Chapter 15

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Pacing around her room Aelin almost lost hope of finding her daughter. From the edge of the bed Rowan sighed "Where would she go? We asked Dorian and Manon to look for her."

Aelin ran a hand through her hair, she was desperate for any clues about her daughter. Stopping Aelin turned towards her mate who was staring at the wall "The whole south continent is looking for her." Tears ran down her cheeks "What happens if they find her dead somewhere, what if-" She couldn't finish that sentence.

Rowan stood up and took her into his arms. Resting her head on his chest she started sobbing. Rowan rested his chin on her head "We'll find her I promise."

Shaking her head Aelin just cried for the loss of her daughter. She understood why Evlyn ran away but she didn't like how her daughter ran away not even leaving a note. As Rowan let go of her Aelin started walking towards the door "I'm going for a walk". Aelin slipped out into the hallway before he could answer.

She walked towards a door on the end of the hall. Opening the door Aelin looked around, Evlyn's stuff was still here. Aelin picked up one of Evlyn's necklaces. Tracing the hawk, Aelin remembered When it was Evlyn's birthday last year and Ev ended up throwing cake at Fenrys but it ended up hitting Lorcan. The memory made her smile. Aelin left the necklace on her daughter's bed. Aelin headed down the stairs. As she passed the front doors the door burst open. Aelin already had weapons ready as a messenger ran at her "My Queen" The messenger bowed then handed her a note "From the Kingdom of Wensland."

Aelin raised an eyebrow as she took the note "For what?"

Another messenger came in behind the first one "It's from Lord Danwen of Polimona." Aelin was even more confused as the messenger said "Please don't tell anyone I told you so."

Sighing Aelin crossed her arms "What's the message for? I don't want any relations to Polimona-"

The messenger stepped up "It's about your daughter."

Aelin looked up from the paper "What?" Her voice was hoarse as she said it.

The messenger sighed "He has her in his dungeons."

Standing in shock Aelin nodded "Thank you for the information." Aelin ran to Elide's room.

She pounded on the door. Lorcan answered the door "Yes?"

Aelin crosses her arms "Get everyone and tell them to meet in the throne room." Turning around Aelin walked towards the throne room.

Behind her Lorcan asked "What for?"

Aelin kept walking forwards "It's about Evlyn." She heard Lorcan walking down the other hall.

Aelin watched everyone come into the throne room. Rowan stood next to her as they stood on the Dias. Everyone gathered around the dias. Fenrys spoke up first "What's this about?"

Looking around the room Aelin sood up straighter "We have found Evlyn." Even Rowan tensed at this news. She looked at Fenrys and Lorcan "Fenrys, Lorcan I want you to go to Polimona to get Evlyn out of the dungeons."

Lysandra and Elise looked concerned "What could have she done to get in the dungeons?"

Aelin shrugged as the two males walked out to get packed. Sighing Aelin shrugged "I don't know but we're getting her back.
Thanks for reading. Evlyn might be saved in one to two chapters I don't know. Oh and yes I need to pick a ship name for Vaughan and Evlyn here's the ones I picked out of 80 -Vevlyn, Vauglyn,    Eghan. Comments to tell me witch ones all your favorite.

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