Return of the victors

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Alik's pov
I climbed off the helicopter and gripped Bull's arm guiding him off the helicopter before we started towards the building, I heard Thatcher behind me "were putting him in solitary, I'll get a pair of operators to guard him" I replied "aye" as Bull casually walked through a base full of people wanting to kill him. Once we got to the cell I pushed him in and sat him in a metal chair, double checking his cuffs before I walked back out and spoke "I'll pay you a visit later, be good" as the heavy metal doors closed and the locks clicked in place. I looked at thatcher as he spoke "now let's get to the TOC I want to see if you're telling the truth" I gritted my teeth as we started walking. I looked back at the door to the cell thinking about what he had said before following Mike to the TOC, I walked in as Harry looked at us before looking at the other three as he asked "so why do I have Alik's body cam on my screen?" I looked to my left and saw a huge screen with 'Achilles' in the bottom left.
Mike explained "Alik said he saw something, we wanted to see what it was and we knew you'd have the camera footage" Harry motioned to one of the workers at a computer as he spoke "play the recording" we watched the raid in it's entirety. I felt my hands flex with anticipation as I watched myself going down the side tunnel, gunfire and screams played clearly in the video as the mask ran past me and looked at me. Harry spoke "pause it" as he looked at me and asked "why didn't you shoot?" I replied "he was scared, I wanted to try to capture him but he left before I could. Plus he didn't point his weapon at me" Harry nodded and spoke "continue" the video began playing again as I quickly pushed after the mask. I felt my hand get gripped by Monika as she gave me a small smile before we watched as my camera turned the corner and the Wolf appeared on screen. I heard Mike mutter shocked "the fook...?" Bird took a step pack as the Wolf shape shifted to the woman as we watched the woman jump off the cliff.
Mike looked at me "you weren't lying" I replied simply "no, I wasn't." Harry looked at me and asked "what the fuck did I just watch?" I shook my head as Corey explained "it seems Alik met a Skinwalker" Harry spoke "I always thought those were just myths" I nodded and spoke "so did i" Monika spoke "well we've had weird things happen before, I mean who thought the Outbreak would happen?" Mike replied "no one, but that doesn't make every weird thing possible. But Christ sake, a fookin skinwalker?" I heard Harry "alright, every one of you go relax. I'll get guards on the cell and an interrogation team together" we all nodded shell shocked slowly shifting our ways back to our dorms. Monika and I walked into Gunther and Anna's dorm as I plopped down at the table. Anna asked "how'd the mission go?" I looked up as Monika replied "world shifting" Gunther asked "how so?" As Monika answered plainly "Alik encountered a Skinwalker" the pair froze and looked at me as I nodded "my body cam caught it on cam, fucking creepy" Reinhard appeared "did you say you have video proof of a Skinwalker?" I nodded and replied "Harry's got the video. The camera got it shapeshifting"
He looked excited "how clear was the video?" I replied "pretty clear, we use top of the line cameras so" he spoke in rushed German as Monika explained "he's rambling about how much that video could do for his research" I chuckled before speaking "you can try to get Harry to release the video to you but I don't know." He took off running as Gunther asked "I bet that was very frightening" I replied "I can enter a gunfight without being scared but that thing, it scared me to my core" Monika nodded and spoke "I wasn't even there when it happened and that video horrified me, I felt so small and vulnerable" Anna asked "can I make you anything? Something to calm your nerves?" I replied "jasmine tea please" as Monika asked "can you make some Schitnzels like when we were kids?" Anna nodded and started making the food while Gunther asked "did you complete your mission?" Monika nodded and replied "ja, we captured Bull. He's sitting in the solitary wing right now" Gunther smiled as I laid my head on my forearm, Monika rubbed circles on my back.
