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 Jimin didn't know what is going on and he didn't even care

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Jimin didn't know what is going on and he didn't even care. He was in his own world untill he felt his mom's hand on his shoulder.

"Jiminie? Dear,"

Mr park looked at his wife tearing up. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I had to believe your words not some stranger's. Jimin I'm-"

"Why is he still here?" Jimin interrupted, hating hearing his mother apologizing to him. Mrs park looked at where he was looking and found nam gil still arguing with jungkook as he was showing him the way out.

"You have to leave." Mr park said to nam gil who just glared at them and looked at jungkook again "you will regret this young man I'll make sure you lose your job" and finally left.

"I can't Believe i did this to him" jungkook heard mr park mumbling to himself while looking at jimin and walking towards them as Jungkook stayed there, next to the door.

"Jungkook?" He then heard jimin's fragile voice. He looked up and saw mr park standing next to mrs park who was trying to comfort the poor boy.

"Yes hyung?" Jimin Seemed hesitated. He's still not my boyfriend, the fact that he saved me from that son of a bitch doesn't change that.

Jungkook could feel his hesitation. What's wrong? "Hyung?" He tried again. "It's just, i- i just," He couldn't even make a sentence. He just felt terrible and he knew his mother who always told him he's overreacting and lying, and his father who thought he's accusing his friend couldn't help right know.

He needed him And the second jungkook looked at the boy's eyes, which started to become teary he knew what's wrong.

"Come here" He opened his arms and smiled faintly. Jimin didn't wait any longer and ran to his arms, wrapping his arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

Mrs park felt like crying, it's all my fault. "Jungkook," the called boy opened his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him.

"Can you please carry him to his room? I think it's better if he rests for a bit." She said, collecting herself and wiping her tears.

Jungkook smiled slightly and nodded. He looked at Mr park who seemed to space out. Soon he signaled him to comfort his wife and as soon as Mr park's eyes fell on his wife, he walked to her and tried to calm her down as they went to their room.

"Jiminie? Can we go to your room?" Jimin didn't answer. "Hyung I'm in suit i need some comfy clothes." He whined which made jimin giggle a little bit.

"You are such a baby" jungkook ignored that comment for now and just listened to the heavenly sound of his giggles.

"I can't walk," jimin pouted and wrapped his hands around Jungkook's neck. "Carry me."

Jungkook chuckled "who is the baby now?" It was jimin's turn to ignore the comment. He just smiled faintly, already feeling a little better.

He expected jungkook to lift him up like how he did several times before, but instead he lifted him in bridal style this time. And he was quick to tightened his hold around the younger's neck.


"Hmm?" He started walking to jimin's room.

"You're acting like a boyfriend right now," he said ignoring his loud heartbeats. "And my parents are not here."

"So what?"

"I mean-"

"I know what you mean," he pushed the already open door wider using his foot and stepped in, walking to the bed after closing it. "But do i seem to care?"

"But i do," he said as jungkook placed him on the bed.


"Jungkook you have to stop being so nice to me, i can't handle it." Jimin closed his eyes, not daring to look at Jungkook's eyes.

"I'm starting to like you, and i know I'm not supposed to. We're just friends with benefits and I'm definitely not your type. You might not even still have moved on from seulgi and i- fuck i think i started liking you long ago, now it's even worse. I'm starting to love you jungkook and you're giving me hope by your actions. And now you should probably leave before i embarrass myself more than-"

Jimin opened his eyes and looked at the closed door, shocked.

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