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"I can't believe you're crying for this movie

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"I can't believe you're crying for this movie."

"I really wanted them to end up together." Jimin said wiping his tears. "Why did he die???" He yelled and started sobbing again.

jimin and jungkook both got a week off. Jimin has done a perfect project that almost saved the company he worked on, so his boss decided to give him some time to rest. As for jungkook, well as soon as he heard about jimin's week off, he got one.

Right now they are sitting on the L shape couch in Jungkook's house, watching a romantic movie 'five feet apart'. And as you could tell jimin being his sensitive self, cried.

"Ah here we go again." Jungkook facepalmed at the sight of jimin crying over the movie, AGAIN.

"Shut up, you cried when Tony Stark died too." Jimin snapped, making Jungkook look away and mumble "everyone cried for that"


They spent the whole week hanging out together and always ending up in bed as 'friends with benefits'

They were playing game online with others. even playing with Taehyung and Hoseok, who seemed to be together at the moment.

"Look this is important, i NEVER lose against tae."

"Don't worry, we are not gonna lose" jimin said with a devil smile. And at the end they won, both of them cheating, but who cares? Even vhope where cheating.

"YAAAAAAYYY" they yelled and jumped around the house, untill they bumped into each other. They didn't care and continued hugging each other jumping around again.

Suddenly they stopped and stared in each other's eyes. Jimin jumped in Jungkook's arms wrapping his legs around his waist and jungkook catched him. They started heading towards the bedroom as they kissed each other hungrily.

 They started heading towards the bedroom as they kissed each other hungrily

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The week was over but they didn't stop. They were in Jungkook's bedroom, Jimin was wearing his work suit cause it was lunch time and jimin came here straight from work when he heard jungkook was working at home today. Jimin leaned on jungkook's desk as he was busy kissing his neck.

"Do you think this will harm our friendship, once we started dating someone and stopped... this?" Jimin asked tilting his head to give jungkook more space.

"Maybe" jungkook started opening jimin's shirt buttons, as he trailed his kisses lower to jimin's collarbone and chest.

"We should stop this sooner." Jimin moaned when he felt Jungkook's warm mouth on his right nipple. "Probably" jungkook looked up at jimin as he pulled his hips closer to his crotch.

"Do you want to stop?"

"No" jimin didn't even hesitate to answer, as he put his hand behind Jungkook's neck pulling him close and connecting their lips together.

"No" jimin didn't even hesitate to answer, as he put his hand behind Jungkook's neck pulling him close and connecting their lips together

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"He was literally hitting on you." He said entering jimin's house, right behind him.

"So what? That girl was hitting on you too, did i say anything about it? NO." He took off his jacket, they just came back from a club.

"What? So you were jelous? That's why you were flirting with him?"

"What if i WAS flirting with him? It's none of your business." Jungkook frowned at jimin's words. It was true.

"Well, apparently I'm the person who fucks You almost everyday. We talked about this we have to stop all this if we wanna date or sleep around."

"Are you calling me a whore? What do you mean sleep around?" Jimin asked offended. He may had a few one night stand before jungkook, but he wasn't a person who would sleep with anyone he saw.

"THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN." He shouted. He was so jealous and mad, the second he saw jimin flirting with a boy and the boy touching him everywhere.

"OKAY THEN LET'S STOP IT." Jimin said, his heart almost broke at his own words.



There was silence for a few minutes, until they walked to each other, jungkook wrapped his arms around jimin's waist and jimin wrapped it around Jungkook's shirt's collar pulling him. They connected their lips, kissing harshly.

"Your are so fucking hot when you're angry." Jimin whispered between his kisses. Jimin started kissing Jungkook's neck, making hickeys.

I should've done it yesterday, then that bitch wouldn't grind her disgusting ass on jungkook's front. I'll make this everytime we have sex since now.

"Don't do that again. Do not flirt with others when I'm there." Jungkook said huskily, word by word. Jimin felt a shiver in his body. "Unless you wanna date them." Jungkook said quickly after, trying to hide his possessiveness for the boy in his arms.

Jimin smiled. " then you have to push those bitches away when they're fucking grinding on you." He almost whispered, feeling a bit shy to say it out loud.

Jungkook smirked and pushed jimin to the wall. He pecked his cheek "Okay baby" Jimin's heart skipped a beat at the pet name. Suddenly jungkook kneeled in front of him, taking off his pants.

"So you WERE jelous." Jimin blushed before starting to moan when he felt a hot hole swallowing his dick.

" Jimin blushed before starting to moan when he felt a hot hole swallowing his dick

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