Halloween special (filler)

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Happy Halloween everyone, have fun enjoy yourselves be safe. I will see you again tomorrow when we all wake up from our candy comas

Alik's pov
     I was walking through the base until I heard screams, I pulled my pistol and slowly made my way forward scanning the hallway until I got to the corner and Marius came jumping around the corner yelling causing my fight or flight response to kick in as I cracked him in the face with my pistols watching him fall as I holstered my pistol and he gripped his nose "Hurensohn(son of a bitch)" I pulled him up and asked "are you okay?" He responded "ja, i think I got a bloody nose but besides that I'm fine" I asked "what the hell was the scream for?" He replied "Monika must've found the fake spider we put in your dorm" I asked "does she have a fear of spiders?" He nodded and spoke "we've got something for everyone, everyone on this base is going to have a fun Halloween" I shivered at his tone as I heard Monika scream into the hallways "Marius! Dominic! I'm gonna kill you!" He ran past me and called "Bye Alik! See you around!" As I saw Monika appear infront of me "where. Is. He?" I asked "Marius?" She nodded with her eyes wide with a primal hunger as I spoke pointing behind me "he went that way, have fun"
      She ran past me as I saw fake cobwebs and decorations all around the base as I heard screams of rage at Marius and Dominic for their pranks playing off each of the operator's fears. I chuckled as I walked through the hallway before i reached the cafeteria and started getting Halloween themed food, I smiled and sat down as Corey, Tina and a heavily breathing Dominic sat down across from me. I asked "Did you survive Monika?" He asked "Monika? I was running from Jace" I chuckled and spoke "just be careful around my girl, she's hungry" he shivered as Corey asked "did they get you with their pranks?" I shook my head no "they don't know what I'm scared of and when Marius tried scaring me, I cracked him with my pistol" Tina asked shocked "seriously?" I nodded and spoke "I didn't get to talk to him long, Monika started hunting him down" Dominic's eyes widened as the doors flew open and a beaten and broken Marius was dragged in by Monika while Jace stood next to her keeping his eyes locked on Dominic.
     Corey spoke "good luck man, I'm not saving you" as Dominic grabbed a Halloween cookie and started running. I laughed as a Jace yelled "run you son of a bitch! When I get my hands on you I'll make you regret it" as Monika dragged Marius over to the table and sat down dropping him on the floor as I offered her a cookie "wanna cookie?" She took it and started eating it while Marius groaned. I looked at her and asked "so what does Rainbow do for Halloween?" She replied "we all dress up in different costumes and then go to a Halloween party. It's one of the few times alcohol is allowed on base" I asked "did you say alcohol?" She nodded as Tina asked "are you and Corey gonna drink?" I laughed and replied "I am, I don't know about Corey." Corey lifted his fist "I am" as I gave him a fist bump and Monika asked "so what are you dressing up as for the party?" I looked at her and replied "I've got an idea" she nodded unsure at my tone as I smiled at her which she returned while taking another cookie.
     I looked at her hand holding my cookie as I asked "bloody 'ell, what are you doing Lass?" She replied "taking my tax" I sighed as Tina spoke "that's a good idea" I looked over at Corey as Tina took some food from his plate, he looked so depressed at the loss of his food as I spoke "I'm sorry Mate" he replied "I'm used to it, it's a sad reality" I nodded as Monika spoke "So what are you dressing up as for Halloween?" I replied "Mon' I told you, I got an idea don't worry about it" she sighed as Corey answered "I'm dressing up like Sandman from MW3" I replied "fook, I miss that game" he nodded his agreement as Tina replied "I'm dressing up like a Viking" Monika spoke "that's a coincidence, I'm dressing up like a Valkyrie" I asked "like the mythological one? Not the Valkyrie we have, right?" She nodded with a laugh as I asked "when does the party start?" Tina replied "an hour" I smiled to myself and stood "I'm gonna go get everything I need, I'll be ready by the party so I'll see you all there" as I jogged to the dorm.
Once I walked in I grabbed on of my white sweatshirts, a pair of my blue jeans and adidas sneakers. I grabbed one of Monika's extra balaclavas and a helmet before I set everything in the closet and ran down to the armory "I need to sign out a tactical vest. I need it to zip in the middle and be black" the quartermaster handed me it as I jogged back to the dorm and started working on the rest of the outfit. 50 minutes later I was pleased with my progress and changed into it as I grabbed my air soft AUG and walked down to the gym where we were having the party. I saw Corey, Monika and Tina standing outside of the gym as I appeared and Monika stared at me while Corey laughed "holy shit bro, I should've thought of that" as Monika asked "are those my shoes?" I replied with a laugh "no, I painted a pair of my sneakers to look like yours" she shook her head as Jace and Lera walked over "Well color me impressed, good costume Alik" I nodded as Monika asked another question "is that my helmet?" I nodded "alright, that one I borrowed. This is one of your extra balaclavas too"
      She shook her head before giving me a tight hug as I spoke "you look really good" she replied "thank you" and pulled back looking me over before nodding and speaking "you look really good too" I asked "stroking your ego?" I laughed as Corey asked "Hey Alik, ready to go get fucked up?" I nodded as I gave Monika another hug and a kiss on her forehead "I'll see you in a bit, bye Tina. I like your outfit, Top tier" she waved as Corey and I started hunting down the alcohol. An hour later I was plastered, I could barely walk straight as I drunkenly yelled "Baby! Baby where are youuuuuu?!" stumbling around with Corey searching for our girlfriends until I saw Monika and Tina appear infront of us as i latched on and slurred "iloveyouuuuuu" she chuckled patting my back as Corey hugged Tina crying "I mish you" she chuckled and replied "I miss you too" as I spoke to Monika "that was cute" as Monika nodded and replied "come on, we're heading back to the room" as I waved at Corey and yelled "bye Corey! Seeyoulater!"
He waved as Monika guided my stumbling hunched over form to the door as she yelled "we're heading out, have fun everyone!" Before i slurred "why'sareyouyelling?" And she asked "was?" And I asked again "whysareyouyelling?" She answered "I'm letting everyone know we're leaving" I nodded and replied "good idea, you're really smart monikaaa" she laughed and replied "danke" as I stumbled through the hallway before we reached our dorm and I saw 2 Zara's and 2 Anna's while Monika spoke "can you two help me with him? He's shitfaced" as I defiantly lifted my hand "I am not" while Zara nodded and came over giving me a bucket while Anna asked "how drunk is he?" As I replied "no opisser, I haven't had anything to drink" while Monika just motioned to me and gave her mother a pointed look before chuckling as her mother explained "Alik" as I replied "thas me" and she continued "you're an officer" I answered by asking "I am?" As she nodded and I mumbled "wow" as Zara and Monika sat me on our bed before I gave Monika another hug and I spoke "I loves youuu so muchhhh" she laughed before replying "I love you too" as I laid down and started to go to sleep cuddling my bucket as I spoke "night night" hearing the three women reply "goodnight" before I smiled and dropped into a deep drunken hibernation.

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