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Alik's POV
     I walked into the dorm after Monika and saw Shadow laying calmly on my bed, I glared at him as he looked around indifferently. I set about cleaning up his mess while monika started playing music, I looked over and asked "Yank music? Why don't you listen to German music?" She shrugged and replied "America just has more variety" I nodded while cleaning as I hummed along not knowing the words before I sat on my bed just laying there relaxing. I looked at monika and asked "do you drink?" She nodded "socially, I'm not the biggest fan of it" I nodded and dreamed out loud "I could go for a pint" she pointed out "you do a lot of unhealthy things" I pointed out in return "I've seen a lot of horrible things, sometimes it's nice to be a normal lad. To get away from work" she asked "what are you going to do when our 6 months here are up?" I shrugged and replied "go home, sleep, stay in, probably visit my parents. Not much" I heard her ask "nothing exciting?" I replied "I don't have many friends, hell I don't really have anyone I can trust with my secrets. I spend most of my time alone"
     She replied softly "maybe you'll come to Germany and I can show you around" I nodded and spoke "I've always wanted to go to Germany, could never find the time" she asked "do you like history?" I replied with a small laugh "I'm a fiend for WW2 and Greek mythology" she sounded interested "who's your favorite god?" I replied easily "Nyx"(A/N now you know where part of my name comes from) she asked "what's he god of?" I replied "she is the goddess of Night" I heard her ask "why's she your favorite?" I answered "I like the calm and mystery of night, it's more interesting" she replied "I like Artemis the most" I nodded and responded while staring at the roof "a fine choice" she asked slowly "if you don't mind telling me, what's the worst thing you've seen on the job?" I thought about it before replying "we raided a cult stronghold once and we walked into a room and saw maybe 30 people who had been blood eagled. There was an old woman in there gnawing on their corpses, easily the creepiest shit I've ever seen"
Monika asked "what's a blood eagle?" I answered "you take your blade and cut a giant I into someone back then you separate their ribs from their spine and pull the flesh and ribs open so they look like wings." She shivered as I spoke "it was creepy as 'ell, my teammate dropped the crazy fuck that was gnawing on the woman's corpse when she tried rushing us" I asked monika "So why about you? What's the craziest shite you've seen?" She thought for a while before replying "one time we walked into a mask compound and found a collection of coolers filled with the corpses of people that had went missing. They were all blue and crush and just jammed in there, it was horrifying" I spoke "sounds it" I sat up and looked at my phone as it went off "who the fuck? Oh great" I heard Monika "what?" I replied simply "my ex messaged me" as I typed back. I read the message 'hey can we talk?' I replied 'what's there to talk about? I thought we were done?' She responded quickly 'I miss you' I chuckled before texting back 'I thought you said I was dead inside?'
She started typing as I sent 'didn't you also say that everything was my fault?' She stopped typing as I asked 'I distinctly remember you saying you wanted nothing to do with me, so what changed?' She replied after a minute 'I couldn't find anyone like you, I want you back' I replied 'so if you couldn't find anyone why were you posting pictures of you all over Richard? Trying to get me jealous' her reply popped up '...yes' I answered 'it didn't work, because the moment you blamed me for all the problems you created, every day you got mad over something small, every single time you made me love you less and less and now.... I don't care' she replied quickly 'fuck you, you're gonna die alone. You piece of shit, I hope you get shot' I laughed to myself before replying 'and this.... this is why I don't care about you anymore. You said I'm dead inside, well you made me that way. Now you have to live with your own fuck up, it's not longer my problem' she replied quickly 'you'll never find anyone better than me willing to be with your worthless ass'
I replied with a small snort 'at this point, I can't do much worse than you.' She started typing as I blocked her and laid back asking myself "why the fuck do I always date the crazy ones?" Monika laughed before asking "is she really that crazy?" I replied "she just told me she hopes I die because I wouldn't get back with her, I'm pretty sure she's crazy" Monika whistled "damn, you really do have bad taste" I nodded as Shadow jumped up on me, I scratched behind his ear as I stared at the ceiling. Monika looked over and spoke "how ya feeling?" I replied "exhausted, my body aches and mentally she drained me." She suggested "why don't you take a nap then? If we have a mission I'll wake you" I gave a thumbs up and spoke "thanks, I need it" she chuckled as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. My mind recalled the memories from breaching the room and seeing all the corpses suspended in the air there, I remembered the smells, the sights as my mind pulled back the electric shock that shot through my body when the cultist rushed towards me.
