Chapter 17

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           Evlyn bit back a scream as the medical tool cut into her side. Sweat dripped down her face. The people around her were smiling at her pain.  One of the men started walking towards her with needles. Evlyn braced her self ready for anything. Suddenly the doors blast opened and one man fell. Two hooded males came in slaughtering everyone. One of them started to undo the straps holding her. She almost feel to the ground first but the male held her up. She was too tired and weak to do anything. They seemed familiar somehow "Hey you ok Ev?"

          Evlyn looked up at the male then looked to the other one "Uncle Fenrys? Uncle Lorcan?"

         Fenrys wraped her in a spare cloak "Hey kid"

        Lorcan crossed his arms looking at her "What did you do?"

      Fenrys growled but Evlyn shook her head "I'll tell you later." Fenrys scooped her up and they started walking around corners. Closing her eyes Ev rested her head against Fenrys chest. She heard shuffling ahead. She opened her eyes and saw the stairs. Just as Lorcan was about to go up the stairs Evlyn rembered Vaughan "Wait!"

      Lorcan turned towards her "What?"

       Evlyn pointed towards the cell her and Vaughan were placed "Get him out please"

     Lorcan and Fenrys glanced at each other. Putting her down Fenrys walked towards the cell. Fenrys used his magic to blast open the door. Stepping out Vaughan didn't even glance at them. Vaughan kneeled at her side pulling her against him "Im sorry."

       Pating his back Evlyn closed her eyes "I know."

        Someone snarled behind Vaughan "Who the hell are you?".

        Vaughan scooped her up and turned around looking at both Fenrys and Lorcan. Fenrys stepped forwards "Vaughan?"

        He just brushed past them and walked up the stairs "Let's go." Fenrys for once just fallowed directions without comment.

         Lucky Vaughan had enough strength to run a couple miles with her in his arms. They slowed down after a while. Everything hurt and the running only made it worse. Vaughan set Evlyn down on a stump, he put her down so gently it made her heart warm. Fenrys and Lorcan but there hoods down. Lorcan and Vaughan just stared at each other.

        Fenrys steped forward a sword in hand "So your the one who convinced Evlyn to kill lord Danwen" Vaughan kept his hand on her back saying nothing. Fenrys steped forward, Vaughan stood up putting his body between her and Fenrys. Fenrys snarled at Vaughan "Are you insane!"

          Lorcan sighed and walked away into the forest leaving her with two warriors ready to attack each other. Vaughan stood tense "I know I made a desision that could got her killed and I'm sorry I ever brought her into it."

           Blinking Fenrys backed down a little "So your sorry for once in your life? What about the war are you sorry about not showing up?"

           Evlyn looked at Vaughan begging him not to start a fight but he didn't even look at her "I was still under Meaves command if you can't remberer."

         Fenrys flinched at the mention of her name. He was about to retort something back but Evlyn decided she had enough "Knock it off." Fenrys looked like he wanted to continue arguing but he back down. Vaughan walked over to her and sat next to her. Evlyn rested her head on Vaughan's shoulder. Realization passed on Fenrys face before he turned around and walked the way Lorcan went.
Thanks for reading . I know it's not that the best. Sorry for not updating for a long time I got another writers block on my other fanfic.

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