven"
Anna replied as she pulled her fingers through Shadow's fur "he's got a point there dear" as Monika pouted and Amelia started eating the cookies. I chuckled at her excitement before we heard a knock on the door and saw Harry walking in, he spoke happily "hello again Amelia, always a pleasure to have you on my base" she replied "hi Mr. Harry" as I looked at him and he spoke "we've got a potential hit tomorrow, I want your team to be ready. You're the QRF for Ozone's team" I asked "Mason? I thought he was in America?" As Monika nodded and Harry replied "He was, were recalling his team from America right now. They just finished up their mission" Monika asked "2 missions in 2 days? Why the sudden change of rules?" He replied "because Zofia's team has Amelia here, I can't send them and Ozone's team volunteered. I wouldn't send them if I thought it wasn't necessary" I asked "why send us? Is there a belief of any intel of the other 2 hostages?" He nodded and spoke "the intel from the laptop Corey retrieved gave us a possible 3 locations that the masks are using as safe houses. They're potential gold mines, now we just need to start mining"
I looked at Anna and saw she was relieved at the potential for a lead on her husbands whereabouts before I asked "are there any movements from Feral? Any outgoing signals?" He shook his head no "I suspect he knows we're monitoring them, I also believe he's gonna lead us to some other big fish" I listened as Monika asked "other lieutenants?" Harry nodded and replied "maybe even some of their senior leadership, I hope as much anyway" I listened as Anna asked "do you have any idea where my husband or son are?" Harry replied "I'm sorry ma'am, we've got a couple spot they COULD be but I don't have enough intel to feel comfortable sending a team" she looked down and asked "why can't it be a risk then?" Harry asked in return "would you be willing to risk Alik and Monika's life on a hunch instead of waiting for hard intel?" while I grabbed Amelia and my helmet before I started leading her out of the room, figuring this isn't something she needed to hear. When we got to the hallway I saw Jack and Max walking towards us, I gave a nod as we passed before heading to Zofia's and Kye's dorm.
I crouched and put my helmet back on her before I knocked on the door and saw Kye open it smiling when he saw Amelia wearing my helmet as she yelled "papa, I'm a soldier now!" He lifted her up and replied "my little soldier, come on let's show mommy" as he spoke to me "Wa do(thank you)" I nodded before turning and heading back to my dorm. When I arrived I saw Harry stepping out as I called "sir!" He turned and looked at me "Yes Alik? What can I do for you?" I asked "how much intel did we get off that laptop?" He thought about it and replied "probably enough for 10 missions, why?" I replied "I just wanted to know how much we've got to work with here" he nodded and replied "have a good night Alik, enjoy the game" I watched him walk away and muttered "that was weird" as I walked into the room and saw Monika and Anna laughing at the table. I asked "did I miss something?" As Monika lifted her phone showing a picture of Corey from Tina "she walked in on him singing while hanging upside down" I shook my head in amusement as I muttered "that fuckin guy"
       Monika bolted to her feet "it's almost time for the game" as she rushed to the closet and started grabbing her stuff. Anna asked me "what did you think when you found out she was doing this?" I shrugged and replied "I was pretty happy about it, she's started making friends and doing more than just laying in bed reading so I'll take what I can get" Anna laughed replying "du und ich beide(you and I both)" I gave an odd look as I replied "ma'am, I don't speak German" she replied with a small nod "I forgot you don't, you spend so much time with us I forget you're not German" I chuckled as Monika came burst back into the kitchen in her outfit holding her lightsaber. I looked over over as she asked "so what do you think?" As she did a spin allowing me to see her entire outfit. I nodded and replied "you look good, I'd hate to be against you" she smiled as Anna nodded and spoke "definitely frightening" as Monika smiled before replying "time for you to put on your robes" I sighed before standing and following her over as she started putting them on me, she stepped back and smiled brightly before she turned and started walking to the door "come on, the games about to start" as Anna stood heading towards the door.