       I bolted upright sending Shadow running as I looked around alarmed while Monika looked over and asked "bad dream?" I nodded and looked down "Christ, that felt so real. What the fuck?" Monika suggested "why don't you watch a movie? Get your mind off whatever it was" I nodded and shifted my weight before Monika turned on the TV and started looking through movies until she got to 1917 and clicked on it. I simply leaned against the wall and stared at the screen watching the movie while trying to avoid the memory my brain struggled to put back into the bag. I looked down as Shadow curled up on my lap as I slowly stroked his fur before returning to watching the movie, time flew until I checked my watch and saw it was 2:30. I sighed thinking it was later than it was as I laid back and crossed my legs while the AC slowly lowered the rooms temperature, I saw Monika was still reading A Brief History Of Time as I asked "how do you like the book?" She answered distractedly "it's interesting, you can definitely tell he knew what he was talking about"
      I nodded as I fell silent and slowly grew tired again, now I laid there wondering about the future... would I make it? What did this new job have in store for me? Would I make any new friends? Would I finally get some answers? My mind swelled on the final question, it swirled around my head and I tried to answer the question growing slightly frustrated at my inability to provide the answer I sought. A new occurrence for me, typically I have a theory but not in this case.... in this case, I was horribly unprepared to begin forming my hypotheses. I had felt my eyes grow heavy as they closed and I slipped off to the realm of dreams, when I woke up an hour later Monika was getting up making me ask "what? What's happening? Did I miss something?" She looked over "nein, I was just going to get some food. I was gonna let you sleep, you looked peaceful" I sat up and moved Shadow before replying "Thanks but I'll go with you. I gotta get moving again, I'm being too lazy" she shook her head with a small laugh before motioning me to follow her. I stretched as I pulled on my red flannel over shirt and followed her out into the hallways.
     As we walked I looked around yawning as I covered my mouth before asking "so how does food work here? Do you have an account or is it like a buffet?" She replied "There's 2 or 3 different types of food that you can choose from while there being 4 or 5 side dishes you can get. The drinks are pretty much just soda and water for options" I nodded slowly before we walked through the doors and saw the cafeteria with around 10 people sitting in different positions around the room while I followed Monika to the line and started to order my food, it was a slow process as I decided what food I wanted to try. Most of the options were from America and Japan causing me to grow torn on what to get until I decided to get the New York style pizza, fruit salad and an orange soda before I walked over to where Monika sat and sat across from her. She looked at my tray and mused "interesting choices" I replied with a small nod "sometimes you gotta make something interesting, even eating food"
     She nodded and opened the book she's been glued to since I met her as I wordlessly ate looking around at the other operators going about their business, laughing with their friends before I asked Monika "so why don't you sit with friends? Have a laugh?" She looked up and replied "I don't have friends" I asked interested "why not?" She replied simply "they haven't been able to understand me. Don't get me wrong, they're intelligent people but they struggle to understand how my brain works" I asked "so why talk to me?" She replied with a shrug "you intrigue me" I asked another question "why?" She spoke "because you share the same issue I do. You can't stop trying to better yourself and you don't connect with others" I nodded in understanding "you know I don't think I've ever had a friend that truly understood me" she dog eared the page and put down the book before she looked at me and suggested "maybe there's a reason you got put here, why don't you come with me to go rock climbing with my family?" I gave her an odd look and replied "I wouldn't want to intrude"
       She waved me off "nonsense, you're coming with me. I believe my father will get along with you" I asked interested "why?" She answered with a small laugh "he's an inventor like you" I smiled faintly and nodded "fine, I'll go with you" she smiled as I started eating taking my first bite of New York Pizza causing me to put it down and look at it "what the fuck? Why is it that good?" She shrugged as I continued to eat happy with my decision to try the pizza, something I was gambling on. I looked at Monika before I pulled out a small journal and scribbled down a drawing and adding notes around the image. I felt eyes on me but paid it no mind as I continued my draft until a tea cup was placed next to me, I looked up and saw Mike holding his own "Here lad, you look frantic" I rubbed my eyes and nodded "cheers mate, it's been a long day" he nodded slowly before asking Monika "mind if I sit down Lass?" She shook her head no as he sat down with a sigh of relief and asked "so what are you drawing mate?" I replied "just a draft from something I want to make later" he nodded before speaking "put it away for a second, I wanna talk" I stopped scribbling down notes and ideas before sliding the journal back into my pocket and looking at Mike I noticed Monika had done the same as he started talking.

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