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After the dinner

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After the dinner. They all sat on the couch. Mr and mrs Park sat next to each other, in front of jimin and jungkook who sat separately.

"You must be tired, you can rest-"

"No sweetheart, we slept in the train. We are not tired." Jimin's mother said with a small smile on her lips, which soon faded.

"So jungkook, lets get to know you a little bit,hmm?." Jimin sighed, he should've seen this coming. Jungkook smiled awkwardly and this time jimin's father started.

"Don't get it wrong, we don't wanna scare you with our questions. We just wanna-" he paused as he saw jimin standing up from his armchair and sitting next to jungkook on the double sofa, without saying a single word.

He then saw a hint of smile on jungkook's lips and decided to not say anything as he continued. They're cute. "We just wanna know who our son is dating"

"I understand mr park. It's totally fine." It was mrs park's turn to talk.

"Good, now tell me about your parents." Jimin closed his eyes. He feels horrible for putting jungkook in this position.

"My parents are in busan. My dad has a factory in busan, my mother  has a restaurant there and my older brother is a doctor"

"Is he in busan too?" It was like a game they take turns and each ask one question. Jimin rolled his eyes.

"No he is in states." Jimin's mom looked at jimin for any reaction, which she didn't get since he knew it before.

"How old are you?"


"Ahh so jimin is dating a baby?" Jimin was about to say something, who calls a 22 years man a baby??, but before he could,

"Well it's been years since i'm not a baby anymore, but jimin is free to call me that." Jungkook said still smiling as mr park laughed at that.

"Okay young man, what's your job?" Mr park asked, just as jimin told jungkook he will.

"I work in a comapny."

"What company?" Jimin did NOT say that.

"It's a beauty products company." Jimin tried his best to not look at jungkook or facepalm. You didn't found anything better to suit you? Well you're beautiful but still..

"What's your position?"

"I-I'm the sec-"

"Okay, enough. I'm sleepy and it's getting late, jungkook still has to go home. I don't want him to ride in midnight so..." he wasn't lying he never lets him to leave at midnight, he'll force him to stay the night and leave in the morning.

But now it was an excuse to stop his family. Jungkook has had enough.

"Oh you are right, it is getting late" mr park said and ignored his wife's glare, instead looked at his watch. It was 1:13 am.

"But we still have to talk jimin."

"We will mom, tomorrow." He said signing jungkook to stand up. Mrs park sighed and nodded, she couldn't force the boy to stay. Jimin stopped jungkook at the door and whispered, making sure his parents can't hear him.

"I'm so so sorry, because of their question," jungkook was about to say something but was stopped by jimin.

"AND for making you leave. You know i would rather you stay, specially at this time." That made jungkook chuckle.

"It's totally fine hyung, actually i have to do something tomorrow morning so it's better for me to leave now." Jimin smiled and couldn't control himself.

So he tiptoed and kissed him, it was a quick one, in front of his parents who gasped. He was about to pull away hearing them, but was stopped by jungkook's hand on his waist, and him kissing back.

So a 2 seconds kiss turned to 15 seconds, with his parents looking shocked. They still doubted it, EVEN after seeing them kiss.

Mrs park was almost sure jungkook is a stranger or a friend, which she was starting to doubt by their actions. And mr park didn't approve, whatever it was, acting or not. He thought kim nam gil is a way better option for his beloved son.

As soon as the 'couple' pulled away, jimin started blushing. "M-my parents were w-watching so i just-"

"Yes, your parents were watching." Jungkook said not looking into the boys eyes, it seemed like he was telling it to himself. You didn't like the kiss because you don't like him. It was just because his parents were watching.

And he realized "they're still watching, don't act weirded out" jimin looked at him.

"I'm not weirded out, i had sex with you." They paused and then burst into laughing.

"I'll see you tomorrow, i guess" jimin nodded smiling. "See you love" jungkook winked and he blushed MADLY. He could hear his heartbeat.

After jungkook left jimin was alone with his parents, but to his surprise they didn't say much just goodnights.

I guess they ARE tried. He shrugged and went to bed, dreaming about jungkook, being his boyfriend.

Next update after 12 votes, love u'all💜😘

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