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Alik's pov
I heard a knock on our dorm room as Corey and I stopped playing our game and looked over seeing Monika open the door to Mike, he spoke "I want all of you in your gear at the range, we're training" I stood and walked over to the closet pulling off my clothes quickly switching into my uniform as Monika and Corey did the same. She asked "What do you think were training on?" I shrugged as I finished strapping on my plate carrier, I heard Corey "maybe he's gonna get us working on working off each other"Monika answered "I don't think so, we work pretty seamlessly" I poked her forehead as she pulled on her balaclava before I walked to the door "does it matter? I'm sure Mike's got a reason for what he wants to work on" I waited as Monika finished getting ready and Corey walked over. He opened the door as Monika took my hand in her own and we started down the hallway heading to the exit. I looked at my rifle and heard Corey ask "not happy with it?" I replied "don't get me wrong, I love this rifle. Just thinking about things I could do to make it better"
He nodded as I pushed the door open quickly being forced to lift my hand to block the sun, shading my eyes before they adjusted to the brightness and I heard Monika "what? You not used to sun?" I replied "I live in Britain, I wasn't sure the sun existed" she laughed as we made our way to the firing range. When we arrived I saw Mike and Bird standing around, Zara had come to watch as I asked "Mike, you see this mythical shite? I didn't know the sun was real" he chuckled before speaking "I'm sure you wankers are all wondering why I dragged you out here. The easy answer is, you need to work on your movement. You move as a unit but it's sloppy, you always have to move surgically because the moment it gets sloppy a hostage dies" I nodded as Monika asked "how are we doing this?" Mike replied "I had the lads at the armory set up a kill house, we're going to run it until you can work off each other without speaking. They got it set up so it changes every run"
Bird asked "how the fook?" Mike shrugged as he pulled down his gas mask "let's get to work" as we stacked up and Mike spoke "pick your pairs, we're going to start having a preselected set so when we break off into elements everyone knows who they're following" I answered "Monika" as She spoke "Alik" bird and Corey looked at each other chuckling as Mike pressed his breaching charge against the door and lifted the detonator. I flexed my fingers on my rifle before the door blew open and we pushed in, I lifted my rifle checking the corner seeing a target as I fired before taking control of the corner as the rest of the team filled in. I called "right clear" Mike replied "left clear" as Bird answered both of us "center clear" I heard Monika "Room clear" as we moved to the next doorway. I gripped the doorknob waiting until Mike gripped my shoulder to twist and throw the door open before I lifted my rifle and pushed into the room. I saw two targets finding one to be holding a weapon while the other was unarmed causing me to fire into the dorm me piece of the target with the weapon.
I scanned the room as the team had already cleared their parts of the room as the chorus of room clears was heard before Mike spoke "we got two rooms up here, split to your pairs I'll hold the hall" as Monika and I moved to the left stacking on the doorway. I heard Monika "you take left I'll take right and converge in the middle" I gave a thumbs up as I kicked the door open and pushed in clearing the left corner as Monika checked the right corner before we sweeped our sights to the middle and fired into the target that sat in the middle of the room room, I reloaded my rifle as we pulled back into the hallway. I heard 2 shotgun blasts from Bird before a burst from Corey's rifle was heard as they returned to the hallway and we reformed a stack and started down the hallway. I checked the doors as we moved past them before I looked at Mike as he placed a breaching charge on the heavy metal door before we took positions on either side before I nodded to Mike as he lifted the detonator.
The door flew off the hinges as I lifted my rifle and checked the left corner seeing 2 targets both holding rifles as I dumped 5 rounds into their heads. I looked to my right as Corey and Bird fired into the same target quickly scrambling to hit the next target while Monika and Mike cleared the right side. We clicked our rifles to safety before walking through the building as Mike spoke "we need to work on target designation, Monika, Alik, you two did good on your breach but you need to know who's taking what side and be ready to react to the actions of the other. Bird, Corey that was sloppy, we need to work on it" I groaned before Mike spoke "outside, we're running it again" as we all walked out and reloaded our magazines. I sat on a bench and slowly reloaded, I heard Monika next to me "We can do better than that, we know each other enough" I looked at her and replied "I trust you, totally" she smiled before leaning on me as Mike spoke "let's go, we're running it again" we stood as I loaded a magazine and chambered a round.
