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I got out of my car and followed him

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I got out of my car and followed him. I was staring at his ass in those tight pants. We went inside the elevator and he pressed the button to last floor. This apartment is kind of expensive. Well i guess he is rich.

He glanced at me "why are you staring?"

"Can't i?"

"Why? Are you that eager to fuck me? Be patient babe." He said while brushing his hair back and licking his lips. Don't kook, control yourself. Don't make a fool out of your- he lowered his head a little and looked up at me through his eyelashes.


I pushed him to the wall and kissed him aggressively. He kissed back almost immediately. I took his hands and pressed them on the wall next to his head.

I was kissing him so passionate when i heard the elevator's sound. I put one of my hands around his waist, leading us outside the elevator without breaking the kiss.

He broke the kiss to enter the passcode. I hugged him from behind and kissed his neck. He moaned as the door opened. He grabbed my hand and pushed me to the now closed door, attaching my lips.

"Where is your room?" I said in between the kisses and he pointed to left. I put my hands under his legs and lifted him, heading to his bedroom. He giggled and wrapped his legs around my waist for support.

As we entered his room, i could see the kingsized bed. I threw him on bed, hovering above him before he could move. He wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss.

"Do you have lube?"

"Just do it raw"


He sighed "in the drawer" i laughed a little kissing his nose. "Now who is eager,huh?"

He hit my chest slightly "don't talk just bring it, quick" i stood and went to his drawer next to his bed and found lube and condom.

"No, nu-uh. No condom" he said catching the condom from my hand and throwing it away.

"Seriously?" I facepalmed.

"What? It's not like I'll get pregnant or anything." He shrugged.

I just chuckled and kissed him again. Slower this time, i bit his lower lip and he opend his mouth for me. So i took the chance and slid my tounge into his mouth exploring it.

We took our clothes off. i kissed his inner thigh, sucking and licking in the same spot. I countinued kissing his thigh moving up slowly approaching his private parts.

I took his ankles, signing him to turn around and then i leaned down, my head in front of his round ass. I looked at his tight, pink hole and kissed on top of it. He fliched a little, i kissed it again and then started licking and sucking on it. He was a moaning mess by now.

"Aaah-hhh j-jungkoo-ahhh"

He moaned loudly as i entered one finger inside of him.

"mmmhhh jung..kook"

"You like it? Hmm?" I said as i entered the second finger.

" yes f-fuck yes ahhhh i l-love i-itt hhhh"

He whined as I pulled out my fingers. I opened the lube and positioned myself to enter him after i was done.

I looked at him. He was arching his back and trying so hard not to touch himself. I turned him around again smashing my lips on his and continuing my kisses from his jaw to his neck, sucking and making hickeys.

I entered the tip of my cock, but stopped when he moaned loudley and hugged me tight. He wrapped his arms around me, pressing his nails against my back.

"Ahh you are so tight. A-are you fine? Do you want me to stop?"

"NO, ahh no don't stop."

I looked at him and he seemed to get used to my dick so i continued but this time i thrusted so hard and entered my whole cock inside him. He almost cried and yelled in pain and pleasure.

"Start moving" he breathed out and i obeyed. I started trusting into him and kissing him to distract him from the pain.

I don't know why i care so much. Usually, i just fuck them hard and leave the next morning but now, idk i just don't want him to be in pain.

He started moaning my name and i knew he is close. I grabbed his dick and started stroking it. I felt something in my stomache and started moaning.

"Aah jungkook-ah ahhh JUNGKOOK!"
"Ahhh JI..MIN"

We both came at the same time. Screaming each other's name. I was shocked, i never did that. I never screamed my one night stands' names before cumming.

He was so tired he almost passed out. I throw myself next to him on bed, i felt him climbing up to me and nuzzling into my neck. I automatically smiled, normally i will push them away but this time without even noticing i wrapped my hands around him and pulled him closer. I fell asleep as i felt his smile against my skin.

This isn't normal at all. What's wrong with me?

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