Chapter 11

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           Evlyn got up and started walking away. "Hey where are you going?" Vaughan sounded pissed.

          She just kept walking towards the door "I'm going home." A hand grabbed her shoulder. She turned snarling. "Let. Me. Go."

         "No." Vaughan was calm as he said it.

          Evlyn stilled and looked up at him "what?"

        He stepped forwards looking down at her. "No"

        Looking forward unfortunately that happened to behis chest. "Why? You don't even care."

         She felt his eyes on her. "Maybe I do care."

         Tension built up as Ev looked into his eyes reading the truth in his eyes. "Maybe you shouldn't care." She pulled her hand back and he let it go. Evlyn walked towards the bathroom and almost looked back. Evlyn shut the door behind her.

           As Evlyn closed the bathroom door he cursed himself for caring too much about the girl. With the week with her he saw a little bit of a soft side when she thought he wasn't looking. Seeing her cry silently when she thought he had been asleep broke something inside of him. She kept her guard up most of the time. "God damn it." Vaughan ran a hand through his hair. He never acted like that towards a female. Something was growing and he was sacred to acknowledge it.
Thank you for reading❤️. Stay safe everyone.

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