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"He is

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"He is...Kim Nam gil" jimin said.

"Kim Nam gil?" Jungkook repeated the familiar name. Where did i hear that?

"Did he..do anything?" Jungkook was hesitated to ask. And he felt relieved when jimin Shaked his head.

"N-no, he stopped when my parents came"

"So your parents know?" He was shocked.

Jimin Shaked his head again. "As soon as he heard the door, he started acting. Patting my head and acting innocent. That's why when i told my parents they didn't believe me. They said I'm a kid and misunderstood his act" jimin said with teary eyes.

"Hyung" jimin shaked his head. " I'm fine" he wiped his face and continued " that's why i need your help jungkook. If you can't do it, please at least help me find someone. Can you talk with taehyung? We became kinda close but i don't think i can ask him to do this mysel-"

"It's fine, there's no need to talk with tae. I'll do this." Jungkook said interrupting jimin. He felt his chest tighten when he thought about tae and jimin acting like boyfriends.

"Thank you jungkook-ah" jimin said sweetly and hugged jungkook again. Then he get off of jungkook's lap, feeling embarrassed by the way they acted a minute ago and sat next to him on the couch.

It felt so good, for a minute i felt he really is my boyfriend. Huh wake up jimin, don't forget what he said. He doesn't believe in love. Why would he fall for you?

"Okay so i have to tell you some things," jimin started and gained jungkook's attention.

"1- i don't even know what is your job, but if my dad asked you tell him you work in a company. That's what i told my mom." Jungkook stayed silent for a moment, then nodded his head.

"2- i hate that old fuck kim nam gil so you are free to fight him as much as you want, i know you enjoy doing it." Jungkook looked at him with a 'seriously?' Look.

"3- punch him at least once, please~" jimin's serious face changed and it looked like he was begging. jungkook laughed at that. He really hates him i see. "We'll see?"

"Good," he turned serious again as jungkook snickered "4- my mom is so important, because one, she knows me well and she is smart so one wrong move and she'll know it's all fake. That means we have to be careful infront of her. Two, my dad listens to her so if she says i have to marry that man my dad is gonna be on her side, even if he doesn't want to." Jungkook nodded again listening carefully.

"5 and last don't try or act sweet just to make them like you or whatever. that's a type of people they hate."

"So what's the type they would like for you?"

"Umm... how do i say it?... a mixture of tae's gentleness and handsomeness, yoongi hyung's seriousness and coldness, hobi's humor and kindness..." jungkook waited for him to name something about him but he didn't "yeah i guess that's it." He nodded to himself and looked at jungkook.

"So i have to-"

"You know what?" He interrupted Jungkook's word, "Now that i think about it, don't do anything. Just be yourself, they'll like you." Jungkook stared at him as he slightly blushed but soon covered it.

So you mean i'm all of that? Nice, i like that. Jungkook smirked to himself.

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