Operation: Jack Hammer

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Alik's POV
We had arrived a block away as Mike put the car in park, we all climbed out of the car emerging into the dimly lit street as we all formed a circle in between our two vehicles as Mike spoke "Alright Rodion keep your team in the vehicle but be ready to intervene if we need to. Radio channel is 17.8. Let's get evil" I lifted my MCX as Monika and I pulled up our face masks and Mike pulled down his gas mask before I pulled the priming handle of my rifle and watched as the second team piled back into their Van. Mike spoke "On me" to which we fell into line with Pulse directly behind Thatcher, followed by IQ, followed by Me and then Finka as we started up the sidewalk to the rear alleyway that would bring us to our breach points. When we reached the rear gate I asked "Thatcher, can I get another member of the team to rappel to the third deck and work our way down?" He thought about it and nodded "any volunteers?" IQ spoke "ja, I'll go with him" she glanced back at me as I nodded my thanks before shifting my aim to the windows on the building.
     I saw Pulse crouch and pulled out a lock picking kit and start working on the lock, I kept shifting my aim from window to window until he pushed the door open and grabbed his UMP muttering "Open Sesame" into the comms as Thatcher pushed past him regaining the lead as the rest of the team pushed in IQ spoke "Achilles and I rappelling to third deck" thatcher spoke "Got it" as IQ and I threw up our rappel lines and slowly made our way up the building side avoiding the windows in case any mask was looking out. I looked over to Monika as we got to the thirds floors windows and pulled down our nods, I radioed "NVGs on, preparing to breach" thatcher answered "moving internal" as I watched IQ pull out a breach charge, I whispered "IQ, no" as I gripped the bottom of the window and pulled it up opening it all the way as I climbed inside lifting my MCX and scanning the room for any masks before I helped IQ into the room, she spoke "danke" as she lifted her aug and we started to the doorframe to the left.
     We slowly breached as we heard gunshots, explosions and screams on the first floor I shook my head as all the lights got cut, I kept pushing on until a mask appeared infront of me. He wasn't wearing his uniform causing me to rush forward and shoulder charge him into the wall before I fired 3 hard hits from my right knee into his flank dropping him to the ground as I pulled out my cuffs and arrested the mask, duck taping his mouth shut and then duck taping his ankles together. I stood and nodded to IQ as she pulled her pistol and flipped up her scanner speaking to comms "1 mask detained, office on the third floor south west side is filled with explosives, Achilles and I are finding a way around" I turned and started back as a group of masks ran by, I fired into there backs dropping the 5 with 7 rounds before I shifted my aim to the left and continued to the last room we needed to clear before we could work our way to the other side of the third floor. I took my position and crashed my shoulder into the door causing it to fly open as I lifted my rifle and scanned the room.
I pushed in as someone came around the corner grabbing the heat guard of my rifle trying to overpower me, I spun and threw them into the wall watching as they slumped before they yanked a knife out of their sheathe and lunged for me, I grabbed their wrist as I slipped and fell keeping my grip on the wrist that held the knife until IQ sent a burst into the guys side and he slumped on me, I flipped him off of me and sat up breathing heavily as IQ extended her hand to me, I gripped it and she pulled my to my feet. I breathed out "thanks" she gave me a nod as we started moving to clear the northeast corner of the building, I heard Pulse "Moving to the second deck" I sighed and continued to clear the floor before asking "Thatcher, has your team had any eyes on our target?" He replied "no, I'm beginning to think this is a dry hole" I didn't reply but voiced my unease to IQ "if this is a dry hole, why so many personnel here?" She suggested "it could be a distraction target, give us more targets to hit so Feral can get out"
I heard Rodion "We have potential eyes on the target, someone's leaving the target building" Finka spoke "go, get them" we kept pushing quickly breaching and clearing until we got to the last room. I kicked the door in and pushed into the room only to have a woman let go of her child before gripping an L85 and firing rounds that impacted next to my head. I fell to the ground to avoid getting shot as IQ came in behind me and fired into the woman now identified as a mask, the kid follow his mother's corpse to the ground and cried over her as I stood staring at the scene coldly, she'd still be here if she just didn't shoot. I radioed "One down, we've got a kid up here. 3rd floor secure" as we turned and heard Frost "potential HVI slipped away, we lost him" I heard Thatcher "this place is a bust, search for intel, secure anything classified and bring that detainee to the first floor" I walked over and saw the mask taped up in the corner causing me to smile under my half mask as I grabbed the shoulder strap of his vest before dragging him down to the stairs.
IQ walked behind me after threatening the mask "make a move without permission and you die, got it?" I cut the tape off of his ankles and pulled him up pushing him forward as we made our way down to the first floor, once we reached the second floor he took off running I quickly started gaining on him before I tackled him grabbing him by the throat as I yelled "from this point on, you don't even FUCKING BREATHE, unless I say it's okay!" As I fired my knee into his side. He glared at me as I pointed my pistol at his head "you've got a staring problem, want me to fix it" his eyes shown with fear as I yanked him up and punched him with two crosses before I grabbed him and ordered angrily "March" he started walking as we made our way to the first floor. Once we reached the room the team was waiting in I slammed him down into the chair and held my glock to the back of his head.