We headed down to the gym where the others were waiting all dressed in their outfits, Anna and I headed to the bleachers next to Amelia as Dominic, Monika, Kye and Zofia lined up across from Ela, Julien, Marius and Ryad. I watched as they rushed at each other as the loud cracking of the plastic swords was heard, I focused on Monika as she spun and viciously crashing her blades into Marius's single blue blade. He was backing away as she pushed her advantage until Marius spun and swept her legs out from beneath her, he prepared to end her as Kye came flying past Monika's frame crashing a shorter blade and a longer one into Marius' as he fell back and Monika jumped up rushing off to find another target which she did when she smack Julien in the back with her blades as he walked over to the bleachers and sighed "I'm always the first out" I heard Anna "Why don't you make it so they can only come at you from one direction?" He looked over and shrugged "it's more fun to just jump into the chaos"
       I nodded as Zofia crashed her blade viciously into Ela's as I nudged Amelia "look at your mom, she's gonna beat up Aunt Elzbieta" Amelia spoke "Papa won't let her, he doesn't like when they fight" I nodded and replied "none of us do" she chuckled as we heard the girly shriek of Kye as he tripped unexpectedly. I saw Ryad crack Kye on the side of the ribs as Kye walked over and plopped down next to Amelia and I and spoke breathing heavily "well that was fun" I heard Julien "oui, still I wish I could have lasted longer" as I saw Monika knock Marius to the ground as she spun and blocked an attack from Ryad, Ryad pushed his advantage throwing several strong fast attacks Monika struggled to block. Eventually she reached the wall and tried to block before Ryad threw an overhead attack that Monika spun out of the way of before pushing Ryad against the wall and spinning throwing several attacks as she sound before she kicked Ryad's knee dropping him to a crouch before she spun and poked his throat with a single blade before she turned and went to help Zofia against Ela before Marius appeared as Dominic was defeated.
Monika spun under his strike and quickly threw her attack dispatching him as he walked over and I spoke "Christ mate, she fookin destroyed you" he barked back angrily "don't remind me!" As I leaned down to Amelia "someone's grumpy" she giggled as Kye asked "you two getting along?" Amelia replied "tak papa, Uncle Alik is fun!" I looked over "uncle Alik?" She nodded as Kye explains "all the operators love Amelia and treat her like family so everyone here is called uncle or aunt. Only Harry is called Mr" I nodded and rested my hand on my helmet and shook her head as Ela spun trying to block Monika's strum as she was forced to drop to a crouch to make Zofia miss. I watched the 2 v 1 with interest as Monika swung her blade so the second one was about to hit Ela only for Ela to lay down, the attack miss before Zofia managed to tag Ela's leg and Monika stabbed at Ela's hand. Ela was rendered defenseless as Monika took a step back and Zofia smacked her younger sister with her blade winning the sith the match.
      Monika walked over smiling at me as I remembered what Anna said 'give it time, if you don't have a clear answer for what to do in a couple weeks. Go for it, rejection only stings for a bit' i stood and asked "hey mon, wanna take a walk with me?" She nodded and spoke "lead the way" as we made our way to the my hide away at the top of the clock tower. When we reached the top, I sat on the edge and leaned on the bottom bar as Monika asked "what'd you wanna talk about?" I asked "do you know what solipsism is?" She asked "it's the belief your mind creates everything around you right?" I nodded and spoke "people who believe in solipsism believe their minds created this clock tower, this base hell, even the rain that hits us now" she nodded and asked "so what's that got to do with this chat?" I explained "I've come to a realization that if it's true and my mind has created everything around me, you're the best thing I've come up with" I noticed Monika staring at me mouth agape in stunned silence for a solid 5 minutes before she leaned on me and spoke "that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me" I asked "when we get back from our support mission tomorrow, would you be willing to go out with me on a date?" She nodded on my shoulder and spoke "I've been waiting for you to ask for a while" I chuckled and replied "so has your family, by the way where's Zara?" Monika answered "she's sleeping, mama said she went to sleep an hour before we got back" I nodded as we sat there silently enjoying the relief that I hadn't been rejected.

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