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"I- i need your help"

Jimin lifted his head up and put his chin on jungkook's chest instead, looking directly into his eyes.

"Now what?"

"Well umm i-" he paused, it seemed like he was hesitant to say it.

"It's fine, whatever it is. Just say it already"

"Can you.. umm..*sigh*..can you be my boyfriend for a night?"

"WHAT?" Jimin yelled as he sitted up.

"Calm down, i'll explain just calm down" jungkook put his hand over jimin's mouth to shut him.

Jimin just glared at him.

"You know how i was mad and...upset when i came here, right?" Jimin nodded. Jungkook sighed and continued.

He told him everything, everything about seulgi. How they dated for two years, how she cheated on him for two months. How she came back after a year asking for help and mocking him. How he lied about him dating someone.

"I just want to prove her, i want her to see that i moved on. But i have no one, there is not a single girl in my life and she knowes all of my friends except you."

"Did you really?" Jungkook looked at him confused.

"Did i what?"

"Did you move on?" Jimin asked wishing for a yes as an answer.

"Ofc i did, i almost forgot she exists. Untill today of course." He rolled his eyes rather dramatically. Which made jimin laugh, happy for the answer he got.

Why do i feel relieved?

"Fine, I'll help you."


"Yes" before jungkook could jump out of happiness, he continued.

"Under one condition" jungkook laid back down, slightly pouting.

"Did you notice that you are always making conditions?" He whined. Jimin chuckled.

"Well, sorry about that. But I'm serious right now"

Jungkook sighed "okay, what? What is it?"

"If she acted bitchy, you won't hold me back. Imma answer her, idc she's your ex or whatever. Ok?"

"What does that even mean? And I'm so familiar with your sassy attitude, i know no one can hold you back. Who am i to even try?" he said while holding his hands in the air as if Showing he already gave up, without even trying. They both laughed.

I know she's gonna act close to you. If that slut touches you i'm cutting her hands off. I know this feeling is weird, and i know it's called jealousy but i don't care. That night jungkook is mine.

Why do i feel happy about it? It's not like he is gonna be my real bf or smth. I wanna make seulgi regret inviting me, the second she lays eyes on jimin, she is gonna be jelous and try to do sth, I'm sure of that. But that doesn't matter now. Jimin will be with me so it's gonna be fine.

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