Chapter 20

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           Evlyn leaned over the rail thinking, what would her parents think of her adventure?. Sighing, she looked at the deep blue of the ocean. Another pair of arms joined hers on the railing "Wanna talk about it?"

            She looked at Vaughan but he wasn't looking at her, Evlyn followed his eye to see dolphins following the ship "Other than worrying about my parents and friends nothing much."

         A finger slid under chin and gently moved her head towards him. Vaughan rested his head on hers "They are probably fine." Evlyn was exhausted from the past two days especially. She just shook her head, her eyes closing. Vaughan kissed her nose then her lips "You need to rest you've been pushing this boat with the wind for two days. You need your strength". Evlyn sighed and stopped using her magic. Ev slumped but Vaughan caught her. Vaughan picked her up and carried her towards the stairway "You need to sleep."

       Evlyn groaned "I don't need sleep."

         Fenrys was leaning against the top of the stairway "For once i'm agreeing with Vaughan."

       Putting a hand on her chest Evlyn gaped at her uncle "I didn't know you could agree."

          Uncle Fenrys glared at her "I'm going to hit you one of theses days"

        Evlyn tried to get down but Vaughan wouldn't put her down "Can I get down?"

        Vaughan just huffed "No."

        Fenrys started chuckling but Evlyn threw a knife at his head. He looked at her in surprise, she just sticked out her tongue. Vaughan shook his head "You two act like children."

       He put her down. Evlyn landed unstable on her legs but got her balance after a second. She turned towards Vaughan who looked back at her "Look who's talking pigeon"

           Fenrys laughed, Vaughan just rolled his eyes and walked down the stairs. Evlyn looked to her uncle then remembered the question she wanted to ask "Uncle."

            Her uncle stopped laughing "Yes?"

            Sighing, Evlyn looked at the ground "How is mom and dad?"

         He just shook his head "They have both been in a panic. Aelin is more of bitch, Rowan has paced most of the day.

          Evlyn nodded "Thanks." The sun was setting, Evlyn started walking down the stairs "Good night." She was sorry she ever ran away.
     Thanks for reading. Sorry this isn't the best chapter.

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