Thatcher looked at me "he give you trouble?" I nodded and spoke "he wanted to run, he learned it's not advisable" thatcher nodded before speaking "Finka, stay with Achilles and keep this piece of shit in time out. The rest of you get the building prepped for the clean up crew" the mask asked "Achilles? So you're the cop the boss was talking about? We have big plans for you" I looked around at the team nervously as IQ nodded to me, she had her recorder playing. I asked "What do the plans involve?" He responded with a laugh "don't you see? You're becoming one of us, the boss has a way of doing that" I pressed my pistol deeper into his skull "Where's your boss now?" The mask answered "you'll know in time, just be patient. He'll be your boss eventually" I barked "stop fuckin' around, cunt. What's the next target?" He replied dreamily "the world" I flipped my pistol around and cracked him upside the head with the grip before following him to the ground as I started punching him viciously, his groans and grunts of pain were the only thing heard.
I gripped the mask and pulled him up slamming him into the wall "give me a straight answer or I hand carve your cock from your worthless corpse!" He laughed and responded "do it, it'll just bring you further on the path to being one of us." The mask looked over my shoulder "IQ, you have siblings no? Be a horrible thing if anything happened to them" she lunged forward as I spun and grabbed her in a tight hug "hey, hey, I know you want to hurt him. We need him alive" I looked at Thatcher as Pulse suggested "Maybe we should separate IQ from this" thatcher nodded as I brought IQ into the hallway. "You are angry, Monika, you. Are angry. I get that. i get it. I mean without family who the fuck are we? But I need you in one piece. We'll keep your family safe, I promise" she looked at me and nodded and spoke "I'll try" I nodded and spoke "when we get back to base, we'll get Thatcher to get orders to protect your family." She was breathing heavily as she asked "how do they know about my family?"
I looked down and answered "I don't know, but we'll make sure it doesn't matter." I heard Pulse in the door next to us "Pack up, we're leaving CTSFO and MI6 are en route to search the building for intel" I nodded as Rodion came on comms "We're out front ready for prisoner" I saw Finka and Thatcher walk past us with the mask as I grabbed IQ as she lunged for him. I spoke "hey, hey, let's focus on getting your family out alive" she took deep breaths as Pulse walked by us "IQ, you've got our team behind you. Even if you don't talk to us outside of missions" she nodded looking down as I looked at the Mask trying to get out of Thatcher's and Finka's grip I guided a shell shocked IQ to our SUV and slid her into it before I walked forward seeing the mask still struggling as I pushed Thatcher out of the way before I grabbed the mask and ripped him out of the Van throwing him to the side walke before I crouched in him and spoke lowly "You done start to cooperate and I will make you pray for satan, I'll peel your skin one layer at a time dripping battery acid on ever layer until you go mad."
The mask looked scared as my eyes promised pain "I can smell your fear" his eyes widened slightly as he tried to hide it before I ripped him to his feet and smashed his face off the van several times before I threw him in the van and spoke "Hard to be an ass with a concussion, no?" As I slammed the door shut and looked at Thatcher as he spoke "you seem pretty upset about this" I looked over and walked away in a huff as the rest of the team followed me back to the SUV, I slid in next to Monika as she leaned over and asked "are you okay?" I replied softly "yeah" she looked at me as she pulled down her balaclava and gave me an expression of disbelief "you're a shit liar" I looked out the window and replied "I know" as Mike radioed "Rodion, we're all set. Lead us back" Jack radioed "Six, we have one detainee. Returning to base, have Caveira ready. Fuckers an asshole" I heard Six "I'll notify her, did you get Feral?" Jack spoke "no, he slipped away. Get locations on IQ's family, they're targets. We need to give them security"
he sounded alarmed "how'd they learn about her family?" Jack spoke "maybe they breached our network, maybe they have someone in the administration. Either way we need to snip this in the bud" six spoke "I'll get Alibi, Nøkk and Maverick on the case. Good job finding this out" Mike answered "we didn't, Achilles did. Apparently the Mask's want to turn him to their side" I heard Six ask "Would you ever turn, Achilles?" I replied clearly offended at the suggestion "Seriously sir? No, i wouldn't ever disrespect myself like that" he spoke "good, I need all the operators I can get. Just to be safe I want you to sit down and have a session with Doc and I" I sighed but replied "yes sir" six sounded pleased as he spoke "good, well done on the mission everyone. When you return to base I want you all to relax, once we get all of IQ's family localized to one location you'll be their security force. IQ and Achilles come to my office when you return" as the comms went silent and I pulled off my helmet showing my short brown hair and black eyes as I sighed in annoyance before leaning my head back as Monika spoke "what if were too slow?" I listened as Lera spoke "we won't be, the masks probably aren't expecting us to have taken the mask" I heard Monika sigh as we fell into silence each of us thinking of different scenarios that could play.

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