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Jimin was froze as the glass fell to the floor, making an annoying voice

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Jimin was froze as the glass fell to the floor, making an annoying voice. He tried to push jungkook, but soon gave up, kissing him back.

Jungkook parted their lips after what looked like a few minutes.

"Kookie? What's wrong?"

"I need you, please jimin i need you so much right now." He blurted out. You make me forget about her, he thought. Jimin just looked at him.

His hair was messy, his eyes red. from how he was dressed, it seemed like he came to his house without changing from his simple t-shirt and pants.

Jungkook looked down and backed away a little "i'm sorry jim-" but he was interupted by jimin's soft, plump lips kissing him hungrilly.

They made their way to jimin's bedroom. Jimin pushed jungkook on bed and hovered over him.

"You look like a mess right now, did you know it?"

"Do i look like i care?"

"Why do you need me? What happened?" With that jungkook looked away. Silence took over them untill jimin broke it.

"You know that we are friends now right?"

"I know... believe me i trust you as my friend but i just cant-"

"I didn't mean that, idiot"

Jungkook looked up at him "then what?"

Jimin raised one of his brows "do you always have sex with your friends for comfort?" He said teasingly.

"Oh, shut up" jungkook rolled his eyes. "No actually you are the first"

That made jimin's heart beating faster. He tried to hide his blush which he was successful at as jungkook didn't notice it.

"Do You know that it costs for you?"

"What costs for me?"

"Fucking me" he said with no shame that made jungkook chuckle a little. "What? I'm not that easy to get"

"Ok what is it?" Jimin leaned closer with a smirk on his lips.

"Be my fuck buddy" jungkook frozed. "Like.... friends with benefits?" Jimin just nodded.

"I do need comfort often too, you know" he said teasingly. i wanna be closer to you, i wanna be more than your simple friend.

jungkook rolled his eyes at him and thought about it for a second then smirked. He grabbed jimin's hip, turning them around so now jungkook was on top of jimin.

"Fine, but just so you know I'm a little kinky"

"Do i look like i care?" Jimin repeated his words with a slight smirk and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck.

"Now shut up and fuck me, so i can take whatever shit that made you upset out of your mind"

Jungkook smiled at that and kissed him passionately continuing his kisses to his jaw and neck. And he realized from the second he came into jimin's house and kissed him, there was no seulgi in his mind.

Jimin turned them around again after they took their clothes off. He sat on jungkook's hard dick making him moan lowly.

He started kissing his jaw to his neck continuing to his chest and abs untill he reached the top of his boxers. He looked up at jungkook locking eyes with him as he pulled out his boxer using his teeth for help. Fuck that's hot.

Jungkook groaned loudly when he felt jimin's warm mouth almost swallowing his dick. Jimin moved his head up and down, licking jungkook's big cock. He pulled away and looked down at jungkook. His lips parted, his hairs sticking to his forehead from all the sweating. He was still so handsome and sexy.

"Daddy" jungkook's eyes widened "i wanna ride you" jimin said cutely. Jungkook chuckled and pushed his neck down to kiss him "as you wish babyboy"

I don't like seeing you sad kookie, don't be sad ever, please. I'll make you smile whenever you are sad, and I'll make you forget. doesn't matter as your friend with benefit, simple friend or..... whatever this weird feelings i have for you leads me to.

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