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"Jungkook! Jungkook stop

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"Jungkook! Jungkook stop. Aish my hand."

Suddenly jungkook turned and entered a dark empty alley. Letting go of jimin's hand, finally, instead pushing him to the wall.

"K-kook, what are you doing?"

"Shhh, please just calm me down." He was so pissed and sad at the same time. He looked like he was about to kill someone or himself in any minute.

"Come here" jimin said, signing him to go closer.so he did and jimin wrapped his arms around his neck. Jungkook thought he's gonna kiss him, but jimin put his head in the crook of his neck, hugging him tightly.

Jungkook was taken aback slightly, but to his surprise it seemed to calm him more than kissing and sex. At times like this he had no one to hug him like that, so he'd just go to club drinking and making out, that's how he became a playboy. But now....

He wrapped his arms around jimin's waist, pulling him closer and putting his head in his neck as well.

He smells so good.

They were quite for what seemed like an hour but was just three minutes. Three minutes, they just stood there in silence hugging each other.

Finally, jimin pulled away. Looking at Jungkook's face worriedly. "Are you fine?"

"Yes, i am now"

"I'm so sorry for what happened it was all my faul-"

"Hey hey stop. Nothing was your fault, actually I'm so glad that you were there with me." He said smiling.

Jimin smiled back "I'm glad to hear that." He then noticed their position they were still standing close, jimin's hands wrapped around Jungkook's neck, and his hands around his waist.

"Can i...ask something? Kinda embarrassing?" Jungkook started.

"Sure, what is it?" Jimin asked curious.

"Will you- i mean...can you continue to act like my boyfriend? Just for tonight? I really need someone right now but i know that's not my fuck buddy, for now at least."

Jimin laughed at that. "You know you could just ask to be a friend for tonight?"

"But then we can't cuddle" he pouts.

Jimin almost cooed. "What if i say it's fine to cuddle?"

"But we still can't kiss" he pouted again while whining. "Ugh nvm ignore me. I'm literally forcing you to say yes." He chuckled at himself.

Jimin couldn't handle anymore. He pecked his pout away and said "fine"

Jungkook was caught off guard "w-what? What fine?"

"Lets act like boyfriends for the rest of the night." Jungkook smiled and kissed him again, this time on the cheek, which somehow made jimin ALMOST blush.

"Come on my car is not too far. We are going to my house this time."

"U sure you wanna give me the address?"

"You are supposed to know anyway, we are friends" jimin's heart skipps a beat at that, he is happy that he's considered as a friend not just a fuck buddy. But he can't help it...

"But i might come around anytime I'm horny. Morning, midnight, afternoon. You know, i really take my benefits on this friends with benefits relationship." He says playfully as jungkook chuckles.

"You are welcomed baby." He says pecking his lips before grabbing his hand and heading to his car.

Not noticing that this time jimin DID blush.

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