6 hours later
I kicked in the door and followed Monika in, she shifted her aim to the left. The side she favors as I went right, the side I favored heavily firing several rounds before we crossed our aim and I hit the target in the far left corner, Monika hit the target in the far right corner. We reacted to each other like partners in a dance, reading each other like we were one person. We didn't even have to say the room was clear before we filed back into the hallway, Mike nodded to us as we set up our points of defense. I heard 3 gunshots from Corey and Birds room before they rejoined us and we proceeded to the final set of rooms. Mike ordered "Bird, hold the door" as he stacked on the door and Monika looked at me with a wink as she placed a breaching charge on the door. I chuckled as I pulled my magazine double checking my ammo before I gave a nod, the detonator was clacked off and the door went flying in. I lifted my rifle checking left as Monika reacted quickly moving to the right firing at the target in the corner.
I lifted my rifle and fired into the target in the far left before shifting my aim to the target in the middle putting 2 rounds into the targets chest before shifting my aim putting 4 in its head while Monika put 3 in the throat. We spun and walked back into the hallway helping Bird hold the door as Mike and Corey rejoined us and Mike pressed his last breaching charge on the door as I gripped my flash bang and Corey pulled a frag from his vest. Thatcher pulled the clapper up as he put his trigger and middle finger on the lever before I gripped the pin on my flash bang waiting until the loud bang echoed while I pulled the pin on my flash and Corey did the same with his drag before we threw them into the room and braced until the pop was heard and we pushed in. I cleared left while Monika's AUG barked to life and I saw rounds hit the target to my right, I shifted my aim and helped her drop the target before we shifted our aim to assist the team with dropping the rest of the targets.
Mike spoke "head out, I'll be out in a minute" as we all clicked our rifles to safety and started heading out. I heard Monika "you surprised me by going to the left of the second to last room" I replied with a shrug "I felt like going left, keeping it interesting" Corey asked "do that in the bedroom?" I saw Monika flush red as I replied cheekily "oh didn't you know? we do it in your bed" he looked disgusted as Bird laughed and he spoke "dude..... I sleep there" I chuckled while Monika played along "I thought we weren't going to tell them?" He shivered as we walked outside and began reloading our magazines as Corey replied "you know what? Just for that I'm gonna fuck Tina in your bed" I replied simply "I can always replace the bed, besides. I'll set up a trap for you" he laughed before Monika threatened "you fuck anyone in my bed and I swear to Christ almighty, I will skin you alive and choke you to death with your own intestines" he shivered and replied "no fucking in your bed got it" as I chuckled and hugged Monika with one arm.
We sat down as Harry walked forward and spoke "an impressive run" I looked at him as Bird spoke "thank you sir" as he spoke "Monika, Alik, an amazing show of understanding between you two. Watching your clears was as mesmerizing as it was impressive" I dipped my head in thanks while Monika replied "danke sir" he looked at Corey and Bird "well done to you as well, you've come to understand each other on a critical level. The clear was silent and excessively violent. You all have impressed me with the dedication and improvement in such a short time" we smiled at the praise until Mike barked "don't go getting an inflated ego, you've still a lot to work on. But you did good, I'm proud to call you my fire team" I looked at him as he spoke "go, you're dismissed for the day. I'll let you know if a mission comes up" I looked at Monika as she gripped my hand and pulled me to my feet "let's go, I wanna do something" I chuckled at her excitement before following her as I decided no matter what stood in my way I would follow her to the end.
She dragged me to the dorm before grabbing a speaker before dragging me to a hill just inside the outer perimeter fence, she stopped under the shade of a large ancient Oak tree. She put down the speaker before looking at me, I saw her pull out her phone before a song I'd become familiar with since starting to date Monika. I hummed along with the song before she gripped me and spoke "dance with me" I looked at her before replying "I don't dance" she nodded before speaking "come on" I relented quickly as she gave me that smile and my typical trepidation left my body. I gripped her left hand and her waist as we started dancing in the setting sun under the oak tree that's been alive longer than Monika and I combined. We twisted and turned reacting to the other's actions as we smiled and laughed just enjoying ourselves after we broke through to the next level of understanding. The song came to an end as I Don't Dance by Lee Brice started playing, I looked at her and joked "you had this lined up for me, Didn't you?" She chuckled and spoke "I know you my dear" I laughed as we twisted before dropping to our asses leaning against the oak trees trunk and she spoke leaning against me "ich liebe dich so sehr(I love you so much)" I replied simply "I do too" as she asked "do you know what I said?" I replied "I didn't tell you because I didn't want to get your hopes up but I've started to learn German. I learned that sentence first" she smiled before we just sat there enjoying our last bit of time as a normal couple before we got thrust into the hellscape of battle to kill Feral.

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