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After about 4 or 5 shots i slowly stood up and made my way to the bathroom of the club

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After about 4 or 5 shots i slowly stood up and made my way to the bathroom of the club. I was in front of the door when i heard someone moaning, i decided to ignore it but then i heard something else.

"Don't-....let..m-me go"

"Ugh just shut up will you? You are ruining the mood. Isn't it what you want? A one night stand, so just let me do it for you"

"Ah...no. I don't want you to do it, we are gonna coworkers for god's sake"

"Well that doesn't seem like a problem to me" someone said as i approached the corner in the dark.

Shit. He is literally raping the poor guy, who is trying to push him away. I didn't know what to do. Should i help? The boy groaned, Damn it.

"HEY" i shouted and that made him flinch a little. " what the hell do you think you are doing?"

"It's none of your business. He's my boyfriend." Yeah sure he just said you are a friend.

"I don't have a boyfriend" the other boy who was still pinned to the wall murmured while gritting his teeth. He groaned again when the man squeezed his arm.

"Get away from him" i said coldly with a blank face. He stared at me for a sec. " what if i don't?"

"Then you will regret it" i answered without hesitating, I still had my serious look that made me intimidating. That made him back away a little. He scoffed.

"What the-"

"Mr jeon" the boy who was free now, since that bitch backed away, yelled and pushed him away then ran to me. I widened my eyes a little. How the hell does he know my name?

He grabbed my arm and hid behind me. I was froze, and the other boy was surprised too.

"Wait- you know him?"

" yeah he is my.." he paused. i looked at him and found him looking back at me. " sugar daddy " that made me almost choke on my saliva.

"What!!?" He was shock but i couldn't care less, i just kept staring at him.

"Umm...I-I'm so sorry " that brought me back to real life. He glared at the boy behind me.

As he was about to leave i shouted "don't you dare to touch my... baby boy... again. Got it?" He stopped and looked back, then just nodded quickly and left while cursing under his breath.

"Sugar daddy?"
"Baby boy?"

We yelled in unison, but the diffrence was, i was kinda annoyed when he was just laughing.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to act like we know each other but i didn't know your name so that was the first thing that came to my mind."

" i could be your boss, or co-worker, or even neighbor "

" why should he let me go because my neighbor told him to?? And HE was my coworker" He said laughing.

"Well, you have a point there but still..." i paused and chuckled.

"Jimin" i looked at him confused "we haven't introduced ourselfs yet. Park jimin." He said as he brought his hand forward so we could shake hands.

"Yes i know you mr park" i said teasing and he chuckled.

"Jeon jungkook, it's so nice meeting you." I said as i took his hand in mine. His hand is kinda small but it fits perfectly in mine.

" are you sure about that? Cause you caught me in two different kdramas tonight" i laughed at that.

"Absolutely, it was fun anyway." He just shook his head and joined me in laughing.


I came back after washing my face and looked for my friends. And there i found them on the dance floor fooling around with each other. And yoongi hyung looking so done with them.

I laughed to myself. Then a voice from behind me made me jump a little.

"Why are you alone?" I turned around and saw jimin.

" you still here?"

"Hmm" he said while looking at the drink in his hand.

" I'm not alone i came with my friends" i said pointing at the dance floor.

"I see." He said as he smiled looking at them "but i didn't mean that, i saw them earlier with you. I meant a girl....or a boy, if you know what i mean"

I nodded and put my hands in my pocket while looked around the club again. "I'm single and just came to have some fun for tonight, you know?" I looked back at him.

" and honestly it doesn't matter a girl or a boy"

This time i looked at him from head to toe and back. He noticed and a small smirk appeared on his face.

"Soooo.....you wanna dance?" He said with a wink, as i bet my lower lip, smirking.

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