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No one pov

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No one pov

The next morning, jimin was the first to wake up. He rubbed his eyes and turned around,expecting his bed to be empty. But to his surprise jungkook was still there, sleeping cutely. His hair messy and a little frown on his face. Jimin chuckled at the view and stood up. I think he was so tired yesterday.

After 15 minuets jungkook woke up. And sit on the bed still yawning. He looked around the room trying to remember yesterday. Wait- why am i still here? Where is jimin? Ah i should've leaved before he woke up. He groaned frustrated.

After he went to bathroom and dressed up, he left the room quietly. There he saw jimin in the kitchen with his phone, sitting on the table eating breakfast. He wanted to leave quickly but jimin looked up and saw him.

"Hey, you woke up." He said smiling.


"Come here i made breakfast"

"Umm thanks but i have to leave" jimin looked at jungkook for a sec and then stood up walking towards him.

"Look i know it was just a one night stand for you but..." don't say it please don't. Jungkook thought.

He looks so cute, jimin thought. "you seem cool and nice, maybe we could be friends?"

"W-what?" Jimin shrugged. "Uh s-sure, you seem nice too"

"Okay then," he took jungkook's phone from his hand and saved his number. Then pressed call so he can have his number too.

"Done, now you can have breakfast with me or you can leave if you are uncomfortable."

Jungkook paused for a second. We are friends now right? So it's okay.

He put his jacket on the couch next to him and followed jimin to the kitchen.


"So you two are just friends now?" Taehyung asked while biting on his apple.

"Yep, it's been a week now and everything is normal" jungkook was busy with his new project for college.

"Did you guys fuck after that night?" Jungkook glared at taehyung.

"I said we are friends"

"So? You could be friends with-"

"Ugh not with this shit again" jungkook groaned and interrupted his friend. He knew so well what he wanted to say.

"How many times i have to tell you? I don't need a fuck bu-" his words were interupted by the doorbell.

"Do you think that's jimin? Maybe he's horny so he came to visit." Tae winked while smirking. He went towards the door before jungkook murder him.

"Tae? Who is it?" Jungkook shouted from the living room.

"I think i better leave now,umm... sorry kook. See you tomorrow." Jungkook was shocked by taehyung's answear so he walked to the door. There he saw...

"Hello jungkook, it's been a long time"


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