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"Well... it's hard to chose just one thing." She chuckled "he was so kind and caring and as you can see he's very sexy. And the other thing is that he was really possesive, but tbh i don't think that was a good thing. At least he was good in bed." She laughed at her last sentences as well as others, except four.

Henry was glaring at jungkook, while jungkook was looking at the floor squeezing his eyes shut. Taehyung was looking at jimin rather nervous, and at last jimin just smiled and looked at seulgi.

You son of a-

Fuck you

Holy mother fucking shit

Oh! Okay.

They played for a while until it was jungkook's turn. "So truth or dare?" One of the girls said quickly, it was obvious that jungkook was so popular between the girls. Or maybe not just girls.

"Umm...dare?" Jungkook said unsure. Hoseok gulped, scared of what would they ask him to do.

"I'll ask," the same girl said flirty, not letting anyone else to even open their mouth.

"Jungkook-oppa kiss me"

"Come on that's not fun"
"Aish your no fun"
Everyone complained, something that their three friends were so gratefull for.

"Okay let me try," that made everyone to shut up. "Kiss the last person you slept with in this group of people."

It seems like no one had a problem with it. all the boys glanced at seulgi who was smirking. Henry was so pissed right now. And the girls all waited for him to kiss them, cause jungkook slept with almost all of them and of course just once. But they didn't knew about it, they thought they're the only girl he slept with after or even before seulgi.

Yes. Before jungkook started his serious relationship with seulgi he did sleep with some of the girls and a few boys who were on this crowd right now but since seulgi, everyone saw how he stopped all of that. Well until they broke up.

Jungkook didn't care, since they were seulgi's friends mostly. He didn't really count them as his own friends, so if they flirted with him, him being a playboy he's would accept them to his bed. Well not his bed, their bed but anyways.

"What are you waiting for? Come on it's fine" the same guy who choosed the dare said though he was feeling slightly guilty that he forgot about seulgi and him.

Jungkook smirked and turned to seulgi. He then grabbed jimin's chin, who was looking at his glass, and leaned in as he heard everyone gasp.

Honestly half of them thought they're fake including seulgi and Henry and the other half thought they are not at that level yet.

Even jimin was surprised too, as soon as he heard that dare he thought kook will go to seulgi, forgetting about him and their friend with benefits relationship, and kiss her with passion.

But Here he was, sitting next to him. one hand wrapped around his waist, and the other one under his chin. Kissing him deeply. Then they heard everyone screaming or clapping.


Another good thing of choosing jimin to act as his boyfriend was that, their kiss was not awkward at all. Even opposite. So they all would believe about this boyfriend thing.

Henry was quite shocked at first, as well as seulgi. Her eyes were wide, she really thought that he would kiss him but... is this real? But i thought he's just pretending to show me he moved on, or maybe make me jealous.

They parted away slowly. Jimin looked at jungkook's eyes as asking now what? Jungkook just smiled and pecked his lips for the last time before backing away. It seemed like just by that jimin calmed down.

No one seemed to notice that because they were busy making weird sounds and whispering to eachother. No one exept taehyung, who smirked at the view in front of him. and quickly whispered to sope, letting them know as well.

"Okay now enough spin it." One of the girls who was clearly jealous said. They spoon it and it, unfortunately for jimin, pointed at him.

"Truth? Or dare?"

"Umm..." he glanced at jungkook, who was already looking at him, and he knew from that look that he shouldn't choose dare. Unless he wanna do something stupid or make out with someone in this crowd.


"Are you really his boyfriend?"

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