I sat up when Anna put down a cup of tea infront of me as I smiled "cheers" before Monika asked "where's Zara?" Gunther replied "she went with bird to go hang out" I chuckled as Monika replied "they're so in love" just as Corey spoke "just like you and Alik" I looked over my shoulder "piss off" as I took a drink just to hear Tina "hey you two, how've you been?" I replied speaking for myself "well I'm pretty shaken up, freaked out" as Corey nodded and Monika replied "tired, shocked, I just want to go to bed and forget today" I nodded as Tina explained "Corey told me everything, reminds me of the Kushtaka" I asked "kushtaka? The fook is that?" She replied "half otter half man" I shook my head and spoke "no, no more. Stop it, I'm not running into that fucking thing" she chuckled as they sat down as Anna handed out schnitzels. I looked at my hands and wondered out loud "does that mean the Beast of the Moors could be real?" Corey asked "is that the big cat of Britain?" I nodded and replied "that's the legend anyway" he chuckled as Monika spoke "stop worrying about it, focus on the mission"
I took a sip of my tea as Gunther spoke "the world is a big place, there's a lot of things in the world we don't know about. You just had an encounter with something that was always out there" I looked up and asked "can I never encounter it again? It was fucking horrid" he laughed as Harry came through the PA "Thatcher's team report to interrogation room 3, were beginning our questioning" I sighed and stood holding my tea cup as Anna asked "are you bringing me my cup back?" I replied "yes ma'am" as I walked into the hallway and Monika gripped my left hand. I looked at our hands before my face shifted to a smile as Tina asked "think we'll get anything out of Bull?" I replied simply "eventually" Corey looked at me and asked "how do you figure?" I replied "he'll play games before he gives us anything, he wants to keep control of the conversation. He loses that he loses his composure and he lets something slip" Monika spoke "you're oddly calm about this" I replied "I know he'll slip up, he's still freaked out from the Skinwalker"
When we walked into the observation room I sat on the table to the right sipping my tea as Harry spoke "I'm about to send in Taina" I heard Monika ask "I thought she was on leave?" He replied "she volunteered to stay and interrogate any masks your team brought back" I didn't reply as I saw Bull sitting calmly at the table but he was clearly nervous, his fingers were twitching, he kept looking around, occasionally tapping his nails on the metal table. His nervous ticks kept shining through as Taina stepped out of the shadow and we watched as she wordlessly walked out of the room. I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the room as I watched Taina start questioning Bull, he complied answering a couple questions before he clammed up. I chuckled and muttered "big mistake" as Taina kicked the chair over and quickly began to wail on him. Mike spoke "how long before he cracks?" Corey asked in return "how long before Taina gets serious?" I watched in silence as Monika joked "only the best couples watch interrogations together" I looked at her and laughed as we continued to observe the action.
Harry pressed the intercom button and spoke "Caveira, get serious." As she looked at the one way window and nodded, I chuckled as she pulled out the bucket and hammer. Bull asked her "the hell are you doing with that? You gonna make me a hat?" As she smiled, something that looked unnatural on her typically stoic face. He seemed just a creeped out as she put the bucket over his head and because wailing on the side of it, she rang his bell several times before he looked to his left and threw up. I heard Taina yell "Give me what I want! Tell me where Feral is!" He looked up and spoke "fuck you" as she replied by asking "fuck you? Those are your final words?" He whimpered out "cunt" she chuckled and spoke "cunt? God you're shit at dying" as she pulled her knife from her sheathe and went to stab him. I saw his eyes widen as he yelled "I'll tell you whatever you want just get this crazy bitch away from me!" I laughed and spoke "sounds right, taina never fails" Harry pressed the intercom "Get him up, I'll be in in a minute"
I heard Harry say "if anything goes wrong, be ready to come in" I double checked my pistol before he walked past me. I watched as Harry walked in, occasionally sipping my tea as Tina asked "how much do you think Harry will get out of him?" I replied "everything he wants, the man shattered like cheap China." As we watched Harry sit down and a clearly please Taina standing directly behind Bull. I heard Mike "how do you think we're getting rid of this loose end?" I heard Monika "throwing them in a hole and getting rid of the hole" I watched not paying any attention to the conversation the room was having as I listened to the answers Bull gave. Harry pulled out a map and placed it on the table as Bulls hand shook incessantly before he put an X on the map. Harry stood and spoke "I might decide to go easier on you for your cooperation, don't count of it." Bull asked "what's going to happen to me now?" Harry replied "we'll bring you back to your cell, when we decide how to handle you you'll be moved or dealt with accordingly" Bull looked nervous.
Harry walked back into the observation room and said "bring him down to the medbay, have Doc put an IV in. I want one of you to put an air bubble in it. Make sure he dies" I heard Corey "sir, that's extremely illegal" Harry nodded and replied "I'm aware, however this man is a terrorist. He would get the death penalty, I need these ties tied down. Besides you're from the Unit, I know you often work on the line of legal and illegal" I stood and spoke "I can do it" Harry nodded and replied "I must say, I'm surprised. I didn't think you would be willing to" I walked out of the room as Monika followed me. She asked "are you okay?" I replied simply "yea, just waiting for a shot at Feral" she stopped me "I'm talking about the fact you just volunteered to kill a man" I replied "he's a terrorist, he needs to be neutralized. I told myself I would kill every mask I had the chance at, I will avenge my team. That rat can be the beginning of my vengeance against those who orchestrated their deaths" she gave me a tight hug and spoke "just do me a favor and don't lose yourself on this path, I don't want to lose you" I nodded and returned her hug "I'll be here at the end of this, the monsters in the dark won't take me from you"

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