Chapter 21

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They docked about noon, Ev looked around at the trading port. It was still the same, a hand grabbed her shoulder. Evlyn looked up to see uncle Fenrys smiling at her "Welcome back."

Fenrys walked forward into the city of Orynth, Lorcan close behind. Evlyn followed them, she didn't realize she was shaking until a hand clasped her's. She looked down at their intertwined hands, looking back up Evlyn smiled at Vaughan. Vaughan kissed her head "Don't worry everything will be fine."

Sighing, Evlyn shook her head "what if they are mad at me?"

Vaughan squeezed her hand "They love you, how could they be angry?"

Evlyn gave Vaughan a look "You clearly haven't met my parents."

Vaughan shrugged as the gates to the castle got closer "I'll kick Rowan's ass if he does anything to upset you." Evlyn snorted but it made her feel a little bit better about facing her parents.

The gates opened for Fenrys and Lorcan. Evlyn walked inside with Vaughan, he must have marked every entrance and exit like her dad did. Evlyn looked at her home, a tear falling down her cheek. Someone from her left yelled "Evlyn!"

Ev turned just in time to have Marion slam into her. Evlyn hugged her cousin tightly, scared to let go. She heard footsteps then "I don't get a hug?"

Marion let go of Evlyn and turned towards her father and hugged him. Evlyn smiled as daughter and father hugged. Suddenly a pang of sadness washed over Evlyn. A warm breath ran over her ear making her shiver "We should go in and see your parents."

Ev looked up into Vaughan's face. She read the emotion in his eyes even though his face was stone cold. Nodding Evlyn stepped forwards into the castle walking to the throne room. A pair of silent footsteps walked in unison with Vaughan's behind her. Like her mother Evlyn kinda had a flair for dramatics. Wind pushed open the doors. Everyone was too busy looking over a map, especially her parents. One of the lords turned and paled "Princess?"

Both of her parents' heads snapped up and they looked around the room until they settled on her. Her mother covered her mouth with her hand and took an uneasy step forward, then her mother ran and embraced her. A pair of strong arms encircled them both. Her mother was openly crying, her father had a few tears running down his face. Her mother kisses her head "Thank god you're ok."

Evlyn nodded and they both took a step back, her mother grabbing her hand. Her mother wanted to say something but dad beat her to it "Vaughan?"

Her mother looked past Evlyn and raised her eyebrows. Ev turned around to see Vaughan alone in the middle of the doorway. Most of the lords and lady's left. Vaughan bowed "King and Queen."

Her father looked seriously confused until her sniffed and Snarled. Evlyn realized What her father smelt, her scent was all over him, they've been sleeping in the same bed for three days. Her father took a step forward. Evlyn stepped in front of him "Knock it off."

Her father backed up and looked at her "Did he help you get out?"

Fenrys walked by and snorted "Quite the opposite."

Her father grabbed a knife and launched forwards. Vaughan was ready for the attack but Evlyn put a dagger up to her fathers throat, even her mother tensed "Father or no I will kill you if you harm my mate."

Her father looked between her and Vaughan. Mother sighed "Rowan back down."
Her father reluctantly backed away. Mother turned to her and Vaughan "Seems congratulations Is in order."

A hand grabbed her, Evlyn intertwined her hand with Vaughan. Ev opened her mouth to say something but a squeal came back from the room. Her mother just rolled her eyes and snorted. Looking behind them Ev saw the girls squealing and jumping "What's wrong with them?"

Auntie Elide stepped from behind her mother "They were betting you would come back with a mate or a lover."

Evlyn snorted "Of course they did."

Ayla bounced over and hugged her "We had something while you were gone. Welcome back."

Evlyn whispered into her cousin's ear "Thank you."

Her cousin pulled back and looked at Vaughan "If you hurt her I will personally cut off your favorite part." Ayla smiled and walked away.

Vaughan gave Ev a look that said I didn't know your family loved bloodshed. Evlyn rolled her eyes and looked forward at her parents who were talking. A sharp sting knocked the breath out of her. Vaughan grabbed her arm "Are you all right?"

Evlyn nodded the sting still there "I'm good." Vaughan l let go of her arm. Evlyn looked down on her left side. Then it occurred to Evlyn that's the side the creature's horns pierced her side, They were tracking her. Evlyn grabbed Vaughan as the sight in her eyes got dimmer "I think they're trying-" Everything went black.
Happy Thanksgiving! We have about tree to five more chapters to go. I wanted to ask this before I got this fanfic done so I can go right onto a new one. Would you like to see a Fenrys romance or a Azriel romance Or a Mor romance?

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